The Titanomachy
The Titanomachy
The Titanomachy
Greek Mythology
The Titanomachy
Zeus had
succeeded in
tricking his father,
Cronus and had
released his
brothers and sisters
when his father
drank a magical
Zeus plots an overthrow
Nike is victory
and is often
seen with
Athena who
never puts up
with defeat.
The Cyclopes
gave the three
sons of Cronus
gifts in
payment for
their release.
The Gifts
Several years
following the
defeat of the
Titans it is said
that the Giants
raised a
The GIANTS, those creatures
that rose from the blood of
Uranus were serpent-footed,
had a thousand hands, and
being huge, they were also
invincible in their might.
There were far more Giants than