HVAC Case Study PPT Chandu
HVAC Case Study PPT Chandu
HVAC Case Study PPT Chandu
An air conditioner controls the above factors for us to achieve human comfort.
90% of the people are comfortable when the air temperature is between 18-22°C and
the %sat is between 40-65%.
An Air Handling Unit or AHU is a central air conditioner station that handles the air that, usually,
will be supplied into the buildings by the ventilation ductwork.
It is a large metal box containing a blower, heating or cooling elements, filter racks or chambers,
humidity & temperature control loops.
Chiller removes heat from a liquid via vapour-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle.
This cooled liquid flows through pipes in a building and passes through coils in air handlers, fan-
coil units, or other systems, cooling and usually dehumidifying the air in the building.
Chillers are of two kinds:
1. Air Cooled
2. Water Cooled
The Cooling tower cools the warm water by contacting with unsaturated air. The evaporation
of water mainly provides cooling.
Water-cooled chillers are normally more energy efficient than air-cooled chillers.
This unit is fitted in a slot made in the wall of the room, or more commonly a window sill.
Split Air Conditioner
The split air conditioner comprises of two parts: the
outdoor unit and the indoor unit.
The outdoor unit, fitted outside the room, houses
components like the compressor, condenser and
expansion valve.
The indoor unit comprises the evaporator or
cooling coil and the cooling fan. For this unit you
don’t have to make any slot in the wall of the room.
A split air conditioner can be used to cool one or
two rooms.
Most homes and some other buildings find the split units to be most appropriate.
In the split unit, the compressor and condenser coils are outdoors while the air
handling unit with the evaporator coil is indoors.
The air handling unit also contains the central heating systems.
The illustrate the use of split systems for a small office building. The air
handling units (AHU) with their evaporator coils and heating systems are
in a mechanical equipment room (MER)
The supply ducts are above a suspended ceiling but on the indoor side of
the roof insulation.
The air is supplied to each room through a top register or a ceiling
diffuser. Return air grilles and ducts bring the air back to the air handling
Central air conditioning is used for cooling big buildings, houses, offices, entire hotels, gyms,
movie theatres, factories etc. If the whole building is to be air conditioned, HVAC engineers find
that putting individual units in each of the rooms is very expensive making this a better option.
A central air conditioning system is comprised of a huge compressor that has the capacity to
produce hundreds of tons of air conditioning. Cooling big halls, malls, huge spaces, galleries etc.
is usually only feasible with central conditioning units.
Cooling(watts) 6350
Indoor (Kg)
Outdoor (Kg) 47
The Thermal Test Facility, National
Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado
The Thermal Test Facility, National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, Golden, Colorado
The TTF at NREL in Golden, Colorado, is a 10,000-ft2 (930-m2) steel-frame
building that is typical of many small professional buildings, industrial parks,
and retail structures.
Efficiency features include extensive daylighting through clerestory windows,
two-stage evaporative cooling, overhangs to minimize summer solar gains, T-
8 lamps, instantaneous water heaters, and a well-insulated thermal envelope.
The integrated design and energy features of the TTF have resulted in an
energy cost saving of 51% and a site energy saving of 42% as compared to
the Federal Energy Code 10 CFR 435 (DOE 1995).
The TTF cost 63% less per year to heat, ventilate, cool, and light than a code-
compliant, base-case building.
Annual site energy costs of TTF compared to base case for a typical
meteorological year (calibrated simulation)
HVAC Systems
The main air handler supplies conditioned air to three zones. One zone is located in
the low-bay (office) area, a second zone serves the west mid-bay and high-bay laboratory
areas, and a third zone conditions the east mid-bay area and a small portion of the east end
of the low-bay.
Outside air enters the building on the south mid-clerestory. The outside air is
introduced into the building only when the economizer of evaporative cooler is operating.
Ductwork from this system is short with large diffusers. In addition, the ductwork in
the building is larger than standard practice in order to reduce the pressure drop associated
with moving air through the system.
Most of the air is introduced in the low-bay area and flows through
the west mid-bay and into the highbay.
Heating is provided via parallel VAV boxes and hot water is supplied
from NREL’s central heating plant.
The building and AC system under investigation is currently undergoing a complete renovation. So far, the
first floor hosting the Surgery and Nursing department has been completed (building refurbishment and a
totally new AC system) and is now into its second year of utilisation; work on the basement and second
floor are still ongoing.
The energy analysis has been focused on optimising the operation of the Air Handling Unit (AHU) of the
Surgery department. To do so, the main operational parameters of the AHU were monitored in the April-
October 2006 period; recorded data were acquired with ad-hoc instrumentation, installed by the ESCO for
the purpose of this energy diagnosis.
General Building Data:
LocationOderzo (Treviso)
Altitude above sea level 13 m
Configuration Concrete framed
Basement: Service areas (to be completed)
First floor: Surgery and Nursing (completed)
Second floor: Cafeteria, Chapel, Office space (to be completed). HVAC eqpt room (4 AHU’s – 2 already
installed), electrical eqpt
Number of floors: Three
Floor area (Treated): 350 sq. m. (first floor)
Year of construction: Unknown
Refurbishment HVAC: 2004
Refurbishment Lighting: 2004
HVAC System: All air with HEPA filters (first floor)
Cooling System: Air-cooled, vapor-compression water chiller
Types of fuel used: Heating Gas
Cooling: Electrical
DHW: Gas
HDD : 2358 (conventional value)
HVAC System Design:
The AC system of the building is all-air (100% external), as prescribed by Italian regulations for
hospitals. When the renovation work will be complete, four AHU’s will be installed at the second
floor: the two already existing AHU’s serve the Surgery and Nursing areas, while the two future
AHU’s will respectively serve the basement and the second floor. Terminal units with HEPA filters
are present in critical areas of the first floor.
The Surgery and Nursing AHU’s are virtually identical, and include the following sections:
Outdoor air intake with pre-filter
Intermediate-fluid heat recovery deck
Pre-heating deck, Cooling deck
Steam humidifier
High efficiency filter
Supply fan
Extract fan
Three post-treatment sections with re-heating and re-cooling decks are provided
for individual control of space conditions in operating room no. 1, operating room
no. 2, and recovery area.
Chilled water is produced with an air-cooled, vapour compression water chiller
installed on the roof of the building.
The central boiler room of the hospital produces hot water for space heating and
SHW with two hot water boilers; steam for air humidification is produced with
an indirect steam generator coupled to a low-pressure, diathermic fluid steam
boiler, which also covers other steam users of the hospital.
HVAC Control Strategy:
The existing and new chillers adopt different control strategies: two regulation steps for the existing chillers,
and nine regulation steps for new chillers.
HVAC Plant Control: Continuous operation (24 hrs/day) for contamination control Set Points (operating
rooms) adjustable in the 18-24 °C +/- 1°C range
Run times of HVAC plant: Continuous
Identify HVAC zoning of building : Each space of the Surgery / Nursing areas has individual
temperature control
Details of planned maintenance: Contract maintenance as per normal standards and documentation
available on request.
Boiler room:
Data were obtained through a monitoring campaign carried out in April-October 2006, which
required the installation of ad-hoc instrumentation (temperature sensors, electricity meters, and
data loggers). Such approach was necessary since the necessary quantities were neither metered
for billing purposes, nor acquired by the existing BEMS.
Metrological problems in obtaining reliable field data were identified and solved.
Air-conditioning and ventilating systems circulating air to more than one floor or floor area shall
be provided with dampers designed to close automatically in case of fire and thereby preventing
spread of fuel or smoke
From fire safety point of view, separate air handling units for the various floors shall be provided
so as to avoid the hazards arising from spread of fire and smoke through the air-conditioning
ducts. The requirements of air-conditioning ducts shall be in accordance with good practice
DUCT SYSTEM — A continuous passageway for the transmission of air which, in addition to the
ducts, may include duct fittings, dampers, plenums, and grilles and diffusers.
REFRIGERANT — The fluid used for heat transfer in a refrigerating system, which absorbs heat
at a low temperature and low pressure of the fluid Ad rejects heat at a higher temperature and
higher pressure of the fluid, usually involving changes of, state of the fluid.
RECIRCULATED AIR — The return air that has been passed through the
conditioning apparatus before being re-supplied to the space.
Sizing and selecting a chiller is an important aspect in noise control. The following guidelines may
be considered for noise control:
For rooftop installation of chillers, these may be placed on beams connected on the elevated
levels of pillars on correctly chosen vibration isolators.
Water cooled chillers have less vibration. However, if air cooled chillers have to be chosen,
choose them with fan of less speeds and compressors must be jacketed without compromising
their ventilation requirement.
If much more silencing is required, plan a silencer on the exhaust of the fans and also an acoustic
enclosure around the chillers. Care must be taken for the additional static demand in the fan.