Router Components: Khawar Butt Ccie # 12353 (R/S, Security, SP, DC, Voice, Storage & Ccde)
Router Components: Khawar Butt Ccie # 12353 (R/S, Security, SP, DC, Voice, Storage & Ccde)
Router Components: Khawar Butt Ccie # 12353 (R/S, Security, SP, DC, Voice, Storage & Ccde)
Router Components
Router Hardware
Configuration Sources
Interfaces c
Router Bootup Sequence
Router Modes
Router Hardware
Read-Only Memory (ROM): Contains the Bootstrap program. The Bootstrap program is a small program
that looks for the Router OS and loads it. It also contains a mini-OS in case the Router OS is corrupted.
RAM: RAM on a router has the same functionality as RAM on the PC. It is used to run the OS.
Flash: Flash is like the Storage component of the Router. It generally contains the Operation System of
the Router. The Operation System on a Cisco Router is called Internetwork Operation Systems (IOS). The
IOS is stored on Flash. At the time of booting the router up, the bootstrap program loads the IOS into
RAM to run the it.
NVRAM: NVRAM is another storage component of the Cisco Router. It is used to save the Configuration
file. The name of the saved Configuration File is Startup-config. All the Router settings and
configurations are stored on this file. When a router reboots, it loads the configuration from this file. If
you don’t save your configurations before reloading the routers, your router will load as a blank router
with no configurations.
Configuration Sources -
Console Port
Console Port
This was used initially to allow remote access to the Cisco device
(Router/Switch) using a Modem. c
This is the most common method of configuring the devices after they are
initially configured thru the Console cport.
The Virtual Terminal (VTY) Lines allow remote management access to the
device using IP Protocols like Telnet and SSH.
This allows the administrator to log into the device from the comfort of his
office and configure and manage the Cisco device.
Router Interfaces
A Router generally will have 2 type of connections, LAN & WAN. PC Switch PC
The LAN connection is done using a connection type called Ethernet.
Step 2: Bootstrap program starts by running the POST (Power On Self Test) to check the hardware.
Step 5: Once the IOS is running, it takes over the control of the Router.
Step 7: If it is found, the configurations are loaded into memory the router is ready for use. In case,
it is not found (New Router), it prompts the administrator with the Initial Configuration Wizard.
Main Router Modes
User Exec Mode: This is a view only mode. This mode is for base level engineers to verify basic settings
and configurations. The Prompt on this mode will be the router name followed by the “>” sign. [ R1> ]
Privilege Exec Mode: This is predominantly a view only mode, although it does allow for basic
configurations like setting the clock. It does givecthe administrator access to all verification commands.
The Prompt on this mode will be the router name followed by the “#” sign. [ R1# ]
Global Configuration Mode: This is configuration mode of the Router. All the configuration are done
from this mode or sub-modes of the Global Configuration Mode. The Prompt on this mode has the
router name following by the word “config” is parenthesis, followed by the # sign. [R1(config)#]. The
sub-modes will have the sub-mode name after the config.
Review Exercise
1. The ______________ is stored in the Flash.
2. The ______________ file is stored on NVRAM.
3. Initial Configuration of the Cisco Router
c / Switch is done thru the _________
4. Remote configuration of the Cisco Router / Switch is done thru the _______
5. ____________ locates the IOS in flash and loads it into RAM.
6. Most of the configuration commands are done in the ____________________