Japanese Poetry: Renga, Tanka, Haiku

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R E N G A , TA N K A , H A I K U
• A traditional Japanese poem consisting of three
short lines that usually do not rhyme. (5-7-5)
• Matsuo Basho is considered the greatest Haiku
An ocean voyage,
as waves break over the bow,
the sea welcomes me.
An old silent pond…
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
• A genre of classical Japanese poetry, composed of
five lines (5-7-5-7-7)
• It is considered the oldest form of poetry.
• Themes usually about nature, love, and seasons.
• A genre of Japanese linked verse poetry, in which two or
more poets supplied alternating sections of a poem. It can
then extend to over a hundred lines.
• Renga began as the composition of a single tanka (a
traditional five-line poem) by two people.
(one supplies the first three lines of 5-7-5 syllables, and the
other supplies the last two lines with seven syllables)

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