Slides Boylestad - Ch. 7

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Slide 1 Transistor Modeling

A model is an equivalent circuit that represents the AC characteristics of the transistor.

It uses circuit elements that approximate the behavior of the transistor.

There are 2 models commonly used in small signal AC analysis of a transistor:

• re model
• hybrid equivalent model

Slide 2 Important Parameters
Zi, Zo, Av, Ai are important parameters for the analysis of the Ac characteristics of a
transistor circuit.
Slide 3 Input Impedance, Zi
[Formula 7.1]

To determine Ii: insert a “sensing resistor”

Zi 

Vs  Vi
then calculate Ii: Ii  [Formula 7.2]
Slide 4 Output Impedance, Zo
[Formula 7.5]

To determine Io: insert a “sensing resistor”

Zo 

V  Vo
Io 
then calculate Io: Rsense [Formula 7.4]
Slide 5 Voltage Gain, Av
[Formula 7.6]

For an amplifier with no load:

Av 
[Formula 7.7]
Vi RL  (opencircuit)

Note: the no-load voltage gain (AVNL) is always greater

than the loaded voltage gain (AV).
Slide 6 Current Gain, Ai
[Formula 7.9]
Ai 

The current gain (Ai) also be calculated using the voltage gain (Av):
Ai   Av [Formula 7.10]
Slide 7 Phase Relationship

The phase relationship between input and output depends on the amplifier
configuration circuit.

Common – Emitter ~ 180 degrees

Common - Base ~ 0 degrees

Common – Collector ~ 0 degrees

Slide 8 re Transistor Model

BJTs are basically current controlled devices, therefore the re model uses a diode and a
current source to duplicate the behavior of the transistor.

One disadvantage to this model is its sensitivity to the DC level. This model is designed
for specific circuit conditions.
Slide 9 Common – Base Configuration
Using a PNP transistor the Common-Base configuration and the re model:

The emitter is the input and the collector is the output.

This model indicates: Ic = Ie
Slide 10 re

re  [Formula 7.11]

where IE is the DC current.

Slide 11 Common-Base re Model

The diode in the previously shown re model can be replaced by the resistor re.
Slide 12 Impedance in Common-Base Configuration

The re model indicates:

The input impedance (Zi) is quite small:

Zi  re [Formula 7.12]

The output impedance (Zo) is quite large:

Zo   [Formula 7.13]
Slide 13 Gain calculations for the Common-Base
using the re model

Voltage Gain:
Av   [Formula 7.14]
re re
Current Gain:

Ai    1 [Formula 7.15]

The phase relationship between input and output is 0 degrees.

Slide 14 NPN Common-Base Configuration

The npn transistor will use the same calculation. The only difference is that the voltage
polarities and current directions will be the opposite.
Slide 15 Common-Emitter Configuration

The base current is the input and the collector is the output.
This model indicates:
Ic  Ib [Formula 7.16]

Ie  ( 1) Ib [Formula 7.17]

Ie  Ib [Formula 7.18]

Slide 16 Impedance in Common-Emitter Configuration

The input impedance (Zi):

Zi  re [Formula 7.19]

The output impedance (Zo):

Zo  ro [Formula 7.20]
Zo  
Slide 17 Gain calculations for the Common-Emitter
using the re model

Av  
Voltage Gain (Av): re [Formula 7.21]

Current Gain (Ai): Ai   [Formula 7.22]

ro  
Slide 18 Common-Collector Configuration

The Common-Emitter Model is used for Common-Collector.

Slide 19 Hybrid Equivalent Model

The hybrid parameters: hie, hre, hfe, hoe are developed and used to model the transistor.
These parameters can be found in a specification sheet for a transistor.
Slide 20 General h-Parameters for any
Transistor Configuration

hi = input resistance
hr = reverse transfer voltage ratio (Vi/Vo)
hf = forward transfer current ratio (Io/Ii)
ho = output conductance
Slide 21 Simplified General h-Parameter Model
The above model can be simplified based on these approximations:

hr  0 therefore hrVo = 0 and ho  

Slide 22 Common-Emitter re vs. h-Parameter Model

hie = re
hfe = 
hoe = 1/ro
Slide 23 Common-Emitter h-Parameters

hie  re [Formula 7.28]

h fe   ac [Formula 7.29]
Slide 24 Common-Base re vs. h-Parameter Model

hib = re
hfb = -
Slide 25 Common-Base h-Parameters

hib  re [Formula 7.30]

h fb    1 [Formula 7.31]

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