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Mamalia Indonesia Diversitas Dan Potensi Sebagai Reservoir Penyakit Zoonosis

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Mamalia Indonesia: Diversitas dan Potensinya

sebagai Reservoir Penyakit Zoonosis

Anang Setiawan Achmadi

Webinar Nasional
Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense
Zoonotic Disease,
Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI
Mamalia, dan
Pengembangan Vaksin
Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM. 46, Cibinong,
Covid – 19
Jawa Barat 16911
Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020
Mamalia: definisi dan
01 keanekaragamannya.

Sekilas tentang Emerging

02 Infectious Diseases.

Mamalia sebagai Reservoir Zoonosis

03 dan Potensi di Masa Depan

04 What will we do…??

01. Mamalia: definisi dan

What is Mammal?
 Mammals are animals that have
hair, are warm-blooded, and
nourish their young with milk.
 Some modern-day mammals
include PEOPLE, apes,
dogs, mice, elephants,
pandas, and many more.
01. Mamalia: definisi dan
Klasifikasi Mamalia keanekaragamannya...

WILSON AND REEDER (2005) recognised about

5420 species of living mammals which are further
sub-classified into 152 families, 1229 genera, 29
orders, and 2 subclasses.


been placed in the classification but approximately
10- 12 new species continue to be named each year.
01. Mamalia: definisi dan
01. Mamalia: definisi dan
Mamalia di Indonesia keanekaragamannya...

MARYANTO ET Al. (2019) menjelaskan

terdapat 773 jenis mamalia di Indonesia yang
terdiri atas 53 families, 262 genera, dan 18

Lebih dari 15 jenis baru mamalia dideskripsi

selama 10 tahun terakhir.
Jenis Baru
1. Rattus nikeni: an endemic rats collected from Gag island,
Papua (Maryanto et al. 2010);
2. Maxomys tajuddinii; spiny rats discovered from Borneo
and Malay peninsula (Achmadi et al. 2012);
3. Margaretamys christinae; a long and prehensile tailed rats
from Mount Mekongga (Southeast region of Sulawesi
island, Mortelliti et al. 2012),
4. Crocidura abscondita; the hidden treasure of tiny long
tailed shrews from Java island,
5. Bunomys torajae and Bunomys karokophilus, two new
species of Bunomys decribed by Musser et al. 2014 from
Sulawesi’s central core (Mt. Gandangdewata and
Sadaunta River near to Lore Lindu National Park),
6. Crocidura umbra, Javan ghost shrew that found in Mount
7. three new species of Tarsius from Sulawesi Island, namely
Tarsius spectrumgurskyae, Tarsius supriatnai, Tarsius
niemitzi which described on 2017 (Shekelle et al.
2017~spectrumgurskyae and supriatnai) and on 2019
(Shekelle et al. 2019~niemitzi from Togean Island), and
8. Crocidura caudipilosa, new species of hairy tailed shrew
from Sulawesi Island that recently described (Esselstyn et
al. 2019).
01. Mamalia: definisi dan
Most emerging infectious diseases are caused
by zoonotic pathogens. The number and
proportion of these diseases that originate in
wild animals in particular has increased
substantially in the past few decades, even
after accounting for increased reports of new
emerging infectious diseases. This trend and
recent pandemics of wildlife-origin infectious
diseases (e.g., HIV, severe acute respiratory
syndrome) suggest that targeted surveillance
efforts should focus on activities that bring
humans and wildlife in close contact (Jones et
al. 2008; Wolfe et al. 2007).

02. Sekilas tentang Emerging Infectious


Pavlin et al. 2009

0 World Health Organization 2014

15% of deaths in Indonesia

are caused by infectious disease
Indonesia is “a hotspot of zoonotic
and emerging infectious disease”. 02. Sekilas Penyakit Zoonosis
di Indonesia.
25-35% of the 60 million deaths
worldwide that occur each year
are due to infectious disease.
Penyakit Zoonosis di Indonesia… World Health Organization 2014
Emerging acute virus infections in Indonesia (de Jong et al. 2018)

Zoonotic Diseases in Indonesia…
03. Mamalia sebagai Potensi Reservoir Zoonosis

Leptospirosis JE Trypanosomiasis Hantavirus

SarsCOV 2 (COVID 19)

Catatan pertama Kasus positif yang Deteksi Trypanosoma Rikhus Vektora: Kasus
terhadap 4 jenis ditemukan pada Global Pandemic spp. pada jenis tikus di positif pada genus R.
endemik tikus Sulawesi beberapa jenis kelelawar Sulawesi dan potensinya tanezumi dan Bunomys
yang positif (Ardanto et (Rikhus Vektora 2016) sebagai penyakit sp.
al. 2018). zoonosis di masa depan.

Tentang Coronavirus

Human coronavirus merupakan

zoonotic origin atau berasal dari
hewan. Kajian coronavirus asal
hewan sangatlah krusial untuk
mengetahui potensi dan resiko
terjadinya spillover patogen ke
populasi manusia.
Empat HCoV yaitu HCoV-NL63,
HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43 dan
2 HCoV-HKU1 merupakan penyebab
flu biasa sedangkan tiga yang lain
yaitu SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 dan
MERS-CoV bersifat fatal.
Kajian coronavirus perlu dilakukan   ?
secara berkelanjutan pada satwa liar. ? SARS-CoV-2

Selain itu, kajian kekerabatan dan

3 transmisi interspesies pada suatu Gambar dimodifikasi dari Fig 2., Cui et al. 2019

ekosistem belum pernah dipelajari.

04. What will we do??

Who does what?

– multiparticipatory stakeholders, better coordination, multiple
collaborations and coordinations

One Health Concept

Implementasi OH diseluruh lembaga/instansi secara berkelanjutan.

Deteksi, Surveilans, dan Pemetaan

Deteksi dan inventarisasi penyakit zoonosis atau EID dari satwa liar
maupun domestic . Serta pengembangan One Map ZD yang
terintegrasi dengan database di seluruh dunia .

Stop Wildlife Trade

Menjaga kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia .
Any questions?
You can find me at:
[email protected]


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