Instructional Unit Plan Presentation

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Instructional Unit Plan


Waqar Khan

The planning for the unit is known as UNIT PLAN usually after
the year plan , the teacher plans the unit plan. So the year plan
should therefore be ready before on start preparing the unit plan.

The units include learning experiences , teacher and student resources ,

assessment ideas , and differentiation options . These units are intended to
provide support for teacher , schools , and districts as they make their own
local decisions around the best instructional plans and practices for all

 Being clear on what you want to teach.

 Being ready to cope with whatever happens.
 Give your teaching a framework , an overall shape.
 A reminder for the teacher when they get distracted
Types of instruction plan

 Long term instruction plan:

Yearly and monthly plan.
Short term instruction plans:
Weekly and daily plans
Components of a Unit Plan

Goals and Objectives
Content Outcomes
Learning Activities
Resources and Materials
How is Lesson Planning important for
the Teacher and the Learners?
For the Teacher For the Learner
 They don’t have to think on their feet  They realize that the teacher cares for
 They don’t lose face in front of their their learning
learners  They attend a structured lesson: easier to
 They are clear on the procedure to
 They appreciate their teacher’s work as a
model of well-organized work to imitate
 They build on previous teaching and
prepare for coming lessons
Advantages of Unit Plan
 The unit plan makes school work meaningful
 Unit plan provides for individual difference directed study and
remedial teaching
 Aims are clear and well defined
 It should provide activities for the student
 Its should cater the needs , interests , and capabilities of the

 All lessons must have an aim , purpose or objective

 This component of the lesson plan determine the appropriateness of a specific primary
 Motivation
 Techniques and Sequencing
 Application
 Evaluation
5 Steps Lesson Plan Template

Engage student | Connect with prior learning | Explain what student will
Anticipatory Set
learn | Connect to future learning

• Provide direct instruction of content

Introduction of new material • Model new skills
• Check for understanding

Guided practice Facilitate student work

Independent practice Assign independent classwork or home work

• Have students briefly
• Summarize their learning
Unit Planning

 Six steps for unit planning

1. Select the overall goals and the more specific objective for the unit
2. State the rationale for the unit
3. Outline or organize the content
4. Plan a sequence of daily lessons with appropriate instructional activities
5. Plan and prepare for ways the students will be evaluated
6. Gather and prepare the materials needed for instruction
Characteristics of Good Lesson Plan
 Should have clearly stated objectives.
 To be linked with previous knowledge of students
 Should show and specify illustrative aids
 Should contain suitable organized subject matter
 Should be divided into units
 It should not make the students passive learner
Lesson Planning Process

Reflect Goal Setting

Consider Learner Variability - UDL


Select Assessment

Select Methods /
Materials / Media

Unit planning came into existence as a rebellion against treating a

single class as a unique entity . Unit planning is a comprehensive
planning for the instruction of a ‘unit’ of study . Its position is in
between the year and a lesson plan

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