Presentation On Communication Skills
Presentation On Communication Skills
Presentation On Communication Skills
Communication Skills.
Group -1
Members are
1. Talented Trushit Shah
2. Kind Krunal Katwala
3. Loveable Lajja Shah
4. Smart Siddharth Jain
5. Knowledgeable Kanchi Tulsan
6. Rich Ruchika Ashar
7. Krutika Singani
8. Nervousless Niraj
Introduction to Communication
• Derived from Greek word ‘communis’ i.e. to share information and
ideas to create mutual understanding between two or more people.
Lajja Shah
Advantages of Communication
• Advantages of good Communication are mentioned below:
• 1. Improved productivity:
Clear instructions give clarity of thought to recipient thus
he/she knows what is to be done and how things are to be done,
this improves productivity as well as efficiency.
• 2. Positive feeling:
Positive thinking is essential in attitude building. It helps us feel
good about ourselves and others.
• 3. Mutual respect:
It leads to the development of mutual respect with others which
in turn builds a solid relationship.
• 4. Self-esteem:
It increases our self-esteem since there is mutual respect.
Siddharth Jain
• 5. Enhanced creativity and efficiency:
• Once a person knows exactly what is to be done his entire mind
is focused on how the job is to be done. This gives rise to
creativity and efficiency.
Siddharth Jain
• The fundamental objective of communication is to build up
negotiation, integrity and harmony amidst the heterogeneous
mass of people.
Lajja Shah
Barriers of Communicatios
• Many people think that communicating is easy.
• It is after all something we've done all our lives.
• What makes it complex, difficult, and frustrating are
the barriers we put in the way.
• Here are the 7 top barriers.
Physical barriers
• Physical barriers in the workplace include marked out territories,
empires and fiefdoms were strangers are not allowed
• closed office doors, barrier screens, separate areas for people of
different status
Perceptual barriers
• The problem with communicating with others is that we all see the
world differently. If we didn't, we would have no need to
communicate: something like extrasensory perception would take
its place.
Krutika Sangani
Emotional barriers
• One of the chief barriers to open and free communications is
the emotional barrier. It is comprised mainly of fear, mistrust
and suspicion.
Cultural barriers
• When we join a group and wish to remain in it, sooner or later we
need to adopt the behaviour patterns of the group. These are
the behaviours that the group accept as signs of belonging.
Language barriers
• Language that describes what we want to say in our terms may
present barriers to others who are not familiar with our
expressions, buzz-words and jargon.
Gender barriers
• There are differences between the speech patterns of a man
and a woman. A woman speaks 22,000 to 25,000 words a day
whereas a man speaks 7,000 to 10,000. In childhood, girls speak
earlier than boys and at the age of three, have a vocabulary
twice that of boys.
Krutika Sangani
Interpersonal barriers
• There are six levels at which people can distance themselves
from one another:
1. Withdrawal
2. Rituals
3. Pastimes
4. Working
5. Games
6. Closeness
That way, you can break down the barriers that get in your way
and start building relationships that really work.
Krutika Sangani
Communication and Corporate World
• Communication Skills play an important role in today's corporate world
and can help you boost your career.
• Other things like culture and different situations should also be taken
into consideration.
Kanchi Tulsan
• Certain Points to remember while communicating in the
Corporate World.
Kanchi Tulsan
Active Listening
Listening is a general consensus among the people. However, very
few people are good listeners. Hearing is done through ears
whereas listening is by the mind. It is in this scenario that
active listening comes to the fore.
Krunal Katwala
Guidelines For Active Listening
• Have an open mind.
• Staying involved.
• Careful Observations.
• Staying focused.
Krunal Katwala
Qualities of Good Speaker
• Voice
Voice is one of the most important element to be a good speaker.
Voice of the speaker reveals his education, training,
temperament. The clearer the voice the more effective is the
• Eye Contact
Eye Contact is very important in face to face communication. In
different situations, our eyes adopt different postures. Hence it
is one of the qualities required to be a good speaker.
• Gestures
The movement of our hands, legs, torso and head are called
gestures. A proper gesture adds value to the speech.
Niraj Tondwalkar
• Pause
A good speaker avoids speaking at length. Pausing at the right moment is helpful in gaining
the attention of the audience about the upcoming subject. However frequent pause show
be avoided.
• Confidence
A good speaker is always/needs to be confident and should have well knowledgeable about
the topic he is speaking about and be able to hold his audience. he should engage the
audience so that none of them loses interest in the speech and the time spent is
effective for both the speaker
• Good Reader
A good speaker should be a good reader has he can come across some new words which
can add flavor in his speech.
Niraj Tondwalkar
• An Active Listener,
• An Effective Presenter,
• A Quick Thinker.
• A Win-Win Negotiator
Trushit Shah
• Derived from Greek word ‘communis’ i.e. to share
• With Positive feelings and mutual respect with each other organization
can improved its efficiency and its productivity.
Trushit Shah
• Active Listening avoids misunderstanding and there by build strong
interpersonal relationships.
• For active listening you needs to have an open mind, pay attention,
clarifications for things not understood, staying involved and staying
• Good speaker should have qualities like to have clear voice, body
language and gestures, pause and good reader.
• Trushit Shah