Tumor Solid: Dr. Asrul, SPB-KBD Bahan Kuliah FK Umsu
Tumor Solid: Dr. Asrul, SPB-KBD Bahan Kuliah FK Umsu
Tumor Solid: Dr. Asrul, SPB-KBD Bahan Kuliah FK Umsu
Benign tumors
Well differentiated
Malignant tumors
Range from well to poorly differentiated
Hallmarks of anaplasia:
Cells and nuclei show pleomorphism
Cells contain abundant DNA, coarse, clumped chromatin
Large NC ratio (1:1) rather than (1:4)
Large nucleoli
Large # of mitoses
Precancerous condition in epithelial tissue
Anaplastic cells in epithelium
Dysplasia does not always progress to cancer
Rate of Growth
Benign tumors
Generally grow slowly over a period of years
Malignant tumors
Grow rapidly at an erratic pace
Local Invasion
Benign tumors
grow as cohesive, expanding masses that remain
localized to site of origin
Do not have capacity to metastasize to distant sites
Frequently are surrounded by a fibrous cap
Malignant tumors
Grow with progressive infiltration, invasion and
destruction of host tissue
Poorly demarcated from surrounding normal tissue
Surface Stromal
Parenchyma (papilloma)
I- Epithelial
benign epithelial neoplasms producing
microscopically or macroscopically visible
finger-like or warty projections from epithelial
Squamous cell papilloma
it has a multiple finger-like projection with a
fibrovascular core
composed of hyperplastic typical squamous
Squamous papilloma: the most common
benign exophytic epithelial lesion of the oral cavity.
Squamous cells papilloma
benign or malignant neoplasm which
produces a macroscopically visible projection
above a mucosal surface and projects, for
example, into the gastric or colonic lumen
The term polyp is preferably restricted to
benign tumors.
Malignant polyps are better designated
polypoid cancers.
Colonic polyp. A, This benign glandular tumor (adenoma) is projecting
into the colonic lumen and is attached to the mucosa by a distinct
stalk. B, Gross appearance of several colonic polyps.
Adenomatous polyp (large
Villous adenoma
Malignisated adenoma
Ulcerated carcinoma
Can be large
Usually encapsulated in superficial soft tissues
Soft, mobile, and painless (except angiolipoma)
Bright yellow fat separated by fine fibrous trabeculae
Except for the circumscription, the appearance is
indistinguishable from that of normal fat.
Mature adipose tissue - no cellular atypia
May present: fat necrosis, infarction, calcification
Important not to confuse histiocytes associated with fat
necrosis with lipoblasts
Rarely foci of mature metaplastic: cartilage,bone
Ultrastructurally: univacuolar mature adipocytes
Chondroid lipoma
Spindle cell lipoma
Pleomorphic lipoma.
Lypoma Lyposarcoma
Chondroid lipoma
Pleomorphic lypoma
Definition: benign stromal tumor mainly composed
of mature smooth muscle bundles
leios = smooth muV = (myo) mouse or muscle oma = tumor
Were first described by Virchow in 1854
cutaneous leiomyomas: located in dermis,
characteristically superficial, small, multiple, and
genital leiomyomas: solitary or multiple
vascular leiomyomas (angioleiomyomas)
deep-seated leiomyomas of nonvascular type:
extremities and also pelvic region of females
Gross Pathology
≈30% multiple
if predominantly unilateral designated Ollier's disease
associated with ovarian sex cord–stromal tumors
Adult Rhabdomyoma
Cells: well differentiated
rounded or polygonal
some have features of ‘spider cells'
abundant, acidophilic
contains variable amounts of lipid and glycogen
cross striations
Very cellular
Formed by:
immature skeletal muscle fibers: some containing cross
primitive mesenchymal cells
Development equivalent to fetal skeletal muscle of
7–12 weeks’ gestation
No nuclear aberrations
Mitoses rare
Have been divided into:
Fetal rhabdomyoma
Definition: group of entities which has a common
morphologic characteristic, form well-differentiated
blood vessels with endothelia and pericytes, and
have a limited proliferative capacity.
Gray zone between hamartomatous malformations and
true neoplasms
Frequently designated as tumors because:
usually localized
mass effect
Can become very large
child: many present at birth
when multiple (with or without associated lesions in
internal organs) or affecting a large segment of
body known as (multifocal) angiomatosis
head and neck area: >50%, but also trunk
or extremities
Classification According To Clinical
Appearance And Caliber Of Vessel
Capillary hemangioma:
small vessels of capillary caliber
any organ
Cavernous hemangioma:
larger vessels with cystically dilated lumina
thin walls
Large-vessel hemangioma:
may be composed of:
vessels with structure of veins (venous hemangiomas) or
arteriovenous hemangiomas)
Skeletal muscle (intramuscular) hemangioma
Spindle cell hemangioma:
currently classified as benign endothelial neoplasm,
but variously described as:
low-grade angiosarcoma
non-neoplastic lesion related to a vascular
Hobnail hemangioma
hemangiomul cavernos
Lobular Capillary Hemangioma
skeletal hemangioma
Sinusoidal hemangioma.
The vascular spaces are
widely dilated
melanocytic nevi
compound nevi
eventually, most junctional nevi grow into the underlying
form pure.
maturation= nevus cells from the dermo-epidermal
junction progressive growth into the underlying dermis
more superficial nevus cells
less mature, larger,
tend to produce melanin,
grow in nests,
deeper nevus cells
more mature,
are smaller, fusiform contours
produce little or no pigment
grow in cords, fascicles resembling neural tissue.