Crazy Eddie, Inc: Case 1.6
Crazy Eddie, Inc: Case 1.6
Crazy Eddie, Inc: Case 1.6
Case 1.6
Crazy Eddie Facts
High school drop out at age sixteen. Began his career by peddlimg TVsets in
his Brooklyn neighborhood.
Famous for his “crazy” sales tactics and advertisements. Sometimes he would
lock the door until the customer bought an item. His TV and radio ads were
memorable as well as annoying.
Most distinctive trait was his inability to trust anyone outside his large extended
family; evidenced by their appointment as officers of his company.
In the early 1980s, sales of electronics exploded. Crazy Eddie had seven distinct
product lines by 1987.
In 1984, Crazy Eddie went public. It took the underwriting firm more than a
year to publicly offer the stock as they found the company’s financial records to
be in disarray (extensive related party transactions, interest-free loans to
employees, highly speculative investments, and numerous family member
Crazy Eddie Facts, cont’d
Once public, Antar strived to convince the world that his firm was financially strong
and well managed. His efforts worked as analysts from prominent investment firms
wrote glowing reports regarding Crazy Eddie’s management team and the company’s
bright prospects for the future.
In 1986, Antar resigned as company president after realizing more than $50 M on the
sale of Crazy Eddie stock. In his absence, the company’s financial condition
worsened rapidly.
Shortly after a hostile takeover in November 1987, a physical inventory count
revealed a $65 M shortage of inventory that equaled the total profits reported by
Crazy Eddie since going public in 1984.
What were Antar’s tactics for accounting irregularities? He required subordinates to
book false entries (sales and inventory that didn’t exist) and prepare inventory count
sheets for items that did not exist.
Four different accounting firms audited Crazy Eddie’s financial statements over its
turbulent history.
Crazy Eddie Facts, cont’d
Main Hurdman supposedly “lowballed” to obtain the Crazy Eddie audit. The
accounting firm’s objectivity was questioned as it audited the inventory
system that it developed itself. Their independence was questioned because
many of Crazy Eddie’s accountants were former members of that accounting
During court cases, it was revealed that Antar and his associates engaged in a
large-scale plan to deceive the auditors (collusion). They destroyed
incriminating physical documents to conceal inventory shortages; stopped
using the sophisticated, computer based inventory system and returned to the
old manual system to make it more difficult to find irregularities; and shipped
inventory from store to store just before they were to have inventory counts.
When finally caught in May 1994, Antar was sentenced to 12 years in prison
and ordered to pay restitution of $121 M to former stockholders and creditors.
Financial Analysis and Red Flags
Student 1
Cra zy Ed die, I nc.
Common Size Balance Sheet
(000's omitted)
Current liabilities
Accounts payable $ 17% 41% 35% 55%
Notes payable - - - 8%
Short-term debt 17% 2% 1% 0%
Unearned revenue 1% 3% 2% 2%
Accrued expenses 2% 13% 13% 17%
Total current liabilities $ 37% 59% 51% 82%
Long-term debt 3% 6% 12% 0%
Convertible subordinated debentures 27% - - -
Unearned revenue 1% 1% 1% 1%
Stockholder's equity
Common stock 0% 0% 0% 0%
Additional paid-in capital 20% 14% 19% 2%
Retained earnings 12% 19% 17% 15%
Total stockholder's equity $ 32% 34% 36% 17%
Total liabilities and
stockholder's equity $ 100% 100% 100% 100%
Crazy Eddie, I nc.
Common Size Income Statement
(000's omitted)
Current liabilities
Accounts payable $ 50,022 51,723 (1,701) -3.3%
Notes payable - - - -
Short-term debt 49,571 2,254 47,317 2099.2%
Unearned revenue 3,641 3,696 (55) -1.5%
Accrued expenses 5,593 17,126 (11,533) -67.3%
Total current liabilities $ 108,827 74,799 34,028 45.5%
Long-term debt 8,459 7,701 758 9.8%
Convertible subordinated debentures 80,975 - 80,975 100.0%
Unearned revenue 3,337 1,829 1,508 82.4%
Stockholder's equity
Common stock 313 280 33 11.8%
Additional paid-in capital 57,678 17,668 40,010 226.5%
Retained earnings 35,269 24,673 10,596 42.9%
Total stockholder's equity $ 93,260 42,621 50,639 118.8%
Total liabilities and
stockholder's equity $ 294,858 126,950 167,908 132.3%
Cra zy Edd i e, I nc.
Analytical Review: Balance Sheet
Year Ended March 2, 1986
(000's omitted)
Current liabilities
Accounts payable $ 51,723 23,078 28,645 124.1%
Notes payable - - - -
Short-term debt 2,254 423 1,831 432.9%
Unearned revenue 3,696 1,173 2,523 215.1%
Accrued expenses 17,126 8,733 8,393 96.1%
Total current liabilities $ 74,799 33,407 41,392 123.9%
Long-term debt 7,701 7,625 76 1.0%
Convertible subordinated debentures - - - -
Unearned revenue 1,829 635 1,194 188.0%
Stockholder's equity
Common stock 280 134 146 109.0%
Additional paid-in capital 17,668 12,298 5,370 43.7%
Retained earnings 24,673 11,429 13,244 115.9%
Total stockholder's equity $ 42,621 23,861 18,760 78.6%
Total liabilities and
stockholder's equity $ 126,950 65,528 61,422 93.7%
Cra zy Edd i e, I nc.
Analytical Review: Balance Sheet
Year Ended March 3, 1985
(000's omitted)
Current liabilities
Accounts payable $ 23,078 20,106 2,972 14.8%
Notes payable - 2,900 (2,900) -100.0%
Short-term debt 423 124 299 241.1%
Unearned revenue 1,173 764 409 53.5%
Accrued expenses 8,733 6,078 2,655 43.7%
Total current liabilities $ 33,407 29,972 3,435 11.5%
Long-term debt 7,625 46 7,579 16476.1%
Convertible subordinated debentures - - - -
Unearned revenue 635 327 308 94.2%
Stockholder's equity
Common stock 134 50 84 168.0%
Additional paid-in capital 12,298 574 11,724 2042.5%
Retained earnings 11,429 5,600 5,829 104.1%
Total stockholder's equity $ 23,861 6,224 17,637 283.4%
Total liabilities and
stockholder's equity $ 65,528 36,569 28,959 79.2%
Crazy Eddie, I nc.
Analytical Review: Income Statement
Year Ended March 1, 1987
(000's omitted)
– Cutoff
Irregularities, cont’d
Bogus Debit Memos for Accounts Payable
– Analytical procedures
Scan detail for debit memos
Inquire as to nature
– Cutoff
Irregularities, cont’d
Inclusion of consigned goods in inventory
– Physical observation
Inquire with client personnel
– Review correspondence
Possible confirmation (SAS 67)
Changing Industry and Lowballing
Student 3
Retail Consumer Electronics Industry
During the early 1980s, the electronics industry was undergoing
dramatic changes.
How do the changes within an industry affect audit planning
– The primary concern involves the increased inherent risk of the audit.
In this particular case, the electronics industry introduces the possibility
of inventory obsolescence. The correct response to these demands
would be different staffing of the audit team. For instance, the audit team
may consist of several seniors and managers rather than the typical team,
which includes staff accountants and seniors.
– In addition, audit planning involves developing an overall strategy for the
expected conduct and scope of the audit. (AU 311).
Discussion of Audit Planning (cont’d)
– Moreover, the audit planning varies with the size and complexity of the
entity, experience with the entity, and knowledge of the entity’s business.
The auditor should obtain a level of knowledge of the entity’s business
that will enable him to plan and perform his audit in accordance with
GAAS. That level of knowledge should enable him to obtain an
understanding of the events, transactions, and practices that may have
a significant effect on the financial statements . The knowledge helps
the auditor identify areas that need special consideration; assess
conditions under which accounting data are produced, processed,
reviewed, and accumulated; evaluate the reasonableness of estimates;
and make judgments about the appropriateness of accounting
Discussion of Audit Planning (cont’d)
The auditor should also obtain a knowledge of matters that relate
to the nature of the entity’s business, its organization, and operating
characteristics. These matters include types of business; types
of products and services; capital structure; related parties;
locations; and production, distribution, and compensation methods.
Additional consideration should be given to the economic conditions,
gov’t regulations and changes in technology.
That knowledge is ordinarily obtained through experience with the entity
or industry and inquiry of personnel of the entity. Working papers from
prior years may provide some additional insight about the entity and
its industry. Other sources that the auditor may consult include AICPA
accounting and auditing guides, industry publications, F/S of other
entities in the industry, textbooks, periodicals, and individuals with
knowledge of the industry (specialists).
The Importance of Understanding the Clients Industry
In the case of Crazy Eddie, Inc., understanding the clients industry was
of utmost importance in detecting errors and misstatements in the financial
More specifically, the inventory account should have been examined carefully
due to the nature of technology and the potential for obsolete inventory.
In addition, a closer look into the transactions of Crazy Eddie, Inc. may have
potentially uncovered some of the problems with the inventory account.
For instance, the practice of buying electronics at wholesale prices and
selling them for just below retail to competitors does not seem to be a
normal industry practice for a retail electronics dealer.
Furthermore, the examination of Crazy Eddie’s distribution methods may have
uncovered the stockpiling of inventory scheme that enabled the corporation to
overstate the inventory balance by $65 million.
Another factor involves the hiring of family members to run the corporation,
which was experiencing a period of phenomenal growth.
Lowballing and Its Effects on Audits
employ this practice is to ensure that 0
Student 4
Audit Sampling