L2 (RrangeAndQDforFD

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Computation of Range and Quartile Deviation from Frequency Distribution.

Example 4.2(ii) Find the absolute and relative measures of Range and Quartile Deviation from the following frequency distribution

Marks 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99

Number of 8 87 190 304 211 85 20

Markes Frequency Class boundaries Cumulative
• Solution ( fi ) (Marks) Frequency
( Fi )
• First we make columns of
30-39 8 29.5-39.5 8
class boundaries
and cumulative 40-49 87 39.5-49.5 95
frequency distribution
• Each class boundary is 50-59 190 49.5-59.5 285
obtained as
60-69 304 59.5-69.5 589
Lower limit-0.5 i.e.
30-0.5 = 29.5
70-79 211 69.5-79.5 800
Upper limit-0.5 i.e.
39+0.5 = 39.5 80-89 85 79.5-69.5 885
F1 = f1 = 8
90-99 20 89.5-99.5 905
F2 = f1+f2 = 8+87 = 95
and so on
•The Range which is an absolute measure of dispersion, so

R = xm- x1= largest class boundary- smallest class boundary

= 99.5-29.5 = 60 marks
Relative Measure of Range i.e.

Coefficient of Range = =
x x
m 0 99.5  29.5 70
  0.54
•Quartile Deviation, which is an absolute measure of dispersion is
x x
m 0 99. 5  29.5 129
Q.D = , where

Q1 = marks of ( n/4 = 905/4)th
226.25th student which
 student i.e.
corresponding to a the value in the class
(49.5-59.5), 2


h n 10
l (  c)  49.5  (226.25  90)  49.5  6.9  56.4
f 4 90
• Similarly,
• Q3 = marks of 3n/4 th student
• = 3(906)/4 i.e. 678.75th student which
belongs to class ( 69.5-79.5)
• Therefore
h 3n
Q3  l  f ( 4 c)  69.5(678.75589)  69.5 4.2  73.7
So the coefficient of quartile deviation is
Q Q 73.7  56.4 17.3
Q.D.  3 1
   0.13
Q Q
3 1
73.7  56.4 130.1

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