FABM1 Lesson2-1 Branches of Accounting

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Branches of


Fundamentals of Accounting, Business and

Management 1

Who do you think is/are involved in the
preparation of the financial report?
Philippine Institute of certified Public Accountants

An association of Certified Public Accountants engaged

in the various fields of accounting. PICPA classifies theses
field or branches of accounting into 4 main sectors namely:
– Public Accounting
– Private Accounting (commerce and industry)
– Government Accounting
– Accounting Education
Public Accounting

– External Auditing
– Tax Preparation and Planning Service
– Management Advisory Services
Private Accounting

– Financial Accounting
– Cost Accounting
– Budgeting
– Accounting Information System
– Tax Accounting
– Internal Auditing
Government Accounting

– Is a system used in government offices

to record and report financial
Accounting Education

– Responsible in training future accountants. It engages in teaching accounting,

financial management, taxation, and other related business courses.

– Commission on Higher Education (CHED):

“should possess educational qualification, professional experiences, classroom and
teaching ability, computer literacy, scholarly research productivity, and other
attributes that are essential for the successful conduct of a professional accounting
Accounting and Its Environment

Branches of Accounting
Financial Accounting Management Government
Accounting Accounting
Incorporates cost Concerned with the
accounting data and identification of the
Focused on the adapts them for sources and uses of
recording of specific decisions resources consistent
business which management with the provisions of
transactions and may be called upon city, municipal,
the periodic to make. MA system provincial or national
preparation of incorporates all types laws.
reports on financial of financial and non-
position and results financial information
of operations from a wide range of

Accounting and Its Environment

Branches of Accounting
Auditing Tax
Includes the It deals with the
preparation of tax collection, allocation
An independent returns and the and control of the
examination on the consideration of the cost of producing
fairness and tax consequences of specific goods and
reliability of the proposed business services. One of the
reports that transactions or main sub branches of
management alternative courses of management
submits to users action accounting.
outside the
business entity.

Accounting and Its Environment

Branches of Accounting

Accounting Education Accounting Research

Deals with the creation
Deals with the
of new knowledge
promulgation of
accounting knowledge
to various interested
parties that will aid
them in achieving
their individual goals.

Branches of Accounting

– Auditing
– Bookkeeping
– Cost Bookkeeping, Costing and Cost Accounting
– Financial Accounting
– Financial Management
– Taxation
– Government Accounting

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