Competition Brief AND Guidelines: BY: Madhumitha.E 160101601023
Competition Brief AND Guidelines: BY: Madhumitha.E 160101601023
Competition Brief AND Guidelines: BY: Madhumitha.E 160101601023
Competition Theme
This year Transparence is looking at the modernization of railway stations - an initiative
already being put into action by the Indian Government.
The theme of Transparence 14.0 is “RAILPORT: Future-Ready”
A railway station is no longer just a place to book tickets and board or de-board a train. It
has become one of the leading service-oriented industries in the country, offering
employment to many, by becoming the center of many service-providing industries,
innovations and start-ups. Stations are expanding to accommodate various facilities for
passengers, to allow for the diverse socio-economic demographics of the end-users.
Modernization of railway infrastructure not just cater to the present demands, but to
accommodate the projected needs of future generations in the next 40 years – which also
includes considerable increase in footfall. This requires adequate services for the
increased number of passengers as well as efficient security systems and management of
passenger circulation and vehicular movements.
Main station building that includes offices and services of Indian railways, public
for the passengers, distinct entry and exits
The common concourse level that connects to all the platforms and has various
amenities for the passengers
A typical platform design providing different services for passengers. Only a 50 meters long
stretch of the typical platform to be detailed out.
2. MACRO: Overall (conceptual) master planning of the railway station precinct,
Urban blocks ONLY on Parcel 1 for commercial use: Only a volumetric indication is
Buildings need not be detailed out.
Circulation and landscaping: Only designation of areas as green, built-up, paved etc. is
expected and not detailed landscape plans or master-plans.
allocatedsurface parking
for parking and+conceptual
public parking
for the structure.
structure. Demarcate the site
• Permissible Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 1.0
• This FAR is applicable on the entire 56.7 hectares of land. The development air rights
• of the railway station are transferable to the development parcels i.e. a maximum of 5,67,000m2 total built
up area can be developed on Parcel 1 and for the railway station building.
• Total Built-up Area 5,67,000m2
• Maximum Built-up Area of Railway Station building 36,500m2
• Maximum Built-up area for master plan development 5,30,500m2
• Maximum Permissible Ground Coverage (only for parcel 1+2) 30%
• Maximum Permissible Height N/A
• Heights for:
Competition Format
• Transparence 14.0 is open to undergraduate students of architecture and design. Recent graduates from 2019 are also eligible to participate.
• Teams to comprise of a maximum of three members.
• It is a two-stage competition, First stage: Regional Juries – North, South, East and West. Second Stage: Grand Finale.
• Teams will be shortlisted by an online jury and would be invited to present (closed jury) at the Regional jury. The venue for the first stage regional juries
will be communicated to all the participants.
• Top two teams from each region would be invited to the Grand Finale to make a presentation before a selected panel of jury.
• Submission Format
• A maximum of twelve A3 sheets (landscape orientation) with a readable scale of drawing and legible text. All sheets are to be compiled into a SINGLE
PDF (25MB maximum).
• Your name or any identification should not feature on the sheets. The pdf file should be named by the participants’ first names followed by the college
name. For instance if abc is the participant from xyz college, the file name would be “abc_xyz”. In case, abc is sending multiple entries, the subsequent
files will be names as “abc1_xyz” “abc2_xyz” and so on. We will assign ID numbers to each submission to ensure anonymity.
• Please restrict your word limit on the sheets to 100-150 words per sheet.
• Include the North arrow for the plans and a graphical scale for ALL drawings.
• Include a summarized area statement of your design with reference to the byelaws on not more than single A4 sheet.
• Please note again that the site, brief and theme provided to you is for purely academic purposes and is hypothetical in nature. It is advisable to direct any
questions regarding the competition to Team Ethos only.
Evaluation Criteria
• Concept and design intent
• Originality
• Response to the context
• Area program: Understanding the working and circulation of passengers and vehicles within a railway station.
• Efficient use of space: Macro and micro design solutions
• Hierarchy of spaces
• Efficient use of renewable resources such as water and energy.
• Translation of concept to final design.
• Regional Winners: Rs.20000/- per team, a certificate and an opportunity to win the coveted National Trophy.
• National Winner: Rs.75000/- per team, a trophy and a certificate.
• National First Runner-up: Rs.50000/- per team, a trophy and a certificate.
• National Second Runner-up: Rs.25000/- per team, a trophy and a certificate.
• All participants with submissions that are found technically complete by the jury will be awarded a certificate.
• Important Dates
December 16th, 2019 (Monday)
• Registrations last date:
• Last date of submission: 11.55pm December 22nd, 2019 (Sunday)