History of Hygiene Oo
History of Hygiene Oo
History of Hygiene Oo
There are many Personal Home hygiene Medical hygiene Food and water
types of hygiene hygiene
including :
• Home hygiene pertains to the hygiene practices that prevent or minimize
the spread of disease at home and other everyday settings such as social
settings, public transport, the workplace, public places, etc.
Ever since chemicals and preservatives were added to food to
maintain its taste and cleanliness, attention has been paid to its
safety. Traditional methods of salting, smoking or fermenting food
to maintain it have led to some common ways of adding flavour
but these methods are now subject to their own food safety
• Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food borne illness.
This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. Food can transmit disease
from person to person as well as serve as a growth medium for bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Debates on genetic food
safety include such issues as impact of genetically modified food on health of further generations and genetic pollution of
environment, which can destroy natural biological diversity. In developed countries there are intricate standards for food
preparation, whereas in lesser developed countries the main issue is simply the availability of adequate safe water, which is usually
a critical item.
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4000 BC – Egyptian women 2800 BC – Some of the earliest 1550-1200 BC – The Ancient
apply galena mesdemet (made of signs of soap or soap-like Israelites took a keen interest in
copper and lead ore) and 3000 BC – The Ancient Romans products were found in clay hygiene. Moses gave the
malachite to their faces for invented lead-lined water pipes cylinders during the excavation Israelites detailed laws
color and definition. and tanks. The rich paid private of ancient Babylon. Inscriptions governing personal cleanliness.
water companies for their on the side of the cylinders say He also related cleanliness to
drinking water and other water that fats were boiled with ashes, health and religious purification.
needs, although it wasn’t much but did not refer to the purpose Biblical accounts suggest that
better than the water supply the of ‘soap’. the Israelites knew that mixing
peasants used. Most water ashes and oil produced a kind of
systems where made from elm hair gel.
trunks and domestic pipes lined
with lead. Water was stored in
large lead tanks and often
became stagnant.
1500 BC – Records show that 1200-200 BC – The ancient Greeks 1000 BC – Grecians whitened their 600 BC – Ancient Greeks start
ancient Egyptians bathed regularly. bathed for aesthetic reasons and complexion with chalk or lead face using public baths. In The Book of
The Ebers Papyrus, a medical apparently did not use soap. Instead, powder and fashioned crude lipstick the Bath, Françoise de Bonneville
document from about 1500 B.C they cleaned their bodies with out of ochre clays laced with red wrote, “The history of public baths
describes combining animal and blocks of clay, sand, pumice and iron. begins in Greece in the sixth
vegetable oils with alkaline salts to ashes, then anointed themselves century BC” where men and women
form a soap-like material used for with oil, and scraped off the oil washed in basins near places of
treating skin diseases, as well as for axnd dirt with a metal instrument exercise. The Ancient Greeks also
washing. known as a strigil. They also used start using chamber pots. Used from
oil with ashes. at least 600 BC by ancient Grecians,
they’ve been used up till around the
18th century all over the world.
• 300 BC – Wealthy Ancient Romans began to use wiping techniques in their
toilet habits. Common materials used were wool and rosewater. About 100
years later, the more common Romans used a sponge soaked in salt water.
• 19 BC – Anicient Romans began to use public baths. Agrippa (Emperor
Augustus’ right-hand man) built the first public baths called Thermae in the
year 19 BC. They increased in number rapidly; at least 170 were operating in
Rome by the year 33 BC, with more than 800 operating at the height of their
• 27 BC – Ancient Romans believed in the ability of urine to remove stains.
Until the medieval period, people used lye, made of ashes and urine, to clean
their clothes.
• 100 AD – The Ancient Romans developed cesspits, usually in the cellar or
garden. In 1183 BC a Roman Emperor’s hall floor collapsed, sending dinner
guests into the cesspit where some of them, unfortunately, drowned.
400 AD – In Medieval Britain, the population had begun various habits to keep their teeth clean. This included rinsing your mouth
out with water, or a mixture of vinegar and mint, to remove gunk. Bay leaves soaked in orange flower water were also used, and
the teeth would often be rubbed with a clean cloth too.
1110 AD – In Britain, one pamphlet recommended that people keep their teeth white by rubbing their teeth with powdered fish
bones and then rinsing their mouths out with a mixture of vinegar and sulphuric acid!
1308 AD – In Britain it was common for your barber to remove problem teeth! If basic treatments didn’t fix the problem, the
barber would be removing it, without the help of novocaine! A guide for Barbers was established in 1308 teaching barbers surgery
1346-1353 AD – Black Death pandemic swept across Europe killing 40-50% of the population during a 4 year period. Likely
originating in Central Asia, it was probably spread through trade routes.
1500-1600 AD – Pale faces were
fashionable during the reign of Elizabeth
1566 – King James VI of Scotland wore
I. Ceruse was the foundation make-up
the same clothes for months on end, even
choice for both men and women in the
1400 AD – The Chinese invented toilet sleeping in them on occasion. He also kept
1 Elizibethan era, as it gave them a smooth, 2
paper. the same hat on 24 hours a day until it fell
pale look. However, it contained lead that
apart! He didn’t take a bath as he thought
seeped into the body through the skin,
it was bad for his health!
leading to poisoning. Varients with lead
have, been used for thousands of years.
1837 – 1901 – A nose-gay 1854 – In mid-18th 1858 – Hot weather struck 1861 – The modern 1920 – Lysol was sold as a
was typically a small century England, the capital in 1858, drying flushing toilet. Thomas genital disinfectant and
bouquet of flowers or a outbreaks of cholera led to up the River Thames and Crapper didn’t invent the birth control method. Lysol
sachet of herbs. It was an epidemic. A physician leaving pure sewage and flush toilet, but is ads proclaimed a host of
attached to the wrist on a called John Snow observed other wasted piled up and understood to have made benefits for every
lapel or simply held in the that cholera seemed to exposed. This was the start major contributions gynaecological need, and
hand. It would also be held spread via sewage- of ‘The Great Stink’, towards its development was the leading form of
under one’s nose for contaminated water. This forcing Parliament to close by implanting a modern birth control from 1930 to
people walking through was mostly noticed around for the day and eventually septic system that pumped 1960. Lysol is actually a
crowds. Nose-gays gained a water pump in Broad initiating a reform of the soiled waters out of the caustic poison causing
popularity during Queen Street, London. John sewerage systems and city. However this burns and itches after the
Victoria’s reign. removed the pump handle cesspits. particular subject is still first drop – most women
and the spread was heavily debated. were applying it to their
instantly contained. skin for 30 years.