What Is Not A Sentence
What Is Not A Sentence
What Is Not A Sentence
Freshman English 1
Course Instructor: Nimra Shahzad
The Phrase (In general)
• Examine the groups of words “in a corner”. It makes sense,
but not complete sense. Such a group of words, which
makes sense, but not complete sense, is called a Phrase.
People who pay their debts are trusted.
We cannot start while it is raining.
I think that you have made a mistake.
Phrases (Discussion)
A phrase is two or more words that do not
contain the subject-verb pair necessary to
form a clause. Phrases can be very short or
quite long. Here are two examples:
• After lunch
• After slithering down the stairs and across
the road to scare nearly to death Mrs. Philpot
busy pruning her rose bushes
Types of Phrases
• Certain phrases have specific names based on
the type of word that begins or governs the
word group: noun phrase, verb phrase,
prepositional phrase, infinitive phrase,
participle phrase, gerund phrase, and absolute
Noun Phrases
• A noun phrase includes a noun—a person, place, or thing—
and the modifiers—either before or after—which distinguish
it. The pattern looks like this:
• The shoplifted pair of jeans
• Pair = noun; the, shoplifted, of jeans = modifiers.
• A cat that refused to meow
• Cat = noun; a, that refused to meow = modifiers.
• Had cleaned
Had = auxiliary verb; clean = main verb; ed = verb ending.
• Should have been writing
Should, have, been = auxiliary verbs; write = main verb; ing = verb
• Must wash
Must = auxiliary verb; wash = main verb
• To slurp spaghetti
• To gulp the glass of water with such thirst that streams of liquid ran down his
chin and wet the front of his already sweat-soaked shirt
Infinitive phrases can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. Look at these
• Susie tried holding the slippery trout, but the fish flipped
out of her hands and splashed back into the stream.
Holding the slippery trout = direct object of the verb tried.
The Clause
Main Clauses
• Every main clause will follow this pattern:
SUBJECT + VERB = complete thought.
Here are some examples: Contd.
• Lazy students whine.
Students = subject; whine = verb.
• Cola spilled over the glass and splashed onto the counter.
Cola = subject; spilled, splashed = verbs.