Voters Education
Voters Education
Voters Education
to the people
The Government
Legislative Judicial
Vice President
Mayor Local
Brgy. Capt.
Senator National
Board Member
Vice Governor
Vice Mayor
City/Municipal Councilors
Brgy. Councilors
What qualities should I look for?
R - Righteous Governance
I - Integrity
G - Giftedness
H - Heart
T - Track Record
What qualities should I look for?
R - Righteous Governance
•How does your candidate decide on issues?
•How does he lead his family, constituents?
•Does he/she make decisions that promote justice,
righteousness and peace for all law-abiding Filipinos?
•Does he/she use his influence as a platform for
governing with prudence and foresight for the good of
•A candidate who governs righteously does not accept
or offer bribes, and leads an example of eradicating
graft and corruption within his area of influence.
What qualities should I look for?
I - Integrity
•A person of integrity is not a perfect individual;
he or she is someone who desires to be
accountable to those he leads.
•Hiswalk should match his talk, and his public image
must not be a result of a clever media makeover, but
should be based on a solid character of trustworthiness.
•If and when he/she makes wrong decisions, he/she
must be willing to take responsibility for it and not put
the blame on his predecessors, or other people.
What qualities should I look for?
G - Giftedness
•Acandidate for a public office must have the qualifications
and abilities necessary to carry out his/her responsibilities
•Acandidate must also have the strengths, personality traits
and innate capabilities needed to serve in the particular office
he/she seeks to serve in.
•Some candidates will be good as executives but will make
for mediocre lawmakers or legislators, and vice versa. Others
will be great managers, but will not be as effective in drug
busting. Still others are visionaries who can inspire greatness
in those they lead, but will fail as implementers of their
What qualities should I look for?
H - Heart
•How is your candidate’s heart for God, for people and for our
•Does he/she see himself/herself as answerable not only to people,
but to Someone infinitely higher than him/her?
•The heart, in my opinion, is the most important characteristic not
only of a leader but also of every single citizen of this country.
•Thisis true because the heart of the problem of this nation is the
problem of the heart.
•Genuine change should come from the inside out.
•To have genuine reform Jesus said, “I am the way…”
What qualities should I look for?
T – Track Record
•Look for your candidate’s track record in a previously
held public office.
•Ifhe/she is entering politics for the first time, consider
how this candidate has proven himself/herself in his
chosen profession or area of expertise before running
for office.
•You need to also be informed about your candidate’s
track record in the other points of the guidelines I have
just explained to you.
•Do you see a good pattern of righteous governance,
integrity, giftedness and heart?
What is the value of your vote?
ballot box
How to be a
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