This document appears to be a mock examination for a criminology licensure board exam focusing on ethics and values. It contains 28 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of concepts related to police ethics, discipline, leadership, community relations, and moral philosophy. The questions cover topics such as the duties of law enforcement, principles of supervision, definitions of ethical terms, and philosophies of conduct.
This document appears to be a mock examination for a criminology licensure board exam focusing on ethics and values. It contains 28 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of concepts related to police ethics, discipline, leadership, community relations, and moral philosophy. The questions cover topics such as the duties of law enforcement, principles of supervision, definitions of ethical terms, and philosophies of conduct.
This document appears to be a mock examination for a criminology licensure board exam focusing on ethics and values. It contains 28 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of concepts related to police ethics, discipline, leadership, community relations, and moral philosophy. The questions cover topics such as the duties of law enforcement, principles of supervision, definitions of ethical terms, and philosophies of conduct.
This document appears to be a mock examination for a criminology licensure board exam focusing on ethics and values. It contains 28 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of concepts related to police ethics, discipline, leadership, community relations, and moral philosophy. The questions cover topics such as the duties of law enforcement, principles of supervision, definitions of ethical terms, and philosophies of conduct.
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IN ETHICS AND VALUES 1. Refers to the essence of good manners, which shows sportsmanship, culture and gentility. A. Courtesy B. Discipline C. Loyalty D. Morale
2. Public officers and employees who served with the
highest degree of integrity, loyalty, responsibility and efficiency manifests. A. Love of country B. Allegiance to the government C. Allegiance to the constitution D. Public office is a public trust 1. Refers to the essence of good manners, which shows sportsmanship, culture and gentility. A. Courtesy B. Discipline C. Loyalty D. Morale
2. Public officers and employees who served with the
highest degree of integrity, loyalty, responsibility and efficiency manifests. A. Love of country B. Allegiance to the government C. Allegiance to the constitution D. Public office is a public trust 3. Component of a moral science which deals with the duties and responsibility which a law enforcement officer owes to the community and public. A. Loyalty B. Courtesy C. Police ethics D. Police community relations
4. One’s obligation and duty to his nation of origin.
A. Code of ethics B. Allegiance to the constitution C. Loyalty and love of country D. Allegiance to the government 3. Component of a moral science which deals with the duties and responsibility which a law enforcement officer owes to the community and public. A. Loyalty B. Courtesy C. Police ethics D. Police community relations
4. One’s obligation and duty to his nation of origin.
A. Code of ethics B. Allegiance to the constitution C. Loyalty and love of country D. Allegiance to the government 5. Acts and omission not involving moral turpitude, but affecting the internal discipline of the PNP, such as simple negligence and misconduct, frequent absences, gambling prohibited by law, tardiness and insubordination. A. Serious offenses B. Grave offenses C. Felony D. Minor offenses
6. The most significant power exercised by a police as a
first-line supervisor. A. Control over organization B. Manpower control C. Cost control D. Planning control 5. Acts and omission not involving moral turpitude, but affecting the internal discipline of the PNP, such as simple negligence and misconduct, frequent absences, gambling prohibited by law, tardiness and insubordination. A. Serious offenses B. Grave offenses C. Felony D. Minor offenses
6. The most significant power exercised by a police as a
first-line supervisor. A. Control over organization B. Manpower control C. Cost control D. Planning control 7. Mental and moral training that makes a man willing to be the subject to regulation and control for the benefit and interest of the group where he belong A. Courtesy B. Discipline C. Morale D. Ethics
8. Primary attribute for effective leadership.
A. Be a born leader B. Have acquired the techniques of handling men C. Have enough experience and training D. Have normal intelligence and a secret desire to serve 7. Mental and moral training that makes a man willing to be the subject to regulation and control for the benefit and interest of the group where he belong A. Courtesy B. Discipline C. Morale D. Ethics
8. Primary attribute for effective leadership.
A. Be a born leader B. Have acquired the techniques of handling men C. Have enough experience and training D. Have normal intelligence and a secret desire to serve 9. Self-esteem, self confidence, drive a person’s attitude and emotional feeling regarding their way of life and the people whom they interact with. A. Leadership B. Morale C. Discipline D. Ethics
10. Discontent and grievance would logically result to:
A. Impersonal attitude B. Sever punishment C. Inconsistent administration D. Unusual strictness 9. Self-esteem, self confidence, drive a person’s attitude and emotional feeling regarding their way of life and the people whom they interact with. A. Leadership B. Morale C. Discipline D. Ethics
10. Discontent and grievance would logically result to:
A. Impersonal attitude B. Sever punishment C. Inconsistent administration D. Unusual strictness 11. It refers to the sum total of dealings of the police with the people it serves. A. Police relations B. Police community relations C. Police public relations D. Human relations
12. Designed to bridge any communication gap between
the people and the police. A. Public information program B. Civic action program C. Mass communication program D. Public relations 11. It refers to the sum total of dealings of the police with the people it serves. A. Police relations B. Police community relations C. Police public relations D. Human relations
12. Designed to bridge any communication gap between
the people and the police. A. Public information program B. Civic action program C. Mass communication program D. Public relations 13. Designed to influence public opinion in favor of the police force. A. Public information program B. Civic action program C. Mass communication program D. Public relations
14. Involves local public officials and citizenry in the
preservation of peace and order. A. Barangay Police B. COP’s on the block C. PLEB D. Integrated Police Advisory Council 13. Designed to influence public opinion in favor of the police force. A. Public information program B. Civic action program C. Mass communication program D. Public relations
14. Involves local public officials and citizenry in the
preservation of peace and order. A. Barangay Police B. COP’s on the block C. PLEB D. Integrated Police Advisory Council 15. Consist of moral and legal precepts which govern the relationship of man in all aspects of life. A. Public relations B. Human relations C. Police community relations D. Civic action program
16. In terms of its use in effective supervision, discipline
is considered as: A. Authority B. Control C. Training D. Regulations 15. Consist of moral and legal precepts which govern the relationship of man in all aspects of life. A. Public relations B. Human relations C. Police community relations D. Civic action program
16. In terms of its use in effective supervision, discipline
is considered as: A. Authority B. Control C. Training D. Regulations 17. The most significant element in reprimanding a subordinate should be to: A. Conduct an immediate investigation B. Implement rules and regulation C. Improve the morale of your men D. Maintain discipline
18. Discipline should be strict but must always be
tempered with sympathy and understanding. To abide by this principles, a superior officer must: A. Investigate thoroughly all the facts before making a decision B. Always implement the policies, rules and regulations C. Treat all personnel equally D. Maintain discipline 17. The most significant element in reprimanding a subordinate should be to: A. Conduct an immediate investigation B. Implement rules and regulation C. Improve the morale of your men D. Maintain discipline
18. Discipline should be strict but must always be
tempered with sympathy and understanding. To abide by this principles, a superior officer must: A. Investigate thoroughly all the facts before making a decision B. Always implement the policies, rules and regulations C. Treat all personnel equally D. Maintain discipline 19. Willful and continuous commission of minor offenses shall constitute: A. Felony B. Recidivism C. Ground for dismissal D. Serious offense of habitual dereliction
20. Reasons why a police officer must always wear his
uniform securely buttoned. A. Loose clothing is shabby B. A complete uniform gets a women’s attention C. It is a minor offense D. A neat appearance will command respect 19. Willful and continuous commission of minor offenses shall constitute: A. Felony B. Recidivism C. Ground for dismissal D. Serious offense of habitual dereliction
20. Reasons why a police officer must always wear his
uniform securely buttoned. A. Loose clothing is shabby B. A complete uniform gets a women’s attention C. It is a minor offense D. A neat appearance will command respect 21. It concerns those actions that pertain to one’s duties towards his neighbors and himself. A. Moral virtue B. Dignity C. Responsibility D. Discipline
22. Policy in exercising utmost restraint by law enforcers
in the performance of their duties. A. Command responsibility B. Parens patria C. Maximum tolerance D. Rules of engagement 21. It concerns those actions that pertain to one’s duties towards his neighbors and himself. A. Moral virtue B. Dignity C. Responsibility D. Discipline
22. Policy in exercising utmost restraint by law enforcers
in the performance of their duties. A. Command responsibility B. Parens patria C. Maximum tolerance D. Rules of engagement 23. Power to own, use and exact something. A. Authority B. Privilege C. Right D. All of the foregoing
24. Authority a person exercise over his
subordinates. A. Command B. Responsibility C. Command responsibility D. Chain of command 23. Power to own, use and exact something. A. Authority B. Privilege C. Right D. All of the foregoing
24. Authority a person exercise over his
subordinates. A. Command B. Responsibility C. Command responsibility D. Chain of command 25. A normative science of the conduct of the human being living in society. A. Norms B. Behavior C. Ethics D. Virtue
26. A virtue which regulates carnal appetite for
sensual pleasure. A. Prudence B. Temperament C. Fortitude D. Justice 25. A normative science of the conduct of the human being living in society. A. Norms B. Behavior C. Ethics D. Virtue
26. A virtue which regulates carnal appetite for
sensual pleasure. A. Prudence B. Temperament C. Fortitude D. Justice 27. Ability to last. A. Patience B. Endurance C. Perseverance D. Fortitude
28. Courage to endure without yielding.
A. Perseverance B. Endurance C. Fortitude D. Perseverance 27. Ability to last. A. Patience B. Endurance C. Perseverance D. Fortitude
28. Courage to endure without yielding.
A. Perseverance B. Endurance C. Fortitude D. Perseverance 29. Composure and calmness in enduring something. A. Perseverance B. Endurance C. Patience D. Prudence
30.The ability to go on despite the tremendous adversity.
A. Perseverance B. Endurance C. Patience D. Prudence 29. Composure and calmness in enduring something. A. Perseverance B. Endurance C. Patience D. Prudence
30.The ability to go on despite the tremendous adversity.
A. Perseverance B. Endurance C. Patience D. Prudence 31. Which of the following traits/capabilities is most essential to a police officer? A. Physical stamina and hearing B. Absence of Physical fear C. High intelligence D. High standard of morality
32. Is the process of constantly endeavors to obtain good
will cooperation and support of public for effective law enforcement and to accomplish police objectives? A. Public relations B. Police public relations C. Community relations D. Police community relations 31. Which of the following traits/capabilities is most essential to a police officer? A. Physical stamina and hearing B. Absence of Physical fear C. High intelligence D. High standard of morality
32. Is the process of constantly endeavors to obtain good
will cooperation and support of public for effective law enforcement and to accomplish police objectives? A. Public relations B. Police public relations C. Community relations D. Police community relations 33. It can be said that the public relations between the police and the public exist when the public attitude is one of: A. Formal acceptance B. Taut acceptance C. Confidence, approval and respect D. Due approval
34. The most important medium to determine public
attitude between the police and the public is the: A. Radio and television B. Print mass media C. Individual policeman D. Public relations officer 33. It can be said that the public relations between the police and the public exist when the public attitude is one of: A. Formal acceptance B. Taut acceptance C. Confidence, approval and respect D. Due approval
34. The most important medium to determine public
attitude between the police and the public is the: A. Radio and television B. Print mass media C. Individual policeman D. Public relations officer 35. The most important criterion of a patrolman’s performance of his duties is the: A. Public’s attitude towards him B. The fact of lack of absences C. His service and seniority rating D. Number of orders/writs serve daily
36. The policeman views public relations primarily as:
A. An attitude towards the public while at work B. Improving contact with the public C. Winning the confidence of the public D. Something affecting him as he does his duty effectively 35. The most important criterion of a patrolman’s performance of his duties is the: A. Public’s attitude towards him B. The fact of lack of absences C. His service and seniority rating D. Number of orders/writs serve daily
36. The policeman views public relations primarily as:
A. An attitude towards the public while at work B. Improving contact with the public C. Winning the confidence of the public D. Something affecting him as he does his duty effectively 37. The most important consideration a policeman should pay attention too while in contact with the public is the: A. Character of the person he serves B. Time when contact are being made C. Impression he creates D. Attitude of the public towards his actions
38. Public opinion for a police department is best obtained
by: A. The daily contacts of uniformed police officer with the public B. Keeping a check on the number of complaints and commandments received by the police C. Holding the opinion expressed in any adequate samples in newspaper articles D. Degree to which the community cooperates voluntarily with the police department in the performance of their duty 37. The most important consideration a policeman should pay attention too while in contact with the public is the: A. Character of the person he serves B. Time when contact are being made C. Impression he creates D. Attitude of the public towards his actions
38. Public opinion for a police department is best obtained
by: A. The daily contacts of uniformed police officer with the public B. Keeping a check on the number of complaints and commandments received by the police C. Holding the opinion expressed in any adequate samples in newspaper articles D. Degree to which the community cooperates voluntarily with the police department in the performance of their duty 39. The totality of efforts of policemen to improve public attitudes should be largely directed towards: A. Insuring that the policeman is also an exemplary citizen B. The creation of as many favorable public contacts as possible C. The tolerant enforcement of minor regularity statute/ordinances D. The improvement of contacts with the public
40. Of the following steps in planning for Community
Relations Program, the step that should be undertaken first is: A. Study the public with which the police department deals B. Contact editors of news papers C. Develop procedures for dealing the public D. Establish civilian complaints procedure 39. The totality of efforts of policemen to improve public attitudes should be largely directed towards: A. Insuring that the policeman is also an exemplary citizen B. The creation of as many favorable public contacts as possible C. The tolerant enforcement of minor regularity statute/ordinances D. The improvement of contacts with the public
40. Of the following steps in planning for Community
Relations Program, the step that should be undertaken first is: A. Study the public with which the police department deals B. Contact editors of news papers C. Develop procedures for dealing the public D. Establish civilian complaints procedure 41. Fundamental duty of law enforcement officer. A. Protect society B. Serve mankind C. Protect life D. Protect liberty
42. Public office is a public ________.
A. Trust B. Confidence C. Responsibility D. Property 41. Fundamental duty of law enforcement officer. A. Protect society B. Serve mankind C. Protect life D. Protect liberty
42. Public office is a public ________.
A. Trust B. Confidence C. Responsibility D. Property 43. Best public relations for police officers to a community. A. Press conference B. Bribing the media C. Public information campaign D. Credible and good performance
44. In launching a police community program, success
can be attained by linkage with: A. Community B. Barangay officials C. Civic organizations D. NGO’s 43. Best public relations for police officers to a community. A. Press conference B. Bribing the media C. Public information campaign D. Credible and good performance
44. In launching a police community program, success
can be attained by linkage with: A. Community B. Barangay officials C. Civic organizations D. NGO’s 45. To develop goodwill, a policeman on duty should do the foregoing, except: A. Annoy or inconvenience any law abiding citizen B. Perform his job with dedication C. Project an honest image D. Be courteous
46. Act of bringing about better understanding,
confidence and acceptance for an individual or an organization. A. Propaganda B. Human relations C. Public relations D. Public information program 45. To develop goodwill, a policeman on duty should do the foregoing, except: A. Annoy or inconvenience any law abiding citizen B. Perform his job with dedication C. Project an honest image D. Be courteous
46. Act of bringing about better understanding,
confidence and acceptance for an individual or an organization. A. Propaganda B. Human relations C. Public relations D. Public information program 47. A program which the policeman a friend and parent of the people. A. Public relation B. Human relation C. Police community relations D, Civic action program
48. Includes all rights enjoyed by individual as
provided for under the constitution and international law. A. Rights B. Human rights C. Privilege D. Justice 47. A program which the policeman a friend and parent of the people. A. Public relation B. Human relation C. Police community relations D, Civic action program
48. Includes all rights enjoyed by individual as
provided for under the constitution and international law. A. Rights B. Human rights C. Privilege D. Justice 49. Personal behavior. A. Discipline B. Conduct C. Virtue D. Dignity
50. A doctrine which impose commensurate
accountability to one who is vested with authority. A. Chain of command B. Unity of command C. Span of control D. Command responsibility 49. Personal behavior. A. Discipline B. Conduct C. Virtue D. Dignity
50. A doctrine which impose commensurate
accountability to one who is vested with authority. A. Chain of command B. Unity of command C. Span of control D. Command responsibility 51. Worst form of graft and corruption in the government. A. Bribery B. Abuse of authority C. Electioneering D. Influence pending
52. Self control and obedience means.
A. Virtue B. Conduct C. Morals D. Discipline 51. Worst form of graft and corruption in the government. A. Bribery B. Abuse of authority C. Electioneering D. Influence pending
52. Self control and obedience means.
A. Virtue B. Conduct C. Morals D. Discipline 53. A habit which inclines man to act in a way that harmonizes with his nature. A. Ethics B. Values C. Virtue D. Dignity
54. Voice of reason bidding oneself to avoid evil and
do good. A. Ethics B. Virtue C. Dignity D. Conscience 53. A habit which inclines man to act in a way that harmonizes with his nature. A. Ethics B. Values C. Virtue D. Dignity
54. Voice of reason bidding oneself to avoid evil and
do good. A. Ethics B. Virtue C. Dignity D. Conscience 55. Rules of conduct applied to law enforcement. A. Police ethics B. Rules of engagement C. Code of Police ethics D. All of the foregoing
56. Ability to govern and discipline oneself.
A. Perseverance B. Endurance C. Patience D. Prudence 55. Rules of conduct applied to law enforcement. A. Police ethics B. Rules of engagement C. Code of Police ethics D. All of the foregoing
56. Ability to govern and discipline oneself.
A. Perseverance B. Endurance C. Patience D. Prudence 57. Virtue which inclines the will to give everyone his due and respect every person’s rights. A. Morality B. Justice C. Prudence D. Judgment
58. Regulates those actions that involve the right that
exist between private individuals. A. Justice B. Commutative justice C. Distributive justice D. Legal justice 57. Virtue which inclines the will to give everyone his due and respect every person’s rights. A. Morality B. Justice C. Prudence D. Judgment
58. Regulates those actions that involve the right that
exist between private individuals. A. Justice B. Commutative justice C. Distributive justice D. Legal justice 59. Regulates those actions in which an individual claims his rights from society. A. Justice B. Commutative justice C. Distributive justice D. Legal justice
60. An important agency for social control.
A. Norms B. Ethics C. Code D. Code of ethics 59. Regulates those actions in which an individual claims his rights from society. A. Justice B. Commutative justice C. Distributive justice D. Legal justice