Two Phase Flow Hagerdown & Brown

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Two Phase Flow

Hagerdown & Brown

Ref.1 : Brill & Beggs, Two Phase Flow in Pipes, 6th Edition, 1991.
Chapter 1 & 3.
Ref.2: Mokhatab et al, Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and
Processing, Gulf Publishing Com., 2006, Chapter 3.
Two-Phase Flow Properties
1- Liquid and Gas Holdup (HL & Hg): HL is defined as the
ratio of the volume of a pipe segment occupied by liquid to
the volume of the pipe segment. The remainder of the pipe
segment is of course occupied by gas, which is referred to
as Hg. Hg = 1 – HL

2- No-Slip Liquid and Gas Holdup (λL & λg): λL is defined

as the ratio of the volume of the liquid in a pipe segment
divided by the volume of the pipe segment which would
exist if the gas and liquid travelled at the same velocity (no-
slippage). It can be calculated directly from the known gas
and liquid volumetric flow
qL rates from :
L  ,  g  1  L
qL  qg
Two-Phase Flow Properties
1- Liquid Density (ρL): ρL may be calculated from the oil
and water densities with assumption of no slippage between
the oil and water phases as follows:
qo qoSC Bo
 L  o f o   w f w where fo  
qo  qw qoSC Bo  qwSC Bw

2- Two-Phase Density: Calculation of the two-phase

density requires knowledge of the liquid holdup. Three
equations for two-phase density are used by various
 s intwo-phase
investigators L H L   g H flow:
g ,  n   L L   g  g
 L 2L  g g

k  
Two-Phase Flow Properties
1- Superficial Gas and Liquid Velocities (vsg & vsL):
qg qL
vsg  , vsL  where A is the pipe cross  sectional area

2- Actual Gas and Liquid

vsg Velocities
vsL (vg & vL):
vg  , vL 

vm  vsg  vsL
3- Two-Phase Velocity (vm):
vs  v g  vL
4- Slip Velocity (vs): vsg
vsL vsL
For No  Slip : vg  vL or   L 
1   L L vm
Two-Phase Flow Properties
1- Liquid Viscosity (μL): μL may be calculated from the oil
and water viscosities with assumption of no slippage
between the oil and water phases as follows:
 L  o f o   w f w

2- Two-Phase Viscosity: Calculation of the two-phase

viscosity requires knowledge of the liquid holdup. Two
equations for two-phase viscosity are used by various
investigators in two-phase flow: H
 n   L L   g g ,  s   LH   g
L g

 L   o fo   w f w
3- Liquid Surface Tension (σL):
Two-Phase Flow Regimes
Horizontal Flow
Two-phase flow regimes for horizontal flow are shown in
Figure 3-1. These horizontal flow regimes are defined as
Stratified (Smooth and Wavy) Flow: Stratified flow consists of two
superposed layers of gas and liquid, formed by segregation under the
influence of gravity.
Intermittent (Slug and Elongated Bubble) Flow: The intermittent
flow regime is usually divided into two subregimes: plug or elongated
bubble flow and slug flow. The elongated bubble flow regime can be
considered as a limiting case of slug flow, where the liquid slug is free
of entrained gas bubbles. Gas–liquid intermittent flow exists in the
whole range of pipe inclinations and over a wide range of gas and liquid
flow rates.
Two-Phase Flow Regimes
Horizontal Flow
Annular-Mist Flow: During annular flow, the liquid phase flows largely
as an annular film on the wall with gas flowing as a central core. Some of
the liquid is entrained as droplets in this gas core (mist flow).

Dispersed Bubble Flow: At high liquid rates and low gas rates, the gas is
dispersed as bubbles in a continuous liquid phase. The bubble density is
higher toward the top of the pipeline, but there are bubbles throughout the
cross section. Dispersed flow occurs only at high flow rates and high
pressures. This type of flow, which entails high-pressure loss, is rarely
encountered in flow lines.

Note that raw gas pipelines usually have stratified flow patterns.
In other words, raw gas lines are “sized” to be operated in
stratified flow during normal operation.
Two-Phase Flow Regimes
Vertical-Upward Flow
Flow regimes frequently encountered in upward vertical two-
phase flow are shown in Figure 3-2.These regimes are defined
as follows.

Bubble Flow: The gas phase is distributed in the liquid phase as

variable-size, deformable bubbles moving upward with zigzag motion.
The wall of the pipe is always contacted by the liquid phase.

Slug Flow: Most of the gas is in the form of large bullet-shaped bubbles
that have a diameter almost reaching the pipe diameter. These bubbles
are referred to as “Taylor bubbles,” move uniformly upward, and are
separated by slugs of continuous liquid that bridge the pipe and contain
small gas bubbles. The gas bubble velocity is greater than that of the
Two-Phase Flow Regimes
Vertical-Upward Flow

Churn Flow: If a change from a continuous liquid phase to a

continuous gas phase occurs, the continuity of the liquid in the slug
between successive Taylor bubbles is destroyed repeatedly by a high
local gas concentration in the slug. This oscillatory flow of the liquid is
typical of churn flow. It may not occur in small-diameter pipes. The gas
bubbles may join and liquid may be entrained in the bubbles.

Annular-Mist Flow: Annular flow is characterized by the continuity of

the gas phase in the pipe core. The liquid phase moves upward partly as
a wavy film and partly in the form of drops entrained in the gas core.

Reliable models for downward multiphase flow are currently

unavailable and the design codes are deficient in this area.
Two-Phase Flow Regimes
Inclined Flow
Pipe inclination angles have a very strong influence on flow
pattern transitions.

Generally, the flow regime in a near-horizontal pipe remains

segregated for downward inclinations and changes to an
intermittent flow regime for upward inclinations.

An intermittent flow regime remains intermittent when tilted

upward and tends to segregated flow pattern when inclined

The inclination should not significantly affect the distributed

flow regime.
Two-Phase Flow Correlations
General Equation
General Pressure Gradient Equation: The pressure
gradient equation which is applicable to any fluid flowing in
a pipe inclined at an angle φ from horizontal was derived
previously. This equation is usually adapted for two-phase
flow by assuming that the two-phase flow regime and two-
phase properties can be considered homogeneous over a
finite volume of the pipe.
Depend on the using correlation
L H L  g H g vsL  vsg

 dP  g f tp  tp vm2
 dv 2
    s sin    s m
 dZ  g c 2 gc d 2 g dL
Two-Phase Flow Correlations
General Equation
Many correlations have been developed for predicting two-
phase flow pressure gradients which differ in the manner
used to calculate the three terms of pressure gradients
equation (elevation change, friction and acceleration terms):

a. No slip, no flow regime considerations: the mixture density is

calculated based on the no slip holdup. No distinction is made
for different flow regimes.
b. Slip considered, no flow regime consideration: The same
correlations for liquid holdup and friction factor are used for all
flow regimes.
c. Slip considered, flow regime considered: Usually a different
liquid holdup and friction factor prediction methods are
required in each flow regimes.
Two-Phase Flow
Procedure for Outlet Pressure Calculation
1. Starting with the known inlet pressure and flow rates.
2. Select a length increment, ΔL, and estimate the pressure drop in this
increment, ΔP.
3. Calculate the average pressure and, for non-isothermal cases, the
average temperature in the increment.
4. Determine the gas and liquid properties (based on black-oil or
compositional model) at average pressure and temperature conditions.
5. Calculate the pressure gradient, dP/dL, in the increment at average
conditions of pressure, temperature, and pipe inclination, using the
appropriate pressure gradient correlation.
6. Calculate the pressure drop in the selected length increment,
7. Compare the estimated and calculated values of ΔP. If they are not
sufficiently close, estimate a new value and return to step 3.
8. Repeat the steps 2 to 7 for the next pipe length increment.
Two-Phase Flow Correlations
Vertical Upward Flow Pipeline
The vertical flow correlations discussed in this section and
the category in which they belong are listed below:
Correlation Category
Poettmann and Carpenter a
Baxendell and Thomas a
Fancher and Brown a
Hagedorn and Brown b
Duns and Ros c
Orkiszewski c
Aziz, Govier and Fogarasi c
Chierici, Ciucci and Sclocehi c
Beggs and Brill c
Two-Phase Flow Correlations
Vertical-Upward Flow (Category a)
The basic equation for calculating a pressure gradient in the
three correlations considered in this category is:
 dP  g f tp  n vm2
  n 
 dZ  g c 2 gc d

In each method the two-phase friction factor ( ftp ) was

correlated empirically with the numerator of the Reynolds
number ( ρn vm d ):

1- Poettmann and Carpenter : Figure 3-3

2- Baxendell and Thomas: Figure 3-4

3- Fancher and Brown: Figure 3-5

Two-Phase Flow Correlations
Vertical-Upward Flow (Category b)
The only correlation discussed in this category (b) is that of
Hagedorn and Brown. The liquid holdup predicted by this
method is not a true value, it is only a correlating parameter
for calculating the pressure gradient. The four dimensionless
numbers used in Hagedorn and Brown method are:
0.25 0.25
    
Liquid Velocity Number: N Lv  vsL  L   1.938 vsL  L 
 g L  L 
0.25 0.25
    
Gas Velocity Number: N gv  vsg  L   1.938 vsg  L  lbm/ft3
 g L  L 
0. 5 ft 0.5
 L g   L 
Pipe Diameter Number: N d  d    120.872 d  
 L  L  dynes/cm
0.25 cp 0.25
 g   1 
Liquid Viscosity Number: N L   L  3 
  0.15726  L  
3 
  L L    L L 
Two-Phase Flow Correlations
Vertical-Upward Flow (Category b)
The steps for calculating the Liquid holdup are:

1- Calculate CNL from Figure 3-6.

2- Calculate the liquid holdup factor (HL/ψ) from Figure 3-7.

3- Calculate the correction factor, ψ, from Figure 3-8.

The steps for calculating the two-phase friction factor are:

 n vm d
1- Calculate the two-phase Reynold number: N Re  s
2- Calculate the ftp from Moody diagram (Figure 3-9).
Two-Phase Flow Correlations
Vertical-Upward Flow (Category b)

The pressure gradients in Hagedorn and Brown method can be

calculated as follows:

 dP  g f tp  tp vm2
 s vm2
  s  
 dZ  g c 2gcd 2 g c Z

 n2
 tp 
vm2  vm2 (at P2 , T2 )  vm2 (at P1 , T1 )
Figure 3-1. Horizontal two-phase flow regimes (Cindric et al., 1987).
Figure 3-2. Upward vertical two-phase flow regimes (Shoham, 1982).
Figure 3-3. Poettmann
and Carpenter friction
factor correlation.
Figure 3-4. Baxendell
and Thomas friction
factor correlation.
Figure 3-5. Fancher
and Brown friction
factor correlation.
Figure 3-6. Correlating parameter, CNL.
Figure 3-7. Liquid holdup factor correlation, Pa=base pressure (14.7 psia).
Figure 3-8. Correlation of second correction factor, ψ

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