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Example 1
 A machine is used to produce a precision
part of an automobile. The diameter of one
particular item should be 5 cm with a slight
tolerable allowance on both sides, that is,
the diameter can be slightly wider or
narrower but for as long as the average
diameter of the parts being produced stays
at 5 cm, the machine is functioning well.
Since the machine has already been used
for several years, the manufacturer feels
that it is time to check the machine.
Example 1. cont
If it is no longer functioning well, the average
diameter could be wider or narrower than 5
 One way of checking is to test a hypothesis

by taking a random sample of the parts

being manufactured.

 What test will this problem require?

Example 1. cont


 Why?
Example 1. cont


 Why?

 Answer:

It is NOT a case of the malfunctioning

machine producing parts with consistently
narrower diameter only (or with
consistently wider diameter only )
Example 1. cont

 How shall we state the null hypothesis of this



That the average diameters of the part

being manufactured has not changed.

That is, Ho:

Example 1. cont

 How shall we state the alternative hypothesis

of this situation?


That the average diameters of the part

being manufactured has changed.

That is, Ho:

Example 2.
 A barangay captain feels that on the whole,
households in his barangay are better-off
financially now compared to several years
ago. He feels this because he has observed
that mothers seem to be visiting groceries
and supermarkets more often and that he
has received less complaints lately.
Furthermore, he knows that quite a number
of husbands have gone abroad to work as
OFWs, where incomes are much better than
they are in the Philippines.
Example 2.cont
 He knows from a survey
conducted several years back that the
average monthly income was Php
20,000. he decides to find out if the
monthly family income in his barangay
may have possibly increased by taking
a sample households. He then tests
his hypothesis.
Example 2. cont

 How shall we state the null hypothesis of this



That the average monthly family income

In the barangay has not changed.

That is, Ho:

Example 2. cont

 How shall we state the alternative hypothesis

of this situation?


That the average monthly family income

In the barangay has increased.

That is, Ho:

Example 2. cont.
 Clearly, the indicators to
the barangay captain suggest
that the incomes may have
possibly increased. There is no
suggestion at all that incomes
may have decreased.
Example 3.
 A university requires an IQ test for all
incoming freshmen students and accepts
only those who qualify, that is, those whose
IQ’s are above a minimum requirement. It is
known that the average IQ of the
university’s freshmen students is 95.
However for economic reasons ( on the part
of the university and on the part of the
parents of the students), the IQ test for
incoming freshmen has been suspended for
the past 3 years.
Example 3. Cont
 Lately, some teachers have been
complaining that the students in their
freshmen classes have been getting
somewhat lower grades and this appears
to be a persistent claim by quite number
of teachers. The university officials
decide to find out if the IQ level of
freshmen students has decreased. They
take a sample of freshmen students and
test a hypothesis.
Example 3. cont

 How shall we state the null hypothesis of this



That the average IQ of freshmen

students has not changed.

That is, Ho:

Example 3. cont

 How shall we state the alternative hypothesis

of this situation?


That the average IQ of freshmen

students has decreased.

That is, Ho:

Example 3. cont
The evidence based on claims suggests that
IQ has decreased. This is supported by the
inequality statement Ha:

 It cannot be stated as , and definitely not as .

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