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Forces & Shape: Edexcel Igcse Physics 1-2

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Forces & Shape

Edexcel IGCSE Physics pages 12 to 22
Content applying to Triple Science only is shown in
red type on the next slide and is indicated on
subsequent slides by ‘TRIPLE ONLY’

July 13th 2011

Edexcel IGCSE Specification
Section 1: Forces and motion
c) Forces, movement, shape and momentum
express a force as a push or pull of one body on another
identify various types of force (for example gravitational, electrostatic etc)
distinguish between vector and scalar quantities
appreciate the vector nature of a force
add forces that act along a line
understand that friction is a force that opposes motion
describe how extension varies with applied force for helical springs, metal
wires and rubber bands
recall that the initial linear region of a force-extension graph is associated with
Hooke’s law
associate elastic behaviour with the ability of a material to recover its original
shape after the forces causing deformation have been removed.

Red type: Triple Science Only

A force is a push or a pull.
A force can cause an object to:
– speed up
– slow down
– change direction
– change shape

Force is measured in
newtons (N).
Force is measured with a
Some types of force
1. Gravitational
This is the attractive force exerted
between bodies because of their

This force increases if either or both of

the masses is increased and
decreases if they are moved further
apart. Bathroom scales measure
Weight is the gravitational force of the A mass of 1kg weighs
Earth on an object. about 10N
1 stone is about 63N.
2. Normal reaction or contact normal reaction forces

This is the repulsive force that

stops two touching bodies
moving into each other.

The word ’normal’ means that

this force acts at 90° to the
surfaces of the bodies.

It is caused by repulsive The two upward reaction forces

molecular forces. on the tyres balance the
downward weight of the car
3. Friction
This is the force that opposes motion.
The kinetic energy of the moving object is converted to
heat energy by the force of friction.

Friction is needed for racing

Friction is needed for
cars to grip the road
4. Air resistance or drag
This is the force that opposes the movement of objects
through air.
Drag is a more general term used for the opposition force
in any gas or liquid.
Objects are often streamlined to reduce this force.

streamlined car
a parachute
maximises drag force
5. Upthrust
This is the force
experienced by objects
when they are placed into a
fluid (liquid or gas).

An object will float on a

liquid if the upthrust force
equals its weight.

A hot air balloon rises when the

upthrust from the surrounding
air is greater than the balloon’s
6. Magnetic
Between magnets but
also the force that
allows electric motors to

7. Electrostatic
Attractive and repulsive
Electrostatic force causes the
forces due to bodies girls’ hair to rise when they
being charged. touch the Van der Graaff
Choose appropriate words to fill in the gaps below:
A force
_____ is a push or a pull. A force can cause an object to
accelerate or change shape.
Force is measured in _______
newtons (N) with a newtonmeter.

contact force occurs when

There are many types of force. ________
two bodies touch each other.
motion of one body
opposes the _______
Friction is a force that _______
relative to another. It is caused by the _________
attractive forces
between ___________.

newtons accelerate force attractive
opposes molecules contact motion

Vectors and Scalars

All physical quantities (e.g. speed and force) are
described by a magnitude and a unit.

VECTORS – also need to have their direction specified

examples: displacement, velocity, acceleration, force.

SCALARS – do not have a direction

examples: distance, speed, mass, work, energy.

Representing Vectors
An arrowed straight Displacement 50m EAST
line is used.

The arrow indicates

the direction and the Displacement 25m at
length of the line is 45o North of East

proportional to the

Addition of vectors 1
4N 4N
6N 6N
object object
resultant = 10N

The original vectors are called COMPONENT vectors.

The final overall vector is called the RESULTANT vector.

4N 6N 6N 4N
object object

resultant = 2N

Resultant force
A number of forces acting on
a body may be replaced by a
single force which has the 3N
same effect on the body as 2N
the original forces all acting

This overall force is called

resultant force.
In the example opposite, 5N
is the resultant force of the
3N and 2N forces.

Determine the resultant force in the cases below:

1. 4N 2.
10N 3N 4N

3. 3N 4. 5.
6N 4N

7N There is no resultant
2N 4N case
force in this

Resultant force and motion

Resultant force Effect on the motion of
an object
Zero Object’s velocity stays
the same including
staying stationary
In the direction the Object accelerates
object is moving
In the opposite direction Object decelerates
in which the object is

Examples 1 & 2

The box will move when The plane will

the man’s push force is accelerate provided that
greater than the friction the engine force is
force. greater than the drag

Examples 3 & 4

The brakes exert a Once released, the

resultant force in the glider moves at a near
opposite direction to constant velocity as it
the car’s motion experiences a nearly
causing the car to zero horizontal
decelerate. resultant force.

Choose appropriate words to fill in the gaps below:

A single force, called _________
resultant force, can be used to replace
a _______
number of forces that act on a body.

If the resultant force is _____

zero then the body will either
remain at _____
rest or continue to move at a constant ________.

direction as an object’s
If the resultant force is in the same _________
motion, the object will __________.
accelerate A car is decelerated
opposite direction to the
when the braking force acts in the _________
car’s motion.

number rest direction zero opposite
velocity accelerate resultant
Changing shape
Force can also change the shape
of an object.

A stretching force puts an object

such as a wire or spring under

A squashing force puts an object

under compression.
Brittle materials such as
glass do not change shape
easily and break before
noticeably stretching.

Resilient materials do not

break easily.
Elastic materials return to
their original shape when
the forces on them are

Plastic materials retain their

new shape.
Stretching Springs
Experimental procedure:
1. Place the weight holder only on
the spring and note the position
of the pin against the metre rule. spring
2. Add 1N (100g) to the holder
and note the new position of the
pin. weights
3. Calculate the extension of the
4. Repeat stages 1 to 3 for 2N, pin
3N, 4N, 5N and 6N. DO NOT
EXCEED 6N. metre rule
Typical results
Pin position Added weight Pin position Extension
with holder or Force (N) with weight (mm)
only (mm) (mm)
450 1 480 30
450 2 509 59
450 3 541 91
450 4 570 120
450 5 601 151
450 6 629 179
Force against extension graph

Force (N)

0 Extension (mm)
Hooke’s law
Hooke’s law states that the extension of a
spring force is proportional to the force used to
stretch the spring.

‘Proportional’ means that if the force is doubled

then the extension also doubles.

The line on a graph of force against extension will

be a straight AND go through the origin.
A spring of original length 150mm is extended by
30mm by a force of 4N. Calculate the length of
the spring if a force of 12N is applied.

12N is three times 4N

Therefore the new extension should be 3 x 30mm
= 90mm
New spring length = 150mm + 90mm
= 240mm
Elastic limit
Up to a certain extension if the force is
removed the spring will return to its
original length. The spring is behaving

If this critical extension is exceeded,

known as the elastic limit, the spring
will be permanently stretched. The right hand
spring has been
Hooke’s law is no longer obeyed by the stretched beyond
spring if its elastic limit is exceeded. its elastic limit
Force against extension graph if the
elastic limit is exceeded

Force (N)

elastic limit

0 Extension (mm)
Stretching an elastic band

An elastic band
does not obey
Hooke’s law.

0 Extension
Choose appropriate words to fill in the gaps below:
Hooke’s law states that when a wire or spring is _________
stretched the
increase in length or _________
extension is proportional to the load
force applied.

This law is not obeyed if the spring is taken beyond its ______
limit after which it will become _____________
permanently stretched.
A ________
rubber band does not obey Hooke’s law.

A graph illustrating Hooke’s law will have a line that is

___________ origin
and passes through the _______.

stretched elastic permanently extension
origin force rubber straight
Online Simulations
Effect of forces on motion using a space module Vector Addition - PhET - Learn how to add
- Freezeray.com vectors. Drag vectors onto a graph, change their
Force combination balloon game - eChalk length and angle, and sum them together. The
Electric & Magnetic Forces - 'Whys Guy' Video magnitude, angle, and components of each vector
Clip (3:30mins) - Shows Charged Balloon & can be displayed in several formats.
Effect of a magnet on a TV screen. Representing vectors - eChalk
Resultant of two forces - Fendt
Vectors & Scalars - eChalk
Forces on objects immersed in liquids - NTNU
BBC KS3 Bitesize Revision: Vector addition - eChalk
What is a force Vector Chains - eChalk
Balanced forces Fifty-Fifty Game on Vectors & Scalars - by KT -
Unbalanced forces Microsoft WORD
BBC AQA GCSE Bitesize Revision: Vector addition - Explore Science
Resultant force
Types of forces
Stretching Springs - PhET - A realistic mass and
spring laboratory. Hang masses from springs and
adjust the spring stiffness and damping. You can
even slow time. Transport the lab to different
planets. A chart shows the kinetic, potential, and
thermal energy for each spring.

Forces & Shape

Notes questions from pages 4 and 12 to 22
1. (a) What is force? (b) Explain the meaning of the following types of
force: gravitational, normal reaction, drag, electrostatic and
friction. (see pages 12 to 17)
2. Explain the difference between vectors and scalars quantities and
give two examples of each. (see pages 4 and 13)
3. State what is meant by Hooke’s law and explain how a graph can
be drawn to verify that a spring obeys this law.
4. What is meant by ‘elastic limit’?
5. Sketch a graph showing how the loading force varies with
extension when extending an elastic band.

6. Answer the questions on pages 21 & 22.

7. Verify that you can do all of the items listed in the end of chapter
checklist on page 21

Forces & Shape

Notes questions from pages 12 to 22

1. (a) What is force? (b) Explain the meaning of the

following types of force: gravitational, normal reaction,
drag, electrostatic and friction. (see pages 12 to 17)
2. State what is meant by Hooke’s law and explain how a
graph can be drawn to verify that a spring obeys this
3. What is meant by ‘elastic limit’?
4. Sketch a graph showing how the loading force varies
with extension when extending an elastic band.

5. Answer questions 1, 2, 6 and 9 on pages 21 & 22.

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