BeatrizRocha European Parliament

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Beatriz Rocha
What is the European

 "The European Parliament (EP) is the only directly

elected body in the EU (European Union) and one of the
largest democratic assemblies in the world".
 There are 705 deputy members

 Parliament's three workplaces:

 Strasbourg, France (headquarters)
 Brussels Belgium
 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

 Main functions:
 Legislative power
 Budgetary power
 Supervisory power
The history of the European Parliament

 In 1951, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands

and Luxembourg created the European Coal and Steel
Community (ECSC).

 In 1952 the member states created the Common Assembly

of European Coal and Steel Community that originated
the European Parliament, in 1962

 It was composed of seventy-eight deputies who

Flag of ECSC
represented the respective national parliaments
Seat of the European Parliament

 Nowadays the head office of EP is in Strasbourg, France,

although it also operates in Brussels, Belgium, and

 ECSC institutions were in Luxembourg. However,

The Council of Europe (an intergovernmental body made up
of 47 countries to discuss human rights and culture was also
set up in the immediate post-WW2 period), was already
based in Strasbourg and it offered its plenary chamber for
meetings of the ECSC´s Common Assembly

 Strasbourg gradually became the main home of plenary

sessions of the Parliament Head office of the EP, Strasbourg
The president

 The European Parliament (EP) elects its president for every two
and a half years
 Is elected president the candidate with an absolute majority of
votes, chosen by MEPs (Members os European Parliament) in
secret ballot.

 Functions of the President of the European Parliament

 Chairs the parliamentary sessions
 Ensures that procedures are followed
 Represents parliament in legal matters
 Signs community laws and budgets
David Sassoli

 The current President of the EP is David Sassoli


 The European Parliament is made up

of 705 deputies elected by the
population of the 27 Member States of
the European Union

 Since 1979, Members of Parliament

have been elected for 5 years, by direct
universal suffrage.

 They represent 500 million EU

citizens. European Parliament
Number of MEPs by state 2019 before BREXIT

705 MEPs after Great Britain left the EU

Political group

There are currently 7 politicalThegroups

Greens /
in the European Parliament:
Progressive Alliance European
European People´s Renew Europe European Free Identity and Nordic Green Left
of Socialists and Conservatives and
Party (EPP)
Democrats (S&D) Group Alliance (Greens / Democracy (ID) (NGL)
Reformists (ECR)

Each political group manages its own internal organization.

Political group
MEPs by Political Groups after May 2019 elections

 The subjects to be discussed by all MEPs in plenary sessions are prepared by

twenty specialized committees.
 A committee is composed by 25 to 70 MEPs.
 Each one has a president, vice president and secretary
 They meet once or twice a month in Brussels
 The three most important committee are:
 Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
 Committee for the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
 Committee for Budgetary Control

 The European Parliament's delegations aim

to exchange information with the
parliaments of the different countries that
do not belong to the European Union.

 Thus, the European Parliament represents

the Union abroad and promote the
principles and values ​of the EU among third

Head office of the European Parliament, Strasbourg

Political bodies

The different political bodies in the

They are:
European Parliament are responsible for:

• the organisation of Parliament’s • Conference of Presidents

business and legislative planning • The Bureau
• deciding the responsibilities and • College of Quaestors
membership of committees and • Conference of Committee Chairs
delegations • The Conference of Delegation Chairs
• relations with other EU institutions, the
national parliaments and non-EU

 Intergroups are not Parliament bodies and therefore may not express Parliament's opinion.
 They are constituted by members of the political groups and committees
 Aims to exchange information on specific subjects and promote communication between MEPs
and civil society
 List of intergroups
 Anti-corruption
 Anti-racism and diversity
 Artificial Intelligence and Digital
 Biodiversity, hunting, countryside
 Cancer
 Children’s rights
Powers and procedures
Legislative powers

 EP shares this power with the Council in most

legal acts, through the ordinary legislative
 Members of the European Parliament:
 Passing EU laws, together with the 
Council of the EU, based on 
European Commission proposals
 Deciding on international agreements
 Deciding on enlargements
 Reviewing the Commission's work
 and asking it to propose legislation
Head office of EP, Brussels
Supervisory powers

 Members of the European Parliament control the institutions of the

European Union:
 Democratic scrutiny of all EU institutions
 Electing the Commission President and approving the Commission
as a body. Possibility of voting a motion of censure, obliging the
Commission to resign
 Granting discharge, i.e. approving the way EU budgets have been
 Examining citizens' petitions and setting up inquiries
 Discussing monetary policy with the European Central Bank
 Questioning Commission and Council
 Election observations
Budgetary powers

 Members of Parliament:
 Establishing the EU budget, together with the Council
 Approving the EU's long-term budget, the "Multiannual Financial Framework"

Head office of European Parliament, Luxembourg

The Lisbon
 The Lisbon Treaty, created by the EU member states, was concluded in 2007, when signed
by most European countries
 Only entered into force in 2009
 It aimed to:
 strengthening the European Parliament
 Increase the political power of citizens
 Create the possibility to leave the European Union
 Higher decision-making powers

The Lisbon Treaty



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