BeatrizRocha European Parliament
BeatrizRocha European Parliament
BeatrizRocha European Parliament
Beatriz Rocha
What is the European
Main functions:
Legislative power
Budgetary power
Supervisory power
The history of the European Parliament
The European Parliament (EP) elects its president for every two
and a half years
Is elected president the candidate with an absolute majority of
votes, chosen by MEPs (Members os European Parliament) in
secret ballot.
Intergroups are not Parliament bodies and therefore may not express Parliament's opinion.
They are constituted by members of the political groups and committees
Aims to exchange information on specific subjects and promote communication between MEPs
and civil society
List of intergroups
Anti-racism and diversity
Artificial Intelligence and Digital
Biodiversity, hunting, countryside
Children’s rights
Powers and procedures
Legislative powers
Members of Parliament:
Establishing the EU budget, together with the Council
Approving the EU's long-term budget, the "Multiannual Financial Framework"