Elderhood: Jerry Mae Chiong Joliza Lancara Dianne Kay Fernandez Rhea Joy Golena
Elderhood: Jerry Mae Chiong Joliza Lancara Dianne Kay Fernandez Rhea Joy Golena
Elderhood: Jerry Mae Chiong Joliza Lancara Dianne Kay Fernandez Rhea Joy Golena
Prepared by:
Jerry Mae Chiong Joliza Lancara
Dianne Kay Fernandez Rhea Joy Golena
Nutrient Allowances
The nutrient allowances for the elderly, based on
the Philippine RENI are divided into 2 groups:
allowances for the elderly aged 50 to 69 years old
and the elderly aged 70 and older.
1. Calories- a reduction of calories is recommended
because of reduced basal metabolism and physical
activity. Statistics have shown that by age 60, the
average adult accumulates about 7 extra kilograms. The
recommended decrease in calorie intake is as follows:
1. Nuts
2. Whole bran
3. Oatmeal
4. Chicken legs
5. Spinach
6. Pinto beans
7. Sardines
8. Red salmon
9. Peas
10. Lima beans and white beans
Common Problems Among the Elderly
2. Lack of appetite
• Do light exercise like walking and gardening to improve
appetite and keep the body fit.
• eat in pleasant surroundings to make the meal enjoyable
• make the food attractive by varying the color, shape and size
3. Unwanted weight and due to lack of physical activity and/or
• Exercise regularly
• Eat only the lean part of the meat or fish. Avoid the fatty portion.
• Take in only moderate amounts of energy food. Steam, boil, or
broil foods. Avoid rich sauces, salad dressings and pastries or
cakes with heavy icings.
• Dink warm milk just before going to bed to assure a restful
• Avoid tea or coffee late in the day, if any of these hot/cold
drinks affects one’s sleep.
Foods Needed Daily by the Elderly
An elderly person needs to eat certain foods in adequate
amounts for good health. Usually, the elderly need less
energy foods due to less physical activities but more protein
foods to repair worn-out tissues.
Food Needs of an Elderly Man
Food Group Reference Elderly Man
(Height: 162 cm/ Weight: 56 kg)
60-69 Years 70 years and
Rice, cooked 5 ¼ cups 4 ¼ cups
Root crops 1 small pc ½ small pc
Sugar 5 level tsp 5 level tsp
Fats and oils 6 level tsp 4 level tsp
(margarine, butter,cooking oil,
Fish/meat/poultry 2 servings 2 servings
1. Nilambong
2 cups rice washing
1 tbsp ginger, sliced
2 tab salt
½ cup pork liver
1 cup eggplant
1 cup carrot
1 cup kangkong, cut
2 tbsp green onion cut into 3.8 cm long
1. Establish rapport
6. Set goals and work out a practical food plan with the
family, within their life situation and style, to meet the
identified nutrition needs.
7. Plan for follow-up visits for continued support,
education and encouragement
Pre-chorus Outro
Sumasakit ba ang tuhod Kapag ika’y tumatanda
Likod mo ba’y kumikirot Tsaka mo madadama
Can you feel that yeah Sinisingil ka na
Listen to this song baby Binabawi ang sarap nung ikaw bata pa.