Semiconductor Devices and Circuits (ECE1002) : by Dr. Namitha A. S., Asst. Professor, SENSE, VIT Vellore

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Semiconductor devices and

circuits (ECE1002)

Dr. Namitha A. S.,

Asst. Professor,
SENSE, VIT Vellore
Energy bands in two interacting H atom
• Let us consider two identical hydrogen atoms. When they are
far apart, the allowed energy levels consists of one doubly
degenerate levels. When they are brought close to each other
doubly degenerate levels will split into two levels by the
interaction of atoms.
Energy levels for interacting 2 &3 H atom system

Energy levels in isolated atoms

Dr. G. Swati
Energy bands in three interacting H atom

• At lower interatomic distance, degenerate energy levels split into

three levels.
• Similarly what happens when you have “N” number of interacting
atoms in a system?? “N“ number of levels
Energy bands in isolated atom
• For an isolated atom, electrons can have discrete energy levels.
For example levels for isolated hydrogen atom are given by Bohr
model as following:
Eh=-13.6/n2 eV
• Where n is called principle quantum number.
Energy levels in N no. atoms  N no. of interacting orbitals:

Can you guess the no of atoms

combine to form a solid ???

1022 to 1029 atoms/cm3

So the number of interacting

orbitals (N)??
Fig: Splitting of a degenerate state (same Levels can be renamed as
energy) into a band of allowed energies
having N no of atoms bands  continuum of levels
Energy levels to bands for Silicon
• As the interatomic distance is further decreased atoms from the (3s and
3p) will interact and overlap with each other. At equilibrium interatomic
distance they will again split with four energy state per atom in lower band
and four energy state in the upper band.
• Electrons will accommodate the lower energy state (valance band)
whereas the higher energy band will remain empty (conduction band).
Energy Band Formation in Silicon

How Many Silicon Atoms per cm ? -3

• Number of atoms in a unit cell:

• 4 atoms completely inside cell
• Each of the 8 atoms on corners are shared among cells
 count as 1 atom per cell
• Each of the 6 atoms on the faces are shared among 2
cells  count as 3 atoms per cell
Þ Total number of atoms per cell = 4 + 1 + 3 = 8
• Cell volume:
(.543 nm)3 = 1.6 x 10-22 cm3
• Density of silicon atoms
= (8 atoms) / (cell volume) = 5 x 1022 atoms/cm3
Band theory of solids
Metals Insulators Semiconductors

• CB is partially filled or • Valance electrons form • Smaller band gap

overlaps VB strong bonds, so they • No electrons in CB at
• Overlap of the valence are not free to move T=0K
band and the conduction • CB is completely empty • VB is filled with
band . • VB is filled with
• Good conductors of
electricity. • Bad conductors of • Doping a possible
• Valance electrons are electricity. solution
free to move

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