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Travel Agencies

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1 What is important to remember when dealing with enquiries and

-C...t taking bookings over the telephone?
listening 2 Look at the booking form below. Then listen to a travel agent
ti) deal with a telephone enquiry and complete the form.
Booking reference ..................... . D estm· ah·on

Flights From
...B..J ?
....M....G..\.d..(..i........ .
13 April
> Homeward .................. 3
t ( . ? ....
Heathrow 4 5

,QJ Name of . ...P.r. .
hotel Hotel 9...
code . double triple
C t
: Type of
private bathroom
n 6 of nights
No. single 7
Party members twin8
Name(s) Title .....Mr. ........ Initials ..................... 9
Address Surname .....................10
Postcode ..3 .7....Br.\...51:..o.l. ..Dr.i...v. ......S.wo.J:\ Ol...................... .
Telephone number ................................ 11

pronunc1at1on The alphabet

3 Listen to the letters of the alphabet and put them in the correct groups.
/e1/ /i:/ /el /ail /gu/ /u:/ /a:/
A B F I 0 Q R
· _ _r_av_e_l_a_ge_n
vocabulary 4 Look at the following ways of using the word time and_c_ie_s
sentences below.

1 The trains run ..4. q Qr:LJim.?:... , just like

v 5 G THE
TELEPHONE 2clockwork
It was a . rush but we arrived just .......................... ......... - a few minutes later
and we'd have missed the flight.
'1sw er all calls
·1sw er with your name 3 My watch was very fast so we arrived ................................... for th e
d I or your organisation departure.
.isk how you can help 4 The flight leaves at 10.45 and the ............................................ is 13 .25 .
::>eak clearly 5 It's the ................................... of year to go. The weather's neithe r too hot nor
..se appropriate language too cold.
6 We had to wait in line for 30 minutes because only a few visitors
--iile while you are were allowed in ................................... .
talking 7 When you go from New York to London yo u cross f ive different
und interested
epeat names, phone 8 There's no need to rush, you
can ................................... .
Jmbers and details to
--ak e sure everything has
e n understood
The following phrases are useful when answering the
phone. Good morning. Corporate Travel. Ca n I help you?
I'll put you through .
I'm sorry, the line's e n g a ge d I busy.
Would you like to
hold? Ca n I take a
C a n I get him to call
you back?
speaking 5 Work in pairs. Student A you are a travel agent. Turn to page 110.
Student B you want to find out about weekend breaks to Barcelona. Write
questions to ask the travel agent. Then phone and ask for details about the 49
M a tc h these sentences to the descriptions below.
1 We 're staying in London on 12th
2 There's a flight that leaves at 8.05.
3 I'll
sure you'll like it. for you an d put it in the post this
4 evening.
I'm just going to give you your booking reference
5 number.
a) prediction
b) scheduled event
c) personal intention
d) pre-arranged plan
e) promise
• We use will a n d going to for predictions a n d intentions.
He'll have more responsibility in his new job. {prediction)
I'm going to book something last-minute. {intention,
decision already m ade)
• The future continuous also refers to arrangements that have
b e e n ma de. It is also used to ask questions very politely.
She'll be staying at the Holiday Inn and meeting a number of
clients. How will you be paying?
For more information turn to p a g e 126.

practice 6 Complete the dialogue with the most appropriate future

Mr Swan Hello. Jason Swan speaking.
Amanda Hello, this is Amanda from Comet Travel. I'm phoning to confirm the
arrangements for your business trip to Italy at the end of the week.
Mr Swan Ah good.
Amanda We've booked you on flight AZ342 to Milan for 31 March. It leaves
I is
going to leave1 at 10.20 from Heathrow, so check-in is at 9.20. On
4 April you're booked on the 18.30 Alitalia flight from M ilan to
Mr Swan Rome and the day after the 15.50 flight from Rome to Turin.
Amanda OK, and what hotels will I stay I will I be staying2 in?
From the 31st to the 4th you're going to stay I 'II be staying3 in the
Raffaello and in Rome I've arranged for a room at the Visconti. I'm
afraid there's a slight problem with Turin. The Ambasciatori is fully­
booked so I'm ringing I going to ring4 the Pozetti to try to get you
Mr Swan in there. Can you tell me how you will pay I will be paying5, Mr
Amanda Swan?
American Express.
That's fine. So, I'// put I put6 your documents and full details in
the post tonight and you 'II get I are getting? them tomorrow

-· -
-ra_v_e_l _a_g_e_n
reading Educational reports
7 Read the text abo ut educational reports. Who are they


Educational Report
An educational report is designed to help you become
more familiar with a new country, destination or resort.
This forms an important part of our customer service.
The aim is that the report will help you in the future
when recommending this destination to your
customers. Obviously, we cannot all visit every
destination in the world, so on your return, you should
share this new information with your colleagues.
There are three stages to the educational trip. Before
you go you should complete the questionnaire using
the Tour Operator 's brochure. During your stay you
should complete the Educational Booklet, which
contains questions about the resort itself, travel
arrangements and the hotel. After the trip, you should
discuss your trip with you r manager and how you
are going to train other members of staff during
the feedback session.
Once you have returned from your educational trip it is
only polite to write and thank your hosts .

8 Read the text again and answer these

1 What are the aims of the educational report?
2 What do you have to do before you leave?
3 What should you do while you are away?
4 What does an educational report include?
5 What should you do when you get back?
speaking 9 Find information about an interesting destination on the internet.
Use the information and questions below to prepare an educational
report. Present your findings to your class colleagues.

The destination
• What are the main attractions of this destination?
• What type of customers would this destination be most suitable for?
• What is the currency and the current US$ rate of exchange?
• What is the cost in local currency of (a) a soft drink (b) a beer (c) a meal.
• Name three selling points for recommending this destination to

• What is the transfer time from the airport to the destination?
• What public transport facilities are there? How much do they cost?
reading A weekend break
1 0 Match the headings below to the paragraphs from a Madrid city
1 How to Get There
2 Where to Stay
3 Restaurants, Cafes and
4 Shopping in Madrid
5 Royal Madrid
6 A Night Out
7 A Cultural Afternoon
8 Beyond Madrid

What to Do in Madrid
EW city is anCITIES
take theircentre for culturalasevents,
entertainment putting
seriously a great
as Madrid.
deal of energy into providing its citizens and visitors vvith the best in
traditional and modern entertainment throughout the year. World
famous orchestras, ballets and operas are daily events. The country's
best flamenco acts bring their southern Spanish art to Madrid's
international audiences. Some of Europe's liveliest cafes and bars are
founded here. Be prepared for late nights, however, because many
activities begin well after midnight.

.l}\tµ,r.\ .. ft
A ....... .. B .............................................................
r.nQ.m.............. Although some people claim that El
The Prado Museum contains the Rastro has changed a great deal since
world's greatest assembly of Spanish its heyday during the 19th century,
painting - especially works by plenty of Madrilenos still shop here in
Velazquez and Goya - ranging from the search of a bargain. But get there early,
12th to 19th centuries . It also houses by midday it's almost impossible to
impressive foreign collections, move through the crowds.
particularly of Italian and Flemish
works. Ideally you should make several
visits but unfortunately 48 hours doesn't
allow you that luxury.

D ............................................................. .
c ...................... ...................................... Madrid is notorious for its late meal
times, with lunch around 3 pm and
GOY.A_ .. dinner around 11 pm. For the majority
Flamenco is a late-night art form with
of travellers, eating times here take
shows usually taking place through the
some getting used to. Madrilenos
evening and into the early hours of the
usually have two breakfasts
morning. Most venues offer dinner and
( desayunos). The first may be a quick
a show, which may be singing only, or
coffee at home. The second, around
both singing and dancing. Casa Patas
10 or 11 am, is often eaten in a bar or
is still the best place to capture the raw
a cafe.
power of genuine flamenco guitar and
cante singing.
l ( t Trave l agen

A wide variety of hotel-type

accommodation exists including hotel s,
M was built to impress. The site, on a
h igh hill overlooking the river apartment-hotels, hostels and pensions.
Spanish hotels are rated from one to
REAL had been a Moorish
fortress until destroyed by fire in 1734, five stars. One- and two-star hotels off er
d uring the reign of Felipe V. This suited basic facilities and the better ones have
Spain 's first Bourbon king well - his friendly staff, high standards of
idea of a palace was the Versailles of cleanliness and air-conditioning, which
his childhood, and so he commissioned is essential in summer. Hotel­residencias
a new French- style palace to be built (HR) are hotels without a meal service;
on the spot. It took 26 years to otherwise, they are the same as other
construct and became the home of the hotels.
ruling monarch's family until Alfonso F ............................................ .
XI II went into exile in 1931. The It takes about 20 minutes by
to reach the city centre froIT

ki ng, Juan Carlos I, lives in the more airport. The airport bus der
modest Zarzuela Palace outside International Terminal 1 e·
\l adrid, but the Palacio Real is still used minutes and goes to Plaz<
for state occasions. The metro runs from the
fast access to anyvvhere

Toledo is easily reached from Madrid by
rail, bus or car and is then best explored
on foot. The Romans built a fortress on
the site of the present-day Alcazar, the
Visigoths made Toledo their capital in
the 6th century AD and in the Middle
Ages Toledo was a melting pot of
Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultures.

11 Read the texts again and answer these questions.

1 In what way could a visit to the Prado be a problem?
2 Why is it not a good idea to go to El Rastro in the afternoon?
3 Casa Patas is a discotheque . True or false?
4 What is the best way to get to the city centre from the airport?
5 In what way is a Hotel-residencias different from a standard
6 Why do you think Toledo is 'best explored on foot'?

12 What do these times and dates refer to in the guide?

12th - 19th
6th century the Middle Ages
11 am century every 12
19th century 3 minutes
speaking 13 Look at the information about the Evans family below and prepare
an itinerary for a weekend break in Madrid for the whole family.

am pm evening


wr1t1ng Replying to requests g_e_n_c_ie_s
1 4 Complete the letter with the phrases from the
yours sincerely included in the price
I am pleased to enclose £100 off the brochure price
there is current make the necessary arrangements
availability please do not hesitate to contact
thank you for your us
recent request

4 April 2003

Dear Mr and Mrs Blakf

.ID n.. 9. ......... I for information on escorted

..f9.r...iP' .:!. . . . ...•....................•......................... 2 a

journeys to Centrn ·
drticular, given your requirements, I
which you may f

•Highlight ,page 72, tour code l 958A). This holiday
14 days P lasts
/arsaw, Budapest , Vienna and Prague.
•B est of Centi ... c>age 68, tour code l 938A). This tour leaves from
and covers Warsaw, . i Berlin
.ow, Brno, Prague and Dresden.
These excursions are accompanied by an experienced travel guide
and accommodation in first class hotels with service charges and
We are currently
..................................... ................3.
offering ..................................................... 4
if the Highlights of Central Europe tour is booked and paid for before
the end of
the month .

..................................................... 5 for both of these tours and we would be

more than
pleased to ..................................................... 6 for your holiday. I f you
require any further
assi.stance ..................................................... 7.

····················································· 8'
Travel Consultant

15 You receive a letter from an overseas tour operator asking for

• be friendly and positive information about weekend breaks in your city. Use the following
• use a new paragraph phrases to write a reply to the letter.
each point thank you for your interest I enclose ...
• avoid long or complex in ... if you need any further
sentences we specialise in ... information ...
I suggest we + verb (without I look forward to hearing from you.
• check for any
or spelling mistakes

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