Lec 5 Pillars
Lec 5 Pillars
Lec 5 Pillars
3. Hajj Qiran: In this Hajj, the pilgrim enters into the
state of Ihram for both Umra and the Hajj at one time.
• Ihram is the intention of the person willing to perform all
rites of 'Umrah or Hajj .
• Each direction coming into Makkah has its own Miqat. It
is recommended that the one who intends to perform
Hajj makes Ghusl perfumes his body, but not his
garments, and puts on a two piece garment with no
• One piece to cover the upper part of the body, and the
second to cover the lower part.
• For a woman the Ihram is the same except that she
should not use perfumes at all and her dress should
cover the whole body decently, leaving the hands and
the face uncovered.
• It is recommended to repeat the well known supplication
of Hajj, called Talbeyah, as frequently as possible from
the time of Ihram till the time of the first stoning of Jamrat
Al-Aqabah in Mina. Men are recommended to utter the
Talbeyah aloud while women are to say it quietly.
Talbeyah is :
• "Labbayka Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayka La
Shareeka Laka Labbayk. Inna-alhamda Wan-ntimata
Laka Walmulk. La Shareek Lak." (Here I am at your
service. O my Lord, here I am. Here I am. No partner do
You have. Here I am. Truly, the praise and the
provisions are Yours, and so is the dominion. No partner
do You have.)
When a Muslim arrives to Makkah, he should make
Tawaf around the Ka'bah, as a gesture of greeting
Masjid Al-Haraam.
This is done by circling the Ka'bah seven times in the
counterclockwise direction, starting from the black stone
with Takbeer and ending each circle at the Black Stone
with Takbeer, keeping the Ka'bah to one's left.
Then the pilgrim goes to Maqam Ibrahim and performs
two rak'ah behind it, away from the path of the people
making Tawaf.
In all cases one should be facing the Ka'bah when
praying behind Maqam Ibrahim.
Sai is a walk 7 times between the mountains of SAFA
and MARVA .Its obligatory in hajj and if some one has the
intention of Umrah his umrah is completed with this
Stay at Arafat :
On the 9th day of Thul-Hijjah, the Day of Arafat, the
pilgrims stay in Arafat until sunset. The pilgrims pray
Dhuhr and Asr at Arafat, shortened and combined dur ing
the time of Dhuhr to save the rest of the day for glorifying
Allah and for supplication asking forgiveness.
A pilgrim should make sure that he is within the
boundaries of Arafat, not necessarily standing on the
mountain of Arafat.
Stoning Jamrat Al-Aqabah :
• When the pilgrims arrive at Mina, they go to Jamrat Al-
Aqabah where they stone with seven pebbles glorifying
Allah "Allah-u Akbar" at each throw and calling on Him to
accept their Hajj.
Sacrifice :
• After stoning Jamrat Al-Aqabah, the pilgrim goes to
slaughter his sacrifice either personally or through the
appointment of somebody else to do it on his behalf. A
pilgrim should slaughter either a sheep, or share a cow
or a camel with six others.
Shaving the head or trimming the hair
The final rite on the tenth day after offering his sacrifice
is to shave one' s head or to cut some of the hair.
Shaving the head is, however, preferable for it was
reported that the Prophet prayed three times for those
who shaved their heads, when he said: "May Allah's
Mercy be upon those who shaved their heads.
" Bukhari and Muslim” .
For women, the length of hair to be cut is that of a finger
Tawaf Al-Ifadhah :
Tawaf Al-Ifadhah is a fundamental rite of
Hajj. The pilgrim makes Tawaf AI-Ifadhah
by visiting Al-Masjid AlHaraam and circling
the Ka'bah seven times and praying two
Rak'ah behind Maqam Ibrahim.
Farewell Tawaf :
Farewell Tawaf is the final rite of Hajj. It is
to make another Tawaf around the Ka'bah.
Concept of Islam about Polygamy
Polygamy and the wife acceptance
Polygamy and its Preconditions in Islam
Major disadvantages of polygamy
Can polygamy be a better solution in some
Why not polyandry ?
• Date of Submission 06 March
• 750 -1000 words ( Hand written ) A4 paper