Transportation Engineering-Ii: Elements of Road Cross Section
Transportation Engineering-Ii: Elements of Road Cross Section
Transportation Engineering-Ii: Elements of Road Cross Section
Elements of Road cross section
• It is provided along the road edge to serve as an
emergency lane for vehicle.
• It act as a service lane for vehicles that have broken
• The minimum shoulder width of 4.6 m so that a truck
stationed at the side of the shoulder would have a
clearance of 1.85m from the pavement edge.
• IRC recommended the minimum shoulder width is
2.5 m
• It should have sufficient load bearing capacity even in
wet weather.
• The surface of the should be rougher than the traffic
lanes so that vehicles are discouraged to use the
shoulder as a regular traffic.
• The colour should be different from that of the
Cycle track
unTreate shoulder
Width of the roadway or formation width:
• It is the sum of the width of the carriageway or
pavement including separators if any and the
Right of way:
• It is the total area of land acquired for the road
along its alignment.
• It depends on the importance of the road and
possible future development.
• It is desirable to acquire more width of land as the
cost of adjoining land invariably increases very
much , soon after the new highway is constructed.
Building lane:
• In order to reserve sufficient space for future
development of roads, It is desirable to control
the building activities on either side of the road
boundary, beyond the land width acquired for
the land.
Control lines:
• In addition to “building line”, it is desirable to
control the nature of building upto further “set
back distance” .
Traffic separators or median:
• The main function is to prevent head on collision
between the vehicle moving in opposite direction.
• Channelize traffic into streams at intersection.
• Segregate slow traffic and to protect pedestrians.
• IRC recommends a minimum desirable width of 5 m
and may be reduce to 3 m where land is restricted.
• The minimum width of median in urban area is
4-lane divided carriage way or dual carriage
Cross slope or camber:
• It is the slope provided to the road surface in the
transverse direction to drain off the rain water
from the road surface.
• To prevent the entry of surface water into the
subgrade soil through pavement.
• To prevent the entry of water into the bituminous
pavement layer.
• To remove the rain water from the pavement
surface as quick as possible and to allow the
pavement to get dry soon after the rain.
• It is expressed as a percentage or 1V:Nh.
• It depends on the pavement surface and amount
of rainfall.
Shape of the cross slope:
• Parabolic shape(fast moving vehicle)
• Straight line
• Combination of parabolic and straight line
Recommended values of camber for different types of road surface
Sl no. Type of road surface Range of camber in areas of rain
fall range
heavy light
1 Cement concrete and high type 1 in 50(2%) 1 in 60(1.7%)
bituminous pavement
c/s of highway in hilly area
c/s of road in built-up area
C/S of Flexible pavement