Presented By-3. Abhishek Khandelwal 11.ashutosh Agrawal 35.prabhat Kumar Choubey 48.raunak Dhupar

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Presented by-

3. Abhishek khandelwal
11.Ashutosh agrawal
35.Prabhat kumar choubey
48.Raunak dhupar
 Venture capital means funds made available
for startup firms and small businesses with
exceptional growth potential.

 Venture capital is money provided by

professionals who alongside management invest
in young, rapidly growing companies that have
the potential to develop into significant economic
The SEBI has defined Venture Capital
Fund in its Regulation 1996 as ‘a fund
established in the form of a company or
trust which raises money through loans,
donations, issue of securities or units as
the case may be and makes or proposes
to make investments in accordance with
the regulations’.
 Itinjects long term equity finance which provides
a solid capital base for future growth.

 The venture capitalist is a business partner,

sharing both the risks and rewards. Venture
capitalists are rewarded by business success and
the capital gain.

 The venture capitalist is able to provide practical

advice and assistance to the company based on
past experience with other companies which were
in similar situations.
The financing pattern of the deal is the
most important element. Following are the
various methods of venture financing:
Conditional loan
Income note
Participating debentures
Quasi equity
 The concept of venture capital was formally
introduced in India in 1987 by IDBI.

 Thegovernment levied a 5 per cent cess on all

know-how import payments to create the venture

 ICICI started VC activity in the same year

 Later
on ICICI floated a separate VC
company - TDICI
 Venture capital firms typically source the majority
of their funding from large investment

 Investment institutions expect very high ROI

 VC’s invest in companies with high potential

where they are able to exit through either an IPO
or a merger/acquisition.

 Their primary ROI comes from capital gains

although they also receive some return through
 The down market virtually closed the IPO market
for emerging companies.

 Withless opportunities for getting ROI investors

tend to scale back, adjust their investment focus
and/or get more picky in funding companies.

 Theinvestors that put money into their funds

became less aggressive during recession so it
was harder for the VCs to raise money.
 VC can help in the rehabilitation of sick units.
 VC can assist small ancillary units to upgrade
their technologies
 VCFs can play a significant role in developing
countries in the service sector including
tourism, publishing, health care etc.
 They can provide financial assistance to
people coming out of universities, technical
institutes, etc thus promoting entrepreneurial

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