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STCI /TF-CM/CVF-18 Rev. No. 00 Issued: 6-20-12 Approved: RTD

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STCI /TF-CM/CVF-18 Rev. No.

00 Issued: 6-20-12 Approved: RTD

• Explain the container carrying vessel
• Name and identify the basic constructional
features of a cargo vessel
• Explain the dimensions of vessels and their
• Identify the five main types of container ships
Why learning about container
ship construction
1 To plan loading and discharge

2 To know the working environment

3 To ensure safety and security

Construction Knowledge for
• For berth allocation
• For resource allocation
• For scheduling
• For estimating performance
Knowing the Work Environment

Where are the work locations?

How are the work locations to be reached?
What work will be required?
How will the containers be handled?
What gear, clothing and equipment will be
needed ?
Ship Construction and Safety
1. What safety precautions might be needed
2. What emergency procedures should be
3. Where emergency gear and equipment are
4. Which the safe emergency escape routes
10 Important Things Deck
Officers Must Check During
Cargo Watch
Container vessels usually follow a tight
schedule of ports of call.

They presumably follow one fixed route with

certain numbers of ports, which are likely to
be changed as per the interest of the
During the port stay of the vessel, the deck
officers are in-charge of monitoring the
loading and discharging of cargo and
numerous other indispensable happenings

Incidentally, this explains why many officers

onboard find the port stays more hectic than a
normal day at sea.
However, with the right knowledge and plan
of action, cargo watches can be a lot easier
than they seem.

The notes and guidelines below on ten

important things that need to be checked
during your cargo watch will help you to plan
and make the best out of your watches when
the ship is at port.
1. Plan and Monitor Loading and Discharging of Cargo
The most important factor or the ultimate reason of the port
stay is loading and discharging of containers, hence the first
priority should be the same.

Make sure the loading/discharge plans are ready in hand

before u commence your watch. Like its always done, as
you go out on deck for rounds mark out on which bays the
gantry cranes are working on. It is also good to note the
gantry number, as we can track the movement of gantries
during the next rounds.
1. Plan and Monitor Loading and Discharging of Cargo

If practical, suggest for an even discharging or loading of

cargo as it avoids listing/heeling of the vessel and avoid
continuous running of Auto-Heeling system and heeling
pumps. Give special attention to under deck cargo operations
inside the cargo hold. Ensure safe keeping and safe removal
of hatch covers without damage to ship’s superstructure.
1. Plan and Monitor Loading and Discharging of Cargo

If any cargo operation is not complying with the cargo plans, it

needs to be checked with the foreman or the planner. Any
damage to the ship’s structure due to rough operation of
cranes should also be brought into their attention and a
stevedore damage report should be made as well.
2. Have Knowledge of IMDG Containers Loaded
IMO recognized International Maritime Dangerous Goods
are carried in containers onboard the vessels designated
to carry them. As the name depicts, IMDG containers
should be treated with utmost significance. The paper
works and documentation of IMDG cargo including IMDG
Spotting Plan is the responsibility of the deck officers,
therefore a good familiarization of IMDG Code is strongly
2. Have Knowledge of IMDG Containers Loaded
IMDG are normally loaded as away as practical from
accommodation, as per compliance with the IMDG Code.
However, during the cargo watches duty officers need to
reassure the position of each and every DG containers
loaded onboard are as per the cargo plan. Any change in
the same should be brought into the attention of Chief
Officer and the planner. Furthermore, every box containing
DG cargo should be having HAZMAT and IMO Class
stickers.It is recommended to have the same on all visible
sides of the containers.
2. Have Knowledge of IMDG Containers Loaded

Discharging DG containers with no stickers is a serious

offense and the ship can be fined or arrested for the same.
Hence, confirm the presence of the IMO Class stickers
during the loading time. Any missing stickers should again
be brought into the attention of Chief Officer and the
Foreman/Planner should be informed and asked to fix it.
3. Handle Reefer Containers With Care

Reefers or the Refrigerated Containers are very sensitive

cargo and hence should be handled with care. Onboard
container vessels carrying reefers, there should be an
electrical engineer dedicated for handling the reefers.

All loading and discharging of reefers should be with the

knowledge and supervision of the electrician. Ensure that
while reefers are loaded and discharged the electrician is
informed and readily available.
3. Handle Reefer Containers With Care

Avoid disconnecting the reefers from the power supply too

early prior to discharge.

It is recommended to ask the foreman to give a notice of

which all reefers are about to be discharged and hence to
unplug the same just before it goes out from the ship.
3. Handle Reefer Containers With Care

Be aware that the electrician is the responsible and

qualified person for connecting and disconnecting reefers
but in practical while handling too many reefers at once it
is a good practice for officers, cadets or deck crew to help
him out, however while doing so make sure you have the
basic knowledge to do the same, like switching on the
reefers and confirming the given set points. If you feel you
don’t know it, never do it.
3. Handle Reefer Containers With Care

Any troubleshooting of reefers should be brought into the

attention of the foreman/planner as early as possible.
4. Check Lashings Of Out of Gauge Cargo (OOG)

OOG means cargos which are

not suitably fitted inside a
container. Such cargo can be
heavy machinery, spare parts,
boats, yachts etc. OOG are
usually loaded under deck
inside the cargo hold. It can
also be loaded on-top of flat
rack containers, or by using
wooden dunnage
4. Check Lashings Of Out of Gauge Cargo (OOG)
4. Check Lashings Of Out of Gauge Cargo (OOG)

 It is good to take photographs of the cargo once it is

lashed and secured. If you find any defect or lack of
quality of the lashing ask the foreman to fix the same.
5. Have Proper Visual Inspection of Ship’s Draft

It is nothing new that arrival draughts and departure

draughts needs to be visually checked and logged down.
The significance of draught not only applies during arrival
and departure, but also during the whole period of time
when the ship is alongside.
5. Have Proper Visual Inspection of Ship’s Draft
In certain ports, where the available depth is less, there
should be a close watch on the draught and the under-
keel-clearance as it can vary when large number of boxes
are to be loaded, or large quantity of ballast water being

There should be a visual examination of the draught at

least once during every watch as the draught gauges can’t
be accurate always. A timely check on draught can avoid a
lot of dangers while alongside.
6. Check Ship’s Ballast and List

It is normally the Chief Officer who is responsible for the

ballast operations and the stability of the vessel. At the
same time duty officers are required to have
comprehensive knowledge about ballast operations and
will be required to do so, as per chief officer’s advice.
6. Check Ship’s Ballast and List

While doing ballast operations, keep a close watch on

the inclinometer to monitor the vessels list. In cases,
where ballast water is pumped into the same side where
the cargo is being loaded the vessel can tend to list. Keep
in mind that more than 1 degree of list on any side needs
to b corrected in no time.
6. Check Ship’s Ballast and List

As practical as possible, try to minimize the intake of

ballast water in ports and to use internal transfer of ballast.
All ballast operations should be logged down. Make
yourself familiar with the Ballast water management plans.

While de ballasting, be aware of the restrictions of

certain ports where de-ballasting is strictly prohibited.
Inform the chief officer if any doubts or uncertainties.
7. Check Lashings Thoroughly

Lashing is another vital factor which needs to be checked

during cargo watches.

It is the duty officer’s responsibility to ensure every

lashing is found satisfactory. A good understanding of the
vessel’s lashing plans and lashing gears is absolutely
7. Check Lashings Thoroughly

The ‘Cargo Securing Manual’ of the ship should be read

and followed. Lashings are good if they are moderately

Slack on the lashing bar-turnbuckle unit is not

appreciated and such slack should be tightened up with

Excessive force should not be used making the unit too

tight and hence immobile and stiff.
7. Check Lashings Thoroughly

Any lashings found unsatisfactory or any missing

lashings on certain containers should be brought into the
attention of foreman.

The lashings are to re-tighten and checked during the

voyage as well, but it’s normally done by the deck crew.
7. Check Lashings Thoroughly
The lashing checks are not limited to the lashing bar-
turnbuckle units but also the twist locks used in between
the containers. The type of twist lock weather its semi-
automatic or fully-automatic depends on the ships lashing
plan, but a missing twist lock between any two boxes is not
a part of any plan.

Therefore, any twist locks found missing should be again

informed to the foreman. Also, do not forget to lock the
hatch cover cleats /pins too.
7. Check Lashings Thoroughly

 It is a good practice to check the lashings as

soon as it is finished, it will save the unnecessary
rush during the cargo completion time.
8. Carry Out Change of Watch Procedure
Without Missing Anything

Change of watch during port stays is as important as it

is at sea. The relieving officer should be officially handed
over with all the necessary information of the progress on
deck, cargo operations, and ballast operations in detail.
8. Carry Out Change of Watch Procedure Without
Missing Anything
It is a good practice to take a deck rounds just before
the end of your watch so that the correct updated status of
the cargo operations can be known. The cargo plans
should be updated as well. Any bays completed off
lashings are to be checked before handing over.

Any out of ordinary information should be exchanged.

During the change of watch do not forget to log down the
end of watch along with the necessary update on cargo
9. Ensure Utmost Level of Security and Safety
On board Ship

Another significant element in the port stay is the ISPS

policies. Security rounds and gangway watches are kept
at all the times during the vessels port stay.

As per ISPS Code, there are different security levels

and respective security measures are to be followed.
Good knowledge of the security duties and ISPS Code is
strictly recommended.
9. Ensure Utmost Level of Security and Safety
On board Ship

The next important factor is the safety of the ship and

its personnel. When the ship is alongside and cargo
operations are underway, the risks of accidents on deck
are more than at sea.

The safety of the ship’s crew and shore stevedores are

to be ensured and any unsafe working practice should be
noticed and stopped.
10. Carry Out Cargo Completion Without Errors

This final phase of the port stay can be a busy one. When
the cargo completion comes on your watch you have to be
sure of the count of moves left.

During the last rounds, count how many more containers

are to loaded on each bay and total it to find how many
moves altogether are remaining.
10. Carry Out Cargo Completion Without Errors
Prior to departure, the captain is most likely to ask how
many moves left, so be ready with the answer. Other than
that check on the following points during cargo completion
Visually examine and note down the departure draught.
Ensure that all lashings has been checked and found
satisfactory and the lashing certificate has been signed.
Make sure that the lashing gear boxes are going to be
landed back onboard and note down the position of the
10. Carry Out Cargo Completion Without Errors
Prior to departure, the captain is most likely to ask how
many moves left, so be ready with the answer. Other than
that check on the following points during cargo completion
Ensure that good housekeeping was maintained by the
stevedores and deck crew.
Ensure that notices to E/R and other deck crews have
been given.
Make sure the officer in charge to prepare the bridge has
been informed.
10. Carry Out Cargo Completion Without Errors
Prior to departure, the captain is most likely to ask how
many moves left, so be ready with the answer. Other than
that check on the following points during cargo completion
Confirm the presence of Agent and Planner of the
company is onboard for final paper works prior departure.
Confirm whether the Pilot has been contacted.
During cargo completion time if you feel that there are too
many happenings onboard at the same time, call out for
extra hands on deck for helping to check on loading ,
lashings , or any other activities.
10. Carry Out Cargo Completion Without Errors

The above points should be kept in mind as cargo

watches can be a busy stretch with a lot of happenings
onboard with the involvement of shore persons. But when
you have the knowledge and know what you are doing,
nothing should be a problem.

While having a busy watch during a port stay, find time for
yourself to get proper rest and also to get a chance to go
ashore, as these are some of those opportunities that
seafarers get. Ensure to make the best out of the port stay
and enjoy your work.
Panama Canal

Maximum Size
32.26 meter
Plimsol Mark
Dead Weight

Total weight that can be carried

in tonnes
Gross Tonnage
Total volume of all enclosed
spaces in tonnes
Net Tonnage
Total volume of cargo spaces
in tonnes
Container Carrying Capacity
In twenty-feet equivalents units
Size, Type and Design Selection
• Traffic volume
• Container/Bulk/General cargo /Mixed/Car
• Port equipment and technology
• Water depth
• Channel width
• Berth Length
• Air draft
Stowage Ro-Ro Operations
• Problems • Benefits
– Limited stacking height – Cargo can be pre-laded
– Labour- intensive onto cassettes/flatracks
– Safety risks – Can handle vehicles
– quickly
Range of equipment
needed – Heavy lifts and awkward
– Space utilization not loads are easily
high accommodated
– Vessels can be handled
at berths and terminals
without cranes

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