Students' Problems - Romanian Results of The Questionnaire

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Students' problems

Airoaie Andreea Gabriela
Chihai Laura
Șpac Lavinia
Anița Răzvan
12. Which activities in the classroom do you enjoy most?

 Interactive activities
 Group projects
 Watching movies during lessons
 Talking about hobbies
 Group work activities
 Talking about our interests and about topic connected to our daily lives
 Activities outside school
 Activities which involve more interesting topics
19. What could be the best solution to make school more attractive?

 Teachers should understand the problems we have

 More extracurricular activities
 More practice than theory
 Less classes and focus only on the most important school subjects
 More activities which involve team work
 More interesting activities with catchy topics
 Less homework
 More interactive activities
 Challenging activities with rewards
 Choosing the subjects we want to study
 Better structured content
 Topics that arouse curiosity
 A relaxed atmosphere during classes
This questionnaire has been applied to 40 students, 59.4% female and
40.6% male.
As a conclusion, we can say that students like school and they are fine
with the school work. Half of them feel stressed sometimes and the other
half usually feel stressed.
The fact that 63% of students feel stressed because of school could be an
alarming thing for us. Beside school, there are other causes that make
students feel stressed like daily problems, family, and friends.
Students react differently when they are stressed. Most of them are
nervous, some are worried, sad or angry. Most probably, stress is caused
by problems they usually have with some school subjects like Maths,
Chemistry, Physics or Romanian language. In order to solve this, they
sometimes receive help from their teachers as 65% of students said.
Students also consider that some of the problems would be solved if
teacher changed their teaching methods or make their lessons more
61% of the students said that teachers encourage them to perform better.
Most of them said that they are pleased with the school work and 65% said
that they sometimes receive the right amount of work.
Regarding the school activities, they said they like the school projects
they usually are involved in, all the interactive activities they have, they
like the fact that sometimes they watch documentaries/movies during
classes, they enjoy talking about their interests and topics connected to
their daily lives or other interesting topics. More than half of them said
they have extremely supportive classmates.
A third of the students said that their health problems could be a cause
for dropping out school. Another third said that other cause could be the
inadequate financial support from their families. Other causes could be
problems with teachers/students, disliking studying or inadequate
support from family members.
Learnign difficulties coud be a cause for poor academic performance,
lack of attention too, problems at home or permissive atmosphere at
Most of the students feel quite free at school and only 18% don’t feel
free. They also think that school space allows them to be themselves.
Health could be connected to students’ school results. In order to
improve these results and make school more attractive, teachers should
understand the problems students have, involve them in outdoor
activities, focus more on practice than theory, have challenging
activities and topics which arouse curiosity.
Thank you for your

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