Passive: Reflexive Pronouns
Passive: Reflexive Pronouns
Passive: Reflexive Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns
Active Passive
Present Simple The workers build the The house is built by the
(nuolat) house. workers.
Future Perfect Simple The workers will have The house will have
(by the time…) built the house. been built by the
Conditionals (būtų) The workers would The house would be
build the house. built by the workers.
Perfect Infinitive The workers must have The house must have
built the house. been built by the
Klausimai sudaromi tokiu pačiu būdu, tik, kaip ir visuose klausimuose, is, are, was,
were, have, has, had, will... iškeliamas į priekį,
e. g. Has Anne walked the dog? → Has the dog been walked by Anne?
Kai klausimas prasideda WHO/WHAT, negalima praleisti BY:
e. g. Who painted the fence? → Who was the fence painted by?
Personal/Impersonal Construction
think, believe, say, report, know, expect, consider,
understand, etc.
Active People say that he has won the lottery.
Passive a) It is said (that) he has won the lottery. (impersonal)
b) He is said to have won the lottery. (personal)
Abu sakiniai reiškia: “Sakoma, kad...”
I have my hair cut. – Man nukirpti plaukai (neveik. rūšis)
Panašu į Passive, tik žodžių tvarka susikeičia:
1.Kam veiksmas atliekamas (I – vardininkas),
2. have (šnekam. k. – get); keičiasi veiksmaž. laikai
3. kas yra keičiama (hair),
4. VIII (-ed arba III stulpelis)
Present Simple have sth VIII
I have my hair cut (man nukirpti plaukai)
Present Continuous am / is are having sth VIII
I am having my hair cut (man kerpami plaukai)
Past Simple had sth VIII I had my hair cut (man buvo nukirpti plaukai)
Past Continuous was / were having sth VIII I was having my hair cut
(man buvo kerpami plaukai)
Present Perfect Simple I have had my hair cut (Šnek. k. “get” vietoj “have”
paprastai nevartojama, kad nesipainiotų su have got)
Present Perfect Continuous I have been having my hair cut.
Past Perfect Simple had had sth VIII I had had my hair cut (man buvo nukirpti
Past Perfect Continuous I had been having my hair cut
Future Simple will have sth VIII
I will have my hair cut (man bus nukirpti plaukai)
Future Continuous I will be having my hair cut.
Future Perfect Simple will have had sth VIII I will have had my hair cut ( bus
Future Perfect Continuous I will have been having my hair cut.
I – myself
You – yourself
He – himself
She – herself
It – itself
We – ourselves
You – yourselves
They - themselves
I wash – aš prausiuosi, bet nereikia myself. Taip pat ir concentrate, feel, meet,
relax, dress, shave
Bet I dried myself with a towel.
I painted it myself.