Updates On COA Rules and Regulations and Criteria For Selection of Outstanding Accounting Offices

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Updates on COA Rules and

Regulations And
Criteria for Selection
of Outstanding Accounting

Annual Convention of the Association of Government Accountants of the Philippines

Venue: Iloilo Convention Center
Date: October 17, 2018
By: Rizalina Q. Mutia - Asst. Commissioner
Commission on Audit-Local Govt Sector
Outline of Presentation
I. Updates on COA Rules & Regulations
A. COA Circulars
B. COA Memorandum

II. Criteria for Selection of Outstanding

Accounting Office
COA Circulars
1. COA Cir. No. 2018-002
May 31, 2018

Guidelines prescribing the submission of the

Property Inventory Form as basis for the
assessment of general insurance coverage
over all insurable assets, properties and
interests of the government with the General
Insurance Fund of the GSIS
COA Cir. No. 2018-002
May 31, 2018

Officials of the NGAs/LGUs/GOCCs, who are
responsible for the payment of the premiums
prescribed, who refuses or habitually neglects
to comply within the time prescribed, shall be
held liable for the payment of the premiums
and shall pay to GSIS a fine of 2% per month
of said premiums from their due dates until
received by the GIF, as provided for under Sec.
6(b) of RA No. 656.
COA Cir. No. 2018-002
May 31, 2018

The GSIS General Insurance Group officials
and employees who neglected and failed to
collect or accept payments of the premiums
or issue receipt therefor shall be liable for the
said premiums and the penalty prescribed
COA Cir. No. 2018-002
May 31, 2018

Failure on the part of the agency officials
concerned and the GSIS to submit and receive,
respectively, the documents and reports, as
well as failure of the GSIS underwriting
officials to assess the premium due within the
timeframe shall automatically cause the
suspension of the payment of their salaries
until they shall have complied with the
requirements of RA No. 656
COA Cir. No. 2018-002
May 31, 2018

No appropriation authorized in the GAA shall
be available to pay the salary of any official or
employee who violates the provisions of the
Circular, without prejudice to any disciplinary
action that may be instituted against such
official or employee
2. COA Cir. No. 2017-004
Dec. 13, 2017

Guidelines on the preparation of FS and other
financial reports and implementation of the
PFRS by Government Corporations Classified
as GBEs and PPSAS by Non-GBEs
3. COA Cir. No. 2017-003
Oct. 25, 2017

Amendment of Sec. 197 under Title VI-
Miscellaneous provisions and Administrative
Instructions of COA Cir. No. 92-3386 dated
October 20, 1992 re: Rules and Regulations on
Supply and Property Management in the Local
COA Cir. No. 2017-003
Oct. 25, 2017
Disposal of Real Property and Improvements

Real estate and their improvements owned
by the LGUs may be sold to other government
or private entity under sealed bids, or by
negotiation if sealed bid has failed at a price
to be determined by the Committee on
COA Cir. No. 2017-003
Oct. 25, 2017
Disposal of Real Property and Improvements

The contract of conveyance shall be executed
by the LCE in behalf of the LGU in accordance
with the formalities required by law on the
matter and shall be approved by the local
COA Cir. No. 2017-003
Oct. 25, 2017
Disposal of Real Property and Improvements

The disposal shall be subject to the approval
of COA in case the disposal is through
negotiation regardless of the value of the
property to be disposed. The request for
approval shall be made prior to the perfection
of the contract of sale through negotiation.
4. COA Cir. No. 2017-002
Oct. 25, 2017

Clarification of COA Cir. No. 2016-002 dated
May 31, 2016 on the Updates on Prescribing
the Revised Guidelines and Documentary
Requirements for Fund Transfers in relation
COA Cir. No. 2012-001 dated June 14, 2012
COA Cir. No. 2017-002
Oct. 25, 2017

The Auditor of the IA shall no longer be
required to issue a certification on the post-
audit of the RCI and ROD
COA Cir. No. 2017-002
Oct. 25, 2017

The Auditor of the IA shall no longer be
required to issue a corresponding Credit
Notice as a prerequisite for the liquidation of
the cash advance
COA Cir. No. 2017-002
Oct. 25, 2017

The Auditor of the IA shall furnish the
Accountant and the Auditor of the Source
Agency, Notices of Disallowance, and
subsequent audit decisions issued, if any, on
the results of audit of disbursements of the
cash advance, for reference and recognition in
the books of accounts, to restore accountability
of the IA upon finality of the audit decision.
5. COA Cir. No. 2017-001
June 19, 2017

Reimbursement of expenses not requiring
official receipts
COA Cir. No. 2017-001
June 19, 2017

Reimbursement of expenses amounting to
P300.00 or less need not be supported by
official receipts, except for the ff:
a. Payment of fares in public utility vehicles
issuing receipts

b. Purchases in business establishments

issuing receipts
COA Cir. No. 2017-001
June 19, 2017

The official/employee shall be required to
submit a certification for expenses P300.00 or
less as supporting document (with prescribed
6. COA Cir. No. 2016-006
Dec. 29, 2016

Conversion from the PGCA under the NGAS to
the Revised Chart of Accounts for Government
Corporations under COA Circular No. 2015-
010 dated Dec. 1, 2015, new, revised and
deleted accounts, and relevant accounting
policies and guidelines in the implementation
7. COA Cir. No. 2016-005
Dec. 19, 2016

Guidelines and Procedures on the Write-off of
Dormant Receivable Accounts, Unliquidated
Cash Advances, and Fund Transfers of NGAs,
LGUs and GOCCs
8. COA Cir. No. 2016-004
Dec. 19, 2016

Guidelines on the conversion of the chart of
accounts from the Philippine Chart of
Accounts under COA Circular No. 2004-008
dated September 20, 2004, as amended, to
the Revised Chart of Accounts for LGUs under
COA Circular No. 2015-009 dated Dec. 1, 2015
9. COA Cir. No. 2016-003
August 16, 2016

Amendment to COA Circular No. 2013-004
dated January 30, 2013 Re: Information and
Publicity on Programs/Projects/Activities of
the Government Agencies
COA Cir. No. 2016-003
August 16, 2016

For non-infrastructure PPAs – a tarpaulin
signboard similar to item 2.2.3 of COA Circular
No. 2013-004 may be displayed at the project
site, but not to exceed 3 ft by 4 ft. Project
details may be omitted for PPA not exceeding
5 days; however, the start and end dates must
be specified.
COA Cir. No. 2016-003
August 16, 2016

Tarpaulin signboards may also be allowed
during parades, but not to exceed 4 ft by 12 ft,
and as backdrop during
seminars/workshops/trainings and inter-
agency assemblies/meetings, or similar
activities with 50 or more members or
participants, but not to exceed 8 ft by 8 ft.
10. COA Cir. No. 2016-002
May 31, 2016

Updates on Prescribing the Revised Guidelines
and Documentary Requirements for Fund
COA Cir. No. 2016-002
May 31, 2016

The post-audit of transactions is not a
prerequisite to the succeeding release of funds.
The Certification by the Accountant that funds
previously transferred to the Implementing
Agency has been liquidated and accounted for
in the books – will suffice as part of the
documentary requirements for funds transfers.
11. COA Cir. No. 2016-001
May 31, 2016

Amendment to COA Circular No. 2013-003
dated January 30, 2013, re: Reiteration of
Audit Disallowance of Payments Without Legal
Basis of Allowances, Incentives, and Other
Benefits of Government Officials and
Employees in the NGAs, LGUs, and GOCCs and
their Subsidiaries
Magna Carta Benefits to Public Health Workers

COA Circular No. 2013-003 COA Circular No. 2016-001

P200.00 for slight physical injury P500.00

P300.00 for less serious physical injury P500.00

P500.00 for serious physical injury P1,000.00

P1,000.00 for necropsy; P1,000.00 for P2,500.00 for both

P600.00 per court appearance P1,500.00 each court appearance to
testify on findings
P20,000.00 one time relocation allowance same
50% of basic pay for Remote Assignment same
COA Memoranda
12. COA Memorandum No. 2018-
February 9, 2018

Audit of compliance by all government
agencies with RA No. 9679 on the proper
deduction of Pag-IBIG Fund Contribution
and Short Term Loan Amortization from the
salaries of employees, and timely remittance
of said deductions to the HDMF
COA Memorandum No. 2018-
February 9, 2018

Refusal or failure without lawful cause or
with fraudulent intent to comply with the
provisions of RA No. 9679, as well as the IRR,
particularly with respect to registration of
employees, collection and remittance of
employee-savings as well as the employer
counterparts, or the correct amount due,
within the time set shall constitute an
COA Memorandum No. 2018-
February 9, 2018

In case of government instrumentalities, agencies or
corporations, the concerned officials or employees who
fails to include in the annual budget the amount
corresponding to the employers’ contributions, or who
fails or refuses or delays by more than 30 days from the
time such amount becomes due and demandable or to
deduct the monthly contributions of the employee,
shall, upon conviction by final judgment, suffer the
penalties of imprisonment of not more than 6 years,
and a fine of not less than, but not more than twice the
amount involved.
2. COA Memorandum No. 2017-
August 8, 2018

Amendment to expand the coverage of COA
Memorandum No. 2016-007 dated March 7,
2016, mandating the audit of the deduction
made for GSIS Premiums from the salaries of
all government employees and the
remittance thereof to the GSIS in accordance
with RA No. 8291, to include the audit of the
deduction for the payment of GSIS Monthly
Salary and Other Loan Amortization

Timeliness of submission of

financial statements/
reports to COA
( to Auditor and to
Gov’t Accountancy Sector)

Accuracy of financial

Completeness of

Audit Opinion on the Fairness

of Presentation of Financial
Statements should be an
Unmodified Opinion

Absence of material audit

observations pertaining to
accounting deficiencies/
weaknesses on accounting
COA Memorandum No. 2017-
August 8, 2018

The GSIS deductions should be given
preference over other deductions as
provided for under the pertinent provisions
of the GAA

Penal sanctions may be imposed upon the
responsible officials and employees in case
of violation of the pertinent provisions of RA
No, 8291

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