Mathbook Used in King'S Colledge For Year 4: Irana Asgarova

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Irana Asgarova
How to use this book

Number and Place value

Addition and Subtraction

Contents of Multiplication and Division

the textbook
Shape and Measure

Fractions and Decimals

Mixed Operations
The perfect balance of practice and problem
solving for each area of math

The Abacus
Pictorial representations to support children’s
conceptual understanding

Math Clearly laid out questions with instructions that

textbook are easy to follow

A self-assessment opportunity on every page

Colour to indicate the different math areas within

the programme
As we know, mathematics plays an important
role in the development of 6 different
What competencies.
The six competencies are:
skills does
math add Mathematising
to us? Reasoning and argument
Strategic thinking
Using symbolic, formal and technical language
and operations
Concentration of book as per areas
Book chapter/
Units (Qtt) Activity Exercise
learning areas
Number & Place value 4 11 132
Addition & Subtraction 6 23 240
Multiplication & Division 8 21 213
Shape & Measure 5 15 104
Fraction & Decimals 7 23 260
Mixed Operations 2 1 46

After finishing all chapters with activities and exercises done, I observe that
almost 95% of the subject is learnt by my daughter. It means the structure of
the book is very well organized
Number and Place

• Numeracy is an essential life skill for communication (Appropriate

Computational Skills), just like literacy. We use the alphabet to
communicate words and base-ten place value notation to communicate
Addition and
• Addition and Subtraction skills can
highly effective for strategic

• With this book I witness how

effectively the understanding of
my daughter is developing how
her analytical approach to
everything is becoming more
Multiplication and

Cementing knowledge in these

areas is crucial for a number of
 Multiplication forms the
building block for other
mathematical concepts
 Division and multiplication
skills can be applied to real As seen from the example, it is from a daily life and after
life concepts doing all given exercises, I do see how my daughter starts
Reasoning and argument to use them in our daily life and how her communication
 a mathematical strategy to becomes clearer and more rational and reasonable.
solve problems arising from
the task.
• Geometry is a practical guide
for volumes, measuring
lengths and areas. Geometry
is important because the
world is made up of different
shapes and spaces.
Geometry finds huge
applications in the real world
out of which some are
described below.

This is an important part of our life but

in this book learning of geometry is just
started. I didn’t find the number of
exercises enough but probably more
concentration will be during next years.
So in this case assessment of this book
Shape & Measure should be under consideration of the
whole school program covering all
Mixed Operations
Math's mixed operation games helps kids to
get familiar with and learn about addition,
multiplication, subtraction, number sense,
time telling, logical thinking and many

Explanation of all operation with

illustrations in this book has great
effect on understanding. I get so
many metaphoric questions from
children. As: “ How many crocodile
can place in our house?”.
The analyses of this book is done as per following parameters:

 how the topics are organized in terms of their sequence,

 how many activities and exercises are applied for each topic
 what material are used for explanation and learning of each topic
 how successfully the learners-pupils have learned these topics.

In order to measure the success level of the book, I did try to observe the changes in knowledge of my
daughter and her sympathy to this book. As a result, I came to the conclusion that, children like this
book, they independently understand the language of the book and the book structures their
mathematical skills in a way that the topics are professionally built in a very rational interrelationship
and simple illustration so that children are not getting bored when they spend long times with
exercises and activities.

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