Brand Resonance

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Brand resonance

 Definition: The Brand Resonance refers to the

relationship that a consumer has with the product and
how well he can relate to it.
The brand resonance begins with:

 Brand Identification: The first and foremost step, is to ensure the

brand identification with the customers, i.e. creates awareness
about the product and establish an association in the minds of
customers with respect to its usage and the segment for which it
 Brand Establishment: To create a full meaning of the product in
the minds of customers, so that they start remembering it.
 Eliciting Response: Once the association is built with the
customers, the next step is to elicit the responses, i.e. what
customers feel about the brand?
 Relationship: The next and final step is to convert the responses
into building the customer’s strong relationship with the brand.
Brand Salience
 howwell the customer is informed about the
product and how often it is evoked under the
purchase situations.

 The marketer should not only focus on just

creating the awareness about the product but also
includes the ease with which the customers can
remember the brand and the ability to recall it
under the different purchase situations.
Brand Performance:
 How well the functional needs of customers are

 Atthis level of the pyramid, the marketers check

the way in which product is performing and how
efficiently it is fulfilling the needs of the
Brand Imagery:

 What product image the customer create in their minds.

 Brand imagery are the tangible or intangible elements
that consumer associate with the brand. It could be a
package or experience or taste etc.

 This aspect deals with the customer’s psychology or the

feelings that how they relate to the product in terms of
their social needs.
Brand Judgements: 
 Whatcustomer decides with respect to the

 Thecustomers make the judgment about the

product by consolidating his several performances
and the imagery associations with the brand. On
the basis of these, the final judgment is made
about the product in terms of its Perceived
Quality, Credibility, Consideration, and
Brand Feelings:

 What customers feel, for the product or

how the customer is emotionally attached
to the product.

 The consumer can develop emotions

towards the brand in terms of fun, security,
self-respect, social approval, etc.
Brand Resonance: 
 What psychological bond, the customer has
created with the brand.

 This is the ultimate level of the pyramid, where

every company tries to reach. Here the focus is on
building the strong relationship with the customer
thereby ensuring the repeated purchases and
creating the brand loyalty.
 The resonance is the intensity of customer’s
psychological connection with the brand and the
randomness to recall the brand in different
consumption situations.

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