Global Events in The 19TH Century
Global Events in The 19TH Century
Global Events in The 19TH Century
> Marked by the collapse of the Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Holy Roman
and Mughal empires.
>Paved the way for the growing influence of the British Empire, the
German Empire and the United States, spurring military conflicts but also
advances in science and exploration.
19TH century Philippines under the Spanish colonial rule (1565-1898) was
characterized by liberal thinking as having radical changes in the lifestyles
of the native Filipinos. The Filipinos’ adaptation of the Spanish influences
in all aspects of living were caused by the following:
1. Mexico rebelled against Spain and this brought revolutionary thinking to Manila.
2. Opening of the Suez Canal made the trip to Manila from Europe faster thereby
bringing liberal ideas to the Philippines.
-Before the opening of Manila to foreign trades, Spanish authorities
discouraged the foreign merchants to reside in the colony and engage in business.
The royal decree of February 2, 1800 prohibited foreigners to live in the Philippines.
-With the wide acceptance of laissez-faire doctrine in the later part of 18th
century, Spain relaxed its mercantilist policies in the Philippines.
-Shortly after the opening of Manila to world trade the Spanish merchants
began to lose their commercial supremacy in the Philippines.
3. Rise of the middle class
Material prosperity at the start of 19th century produced an enlightened middle
class in the Philippines consisting of the following:
-well-to-do-farmers -Physicians
-Teachers -Writers
-Lawyers -government employees
From the enlightened middle class came the leading intellectuals of the
country who called themselves as the Ilustrados, meaning the cultured ones, as well
as the intelligentsia branch of the society and from the Ilustrados raised the
prominent members of the Propaganda Movement, who stirred the very flames of
the revolution.