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Global Events in The 19TH Century

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> Marked by the collapse of the Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Holy Roman
and Mughal empires.
>Paved the way for the growing influence of the British Empire, the
German Empire and the United States, spurring military conflicts but also
advances in science and exploration.

>Dominance of the British Empire

>Era of invention, discovery, developments in the field of Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Electricity and Metallurgy that laid the
groundwork for the technological advances of the 20th century.
>Industrial Revolution began in Europe.
>Advances in studying the human anatomy and disease took place.
>Major Advancements in land transportation.
>Population of Europe doubled.
>Vast expanses of Africa and Asia were discovered.
>Accurate and detailed maps of the globe were already available by 1890s.
>The global slave trade was ended.
>Sporting creation and development.
- Rugby Union (1845)
-American football (1868)
-Baseball (1744)
-Basketball (1891)
-Volleyball (1895)

19TH century Philippines under the Spanish colonial rule (1565-1898) was
characterized by liberal thinking as having radical changes in the lifestyles
of the native Filipinos. The Filipinos’ adaptation of the Spanish influences
in all aspects of living were caused by the following:

1. Mexico rebelled against Spain and this brought revolutionary thinking to Manila.

2. Opening of the Suez Canal made the trip to Manila from Europe faster thereby
bringing liberal ideas to the Philippines.
-Before the opening of Manila to foreign trades, Spanish authorities
discouraged the foreign merchants to reside in the colony and engage in business.
The royal decree of February 2, 1800 prohibited foreigners to live in the Philippines.
-With the wide acceptance of laissez-faire doctrine in the later part of 18th
century, Spain relaxed its mercantilist policies in the Philippines.
-Shortly after the opening of Manila to world trade the Spanish merchants
began to lose their commercial supremacy in the Philippines.
3. Rise of the middle class
Material prosperity at the start of 19th century produced an enlightened middle
class in the Philippines consisting of the following:
-well-to-do-farmers -Physicians
-Teachers -Writers
-Lawyers -government employees

From the enlightened middle class came the leading intellectuals of the
country who called themselves as the Ilustrados, meaning the cultured ones, as well
as the intelligentsia branch of the society and from the Ilustrados raised the
prominent members of the Propaganda Movement, who stirred the very flames of
the revolution.

On December 13, 1888 they established in Barcelona the La Solidaridad which

called for the annexation of the Philippines, Filipino representation in the Spanish
legislature, freedom of speech and the press, and the Filipino equality before the
Aspects Pre-colonial Period Spanish Rule
1. Religion Paganism, Animism Nature, worship Roman Catholicism, Folk
Islam (1492) Allah, Kabunian Catholicism, Idolatry, Jesus Christ,
Chanting Holy Rosary

2. Education Informal, learn by experience Formal, catechism method; Friars

parents as teachers, use of as teachers use pen and paper
indigenous materials ONLY for Ilustrados, Christian
doctrines separate school for boys
and girls; Missionaries took charge
in teaching, imposing rules and
payment. Educational Decree 1863
provided school for boys and girls
at every town; accept Filipino
student and that Friars control
educational system
3. Mode of Dressing/ Bahag and Kangan, Camisa Trousers, slippers, shoes,
Accessories & Saya; Tattoos & pieces of pieces of jewelry,
jewelry has meanings and handkerchief
represents the status in the
4. Economic Barter system, Use of currency –”peso”, economic policies like;
subsistence farming, Encomienda, Taxation, Galleon Pias Labor Force
hunting, small time or polo y servicios personales
mining industry,
handicrafts making *compulsory service imposed by the Spanish
colonial authority on adult Filipino in
constructing churches, school and other
*Royal decree of July 12 1883 promulgated on
February 3, 1885 from 16-18 yrs old from 15-40
days of labor.
*not only native Filipinos, but also male
Spaniards resident from 16-60 yrs old but never
implemented for an obvious reason.
*originally, Filipino males from 16-60 yrs old &
40 days labor force.
5. Political Balanghay evolved as Centralized govt., Union of Catholic
Barangay; Datu or Sultanate Church & Spanish govt., Spanish King,
govt., Raja, Council of Elders, Viceroy of Mexico, Governor-Genral,
Timawas-soldiers, Aliping Alcalde Mayor, Gobernadorcillo, Cabeza de
namamahay at Aliping Brgy., instability of colonial administration,
“Arrives poor goes home millionaire”
Monarchial / Kinshi -General Rafael de Izqueirdo
-General Fernando Primo de Rivera
-General Camilio de Polaveija

Frailocracy = the govt. of the friars, by the

friars and for the friars since day of
conquest the friars practically controlled
the life cycle of the Filipinos from womb to
tomb especially on religious and
educational life of the Philippines.

Guardia Sibil was created on 1852

-infamous for their rampant abuses, such as
maltreating innocent people, looting,
raping helpless women.
6. Judicial Process Trial by Ordeal Code of Royal Audencia, Court of Trial
Maragtas, & Code of Imprisonment & Death Penalty by
Kalantiao means of Garrote or Firing Squad;
Spanish Penal Code imposed heavier
penalties on native Filipinos and light
penalties on white complexioned
7. Social Relations & Trade relations with foreigners The Spaniards restricted the
Hierarchy in neighboring countries; relations of the Filipinos with
Family, relatives and elders of other foreigners as well as among
the datu as members of themselves for fear of organizing
Aristocracy pocket revolts.
-Maharlikas were believed to
be the descendants of mixed Classification of Filipino society:
marriages between a ruling Principalia= includes landlords,
dynasty and one out of power. teachers, and local officials and
ex-officials constituted the social
aristocracy of a town; the
Spaniards are of 2 kinds:
a.)Peninsulares are Spanish-born
Spaniards living in the Philippines
b.)Creoles Spaniards born in the

Masses comprise the Indios:

Poor commoners, peasants and
laborers who enjoyed only few
civil rights and previleges and the
highest political office that they
can possibly hold is the
gobernadocillo/town executive
Provide newspaper cutouts that portray the same
scenario of the Philippines in the 19th century.

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