Neoplasia: Basic Pathology

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Basic Pathology

PHR 215

What is neoplasia?

• Neoplasia literally means “new growth”

• Abnormal mass of tissue with growth that exceeds
and is uncoordinated with that of the surrounding
normal tissues; autonomous.
• Neoplasm - Its often referred to as a tumor, and the
study of tumors is called oncology.
• Cancer - common term for malignant neoplasm
Types of neoplasm?

Neoplasm Carcinoma
Basic Structure?

• All tumors, benign and malignant, have two basic components:

• Parenchyma: made up of transformed or neoplastic cells,
 Largely determines its biologic behavior

• Stroma: supporting, host-derived, non-neoplastic, made up of

connective tissue, blood vessels, and host-derived inflammatory cells
 crucial to the growth of the neoplasm
 carries the blood supply
 provides support for the growth of parenchymal cells
Characteristics of Benign & Malignant Neoplasms?
Clinical features Benign Malignant

Tissue architecture (histologic Well circumscribed, usually encapsulated Poorly circumscribed, lack of cell
features ) polarity and epithelial cell connections

Cytologic features Small, uniform cells, no visible nucleoli Large, pleomorphic cells with large
hyperchromatic nuclei

Differentiation Well differentiated, resembles cell of origin Well to poorly differentiated with
with few mitoses, secretion of products, numerous, bizarre mitoses
hormones etc.

Local Invasion Most encapsulated and cannot invade or Not encapsulated and can invade
spread to other sites

Rate of Growth Slower growth, some dependent on More rapid growth, areas of necrosis
Examples of benign and malignant neoplasms?

• Metastasis is a complex process that involves

the spread of a tumor or cancer to distant parts
of the body from its original site.
• However, this is a difficult process. To
successfully colonize a distant area in the body
a cancer cell must complete a series of steps
before it becomes a clinically detectable lesion.
Steps of Successful Metastasis?

• The steps of metastasis include:

 Separation from the primary tumor
 Invasion through tissues around the initial lesion and penetration of their basement
 Entry into the blood vessels and survival within blood - spread via blood vessels is
called hematogenous spread
 Entry into lymphatics or peritoneal cavity - spread via lymph channels is called
lymphatic spread
 Reaching the distant organ like lungs, liver, brain bone etc.
 Formation of a new lesion along with new blood vessels feeding the tumor - formation
of new blood vessels is termed angiogenesis
• All this while, the cancer cells have to avoid being killed by the
body’s natural immune system.
Childhood Cancer?

• Childhood Cancer is the leading cause of death in children

under 18 and is actually a collection of diseases.
• Children are diagnosed with many different forms of cancer.
There are 12 major types of cancer that can affect the bones,
muscle, blood, liver, kidney, brain, or even the eyes.
• Common adult cancers (lung, breast, colon, etc.) rarely occur
in children or adolescents.
• Among the 12 major types, Leukemias (cancer in the blood)
and brain tumors account for more than half of all cases.
Some common examples of childhood cancer?
Signs and symptoms of childhood cancers?

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