Elementary Unit 6: I Really Like Electronic Music!

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Unit 6: I Really Like Electronic Music!

Unit objectives
At the end of this unit, students can:
Identify music genres and
musical instruments

Express likes and dislikes

Do they like salsa music?
Yes, they love it.
Which do you like better, classical or hip hop music?
What kind of food do you like the best?
Present simple for expressing opinions
Questions Answers
do/does subject verb in base form object Yes subject verb object
Form 1
Does she like reggaeton? Yes, she loves it.
What kind of noun do/does subject verb (the) best subject verb object (the) best
Form 2
What kind of music do you like the best? I like pop music the best.

Which do you like better noun or noun subject verb object better
Form 3
Which do you like better, rock or K-pop? I like rock better.

Who do you like better proper noun or proper noun subject verb object better
Form 4
Who do you like better, Bruno Mars or Ed Sheeran? I like Ed Sheeran better.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

We use the simple present when we want to express what we feel or
what we think about something. For example:

They love to have fun on the beach.

Present simple for
expressing opinions

We use the simple present when we want to express what we feel or
what we think about something. For example:

They like barbecues.

Present simple for
expressing opinions

We use the simple present when we want to express what we feel or
what we think about something. For example:

He doesn’t like adventure sports. But he promised his girlfriend he’d do it...
Present simple for
expressing opinions

We use the simple present when we want to express what we feel or
what we think about something. For example:

My father really loves jazz music.

Present simple for
expressing opinions

We use the simple present when we want to express what we feel or
what we think about something. For example:

Mr. Rabbit hates to be late.

Present simple for
expressing opinions

We use the simple present when we want to express what we feel or
what we think about something. For example:

Yuli can’t stand the noise.

Present simple for
expressing opinions

We use ‘Do you like…?’, ‘What kind of…do you like (the) best?’,
‘Which do you like better, …?’ and ‘Who do you like better, …?’ and
their answers to ask for and give opinions about something or express
our preference for something.

Use ‘Do you like…?’ to ask about a person’s preference in relation to

one specific thing or person.
Use ‘What kind of…do you like (the) best?’ to ask about a person’s
top preference in a category.
Use ‘Which do you like better, …?’ when you want a person’s opinion
about two options (things).
Use ‘Who do you like better, …?’ when you want a person’s opinion
about two options (people).

Notice that these questions are all in the present simple!

Present simple for
expressing opinions

We use the following expressions to tell about our preferences (likes

or dislikes).
Present simple for
expressing opinions


Q: Do you like Maroon 5?

A: Yes, I love them.
Present simple for
expressing opinions


Q: What kind of music do you like best?

A: I like pop music best.
Present simple for
expressing opinions


Q: Which do you like better, pop or rock?

A: I like pop music better.
Present simple for
expressing opinions


Q: Who do you like better, Bruno Mars or Ed Sheeran?

A: I like Ed Sheeran better.
Present simple for
expressing opinions


Q: Does Sara like horror movies?

A: No, she can’t stand them.
Present simple for
expressing opinions


Q: Do Rafaela and Edson like basketball?

A: It is okay to them.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Exercise 1: In the following slides, write answers

according to the pictures and questions.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: Does Silvia like Japanese food?

Yes, she likes it.
A: …………………………………….
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: Does Javier like the traffic in Lima?

No, he hates it.
A: ………………………………
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: Do they like beach volleyball?

Yes, they really love it.
A: ………………………………..
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: Does Melanie like tokosh?

No, she can’t stand it.
A: ………………………………..
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: Which does Magaly like better, comedies or horror movies?

She likes horror movies better.
A: ………………………..…………………..
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: Who do the students like better, Rihanna or Beyoncé?

They like Beyoncé better.
A: ………………………..…………………..
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: What kind of books do you like best?

I like science fiction books best.
A: ………………………..…………………..
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Exercise 2: In the following slides, write questions according

to the pictures and answers.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Do you like romantic movies?

Q: ………………………………………………………
A: Yes, I like them.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: Do you like hip-hop?

A: No, I can’t stand it.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: Does your sister like classical music?

A: No, she hates it.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: Which do you like better, soccer or basketball?

A: I like soccer better.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Who do you like better, Leonardo DiCaprio or Robert Downey Junior?

Q: ……………………………………………………………
A: I like Leonardo DiCaprio better.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

kind of music do you like best?
A: I like pop best.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Q: Do they like basketball?

A: It is okay to them.
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Exercise 3: Look at the following chart. Then write ten sentences about
Manuel, Mirella, Angela and Teodoro using expressions of like and dislike.
voleyball soccer coffee cumbia romantic music horror movies




Example: Manuel loves horror movies but he doesn’t like romantic music.

loves horror movies.

1. Only Manuel .……………..………………………………………………………….
can’t stand horror movies.
2. Only Mirella……………………………………..…………………………………….
loves cumbia music.
3. Only Angela………...………………………………………………..……………….
thinks that soccer is okay.
4. Only Teodoro….……..……………………………………………………………….
love soccer.
5. Only Manuel and Angela.…………..……………………………………………….
like romantic music.
6. Only Mirella and Angela..…..……………………………………………………….
think that horror movies are okay.
7. Only Angela and Teodoro…………..……………………………………………….
don’t like cumbia music.
8. Only Manuel and Teodoro…..……………………………………………………….
hate coffee.
9. Manuel, Mirella and Angela………………………………………………………….
like volleyball.
10. All of them.…………………………………………………………………………….
Exercise 4: Write a composition about music, movies, food, and places
that you like or don’t like. Give reasons and examples. Use the
expressions of opinion studied (at least 100 words).
Work with a partner. Ask each other the questions below. Answer each
other’s questions and write down your classmates answers in order to
report back to the class.

1. Does your mother like romantic music? When does she listen to it?
2. What kind of music do you like best? Why?
3. Which do you like better, dogs or cats?
4. Who do you like better, Rihanna or Adele?
5. What kind of movies don’t you like? Why?
6. What type of food do you like the best? How often do you eat it?
7. Do you like to go to the theater? Why?
8. Which do you like better, superhero movies or comedies? Why?
Present simple for
expressing opinions

Communicative Activity 1
Make questions with the prompts in the chart below. For example:
• Do you like Chinese food?
Check the questions with the teacher. Finally, use those questions to make a
survey with your classmates.
Question Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
like / Chinese food:
Do you like Chinese food?
What / kind / music / like / best:
What kind of music do you like best?
like / romantic comedies:
Do you like romantic comedies?
Which / like / better / Italian / Peruvian food:
Which do you like better, Italian or Peruvian food?
Who / like / better / Messi / Cristiano Ronaldo:
Who do you like better, Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo?
your father / like / action movies
Does your father like action movies?
What / kind / sport / like / best:
What kind of sport do you like best?
Which / like / better / winter / summer:
Which do you like better, winter or summer?
Communicative Activity 2

You are going to receive two cards with

questions about music.

Ask the questions to your classmates

and write down their answers on the
back of your cards. Make sure your
partners use the correct expressions for
giving opinions.

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