Minggu 3 3343 2020
Minggu 3 3343 2020
Minggu 3 3343 2020
KEDUA 2019/2020
Kuliah M3
• Historically, social work has developed along two
traditions. The first, pioneered by Mary Richmond - the
establishment of the Charity Organization Society in the
nineteenth century, is a tradition of showing concern
for individual problems, providing the necessary
services for those in need, and striving for better
individual change.
• The second, advocated by Jane Addams who developed
and promoted the Settlement House Movement in the
nineteenth century, paid attention to the deficits in
social environments, creating structural changes,
combating social discriminations, and fighting for social
• These two traditions, the first emphasizing personal
needs and individual treatment and the second aspiring
for social reform and social justice, have become the
major goals of social work which are generally included
and explicitly stated in many different definitions of
social work. There should be a dual focus on these two
important goals in social work practice.
Jane Addams (1860-1935) was born in Cedarville, Illinois. After her studies, she visited Toynbee
Hall in London and was inspired to develop a very similar initiative in Chicago in 1889. Together
with her friend Ellen Starr, she started Hull House, the first settlement house in Near West Side, a
neighbourhood with plenty of European immigrants. It quickly developed into a real action centre
with plenty of room for children, education for adults, culture and focus on social progress.
Addams not only worked with the poor but also engaged in political action aimed at establishing
new laws to protect them.
Addams assembled a group of very committed young women. They became the female face of the
democratisation movement in the Progressive Era. From 1900 onwards the United States saw a
wave of interest in women’s emancipation, new social laws and attention paid to social and racial
tensions. The Hull House group professionalised the contribution of women in social work. With
their neighbourhood work, they contributed to a more structural political focus.
They started from a profound analysis of real situations and by doing so contributed to later social
science research. In the Hull House maps and papers they reported on the effects of concentration
of different ethnicities and their living conditions, about labour circumstances, about child labour.
Addams and her colleagues may have been seen just as data collectors, but for their own purposes
their research was a tool and starting point for social action.
With the strong combination of professional interventions and structured research, Addams
succeeded in establishing a specific basis for American social work which raised international
interest. From the very beginning, Hull House received numerous visitors from abroad and many
initiatives were launched there. She succeeded in raising concerns about child labour and child
The power of the settlement work translated to a broad social engagement of Jane Addams in
which she combined here work for Hull House with a comparably passionate contribution to the
peace movement during the First World War. That earned her the nickname Saint Jane. Four years
before her death, she received the Nobel Prize for peace (1931).
• Mary Ellen Richmond (1861-1928) - Her book Social Diagnosis (1917)
constructed the foundations for the scientific methodology development of
professional social work. She searched for the causes of poverty and social
exclusion in the interaction between an individual and his or her
environment. Mary Richmond can be described as the mother of social
• She dedicated her life from 1889 (age 28) onwards to modernising and
professionalising of care for the poor. She started her career with the
Charity Organisation Society (COS) in Baltimore, a US branch of the
organisation Octavia Hill, UK. From 1909 until her death, she was director of
the charity department of the Russell Sage Foundation in New York, an
influential fund supporting social science research.
• In modern social work, about everybody agrees there is a need for diagnosis
and research before care provision. It was Richmond who systematically
developed the content and methodology of diagnosis in the period around
1910. Her first principle was that care had to focus on the person within her
or his situation. She developed what she labelled as ‘social diagnosis’. Her
famous circle diagram visualised the correspondence of client and
environment. Richmond identified six sources of power that are available to
clients and their social workers: (within household, in the person,
neighbourhood and wider social network, in civil agencies, in private and
public agencies). This is a precursor of the system theory that was so
popular in 1970’s social work.
• Through her approach to research, Richmond gave social work clients a
voice for the first time. With her broad instructions on how to gather
information, interview methodologies, establishing contact and conducting
conversations, Richmond gave social casework a strong professional status.
• In her second big publication What is social casework? (1922) Mary
Richmond introduced the methodology of ‘learning from cases’. She
provided extensive comments to elaborately described practice situations
Sejarah pengaruh sosiologi dan psikologi
dalam kerja sosial
Sejarah perkembangan kerja sosial
di Amerika pada permulaannya lebih
berbentuk ‘enviromental reform’.
menitik beratkan pengaruh
persekitaran dalam menganalisa,
mengenalpasti dan merawat
masalah sosial yang berlaku pada
individu, keluarga dan komuniti.
Dilakukan oleh pengawas kemiskinan,
philanthropists, friendly visitors, kawan,
jiran dan ahli gereja
… pada ketika ini (1814) Reverend
Thomas Chalmers menyatakan
ketidakpuasan terhadap pendekatan yang
membazir dan tidak berkesan dijalankan
Beliau menyatakan bahawa masyarakat
memerlukan sistem yang lebih efektif dan
‘humane’ dalam memberi perkhidmatan
dan sokongan
COS (Charity Organization Society)
Settlement house movement (hull house
– 1889, Jane Addams)
Mary Richmond 1917 (founder of the
profesional social work movement)
Membentuk formula asas dan konsep ‘social
casework’ - 1922
Kemudian perkembangan lebih
berdasarkan bidang psikologi yang
lebih menekankan praktis
berbentuk “one to one”
Sarjana yang mempelopori bidang ini
seperti Sigmund Freud dan Otto Rank
dengan teori-teori psikologi sekitar
tahun 1920 an.
› Freudian psychology – ‘diagnostic’ schools
› Rankian theory – ‘functional’ schools
› Psychological theories and scientific
knowledge sebagai asas praktis kerja sosial
Akhir 1920an, kerja kumpulan (social group
work) mula di gunakan
Pembangunan sosial dapat ditingkatkan
dengan interaksi kumpulan yang berstruktur
(structured group interaction)
• Sebelum 1970an – sistem kebajikan tidak
tersusun dan berbentuk ad-hoc
• Selepas 1970an – orientasi berubah kebentuk
pembangunan dan pencegahan
• 1973 – MASW (Malaysian Association of Social
Workers) telah ditubuhkan
• 1975 – Program kerja sosial yang pertama di
tawarkan di USM – Ijazah Sarjana Muda
Pentadbiran Sosial
Sejarah KPWKM
• 17 Januari 2001 - Kementerian dinamakan Kementerian Hal
Ehwal Wanita - (PM Tun Mahathir Mohamad)
• 15 Februari 2001 - Fungsi Kementerian kemudiannya telah
diperluaskan dan ditukar namanya kepada Kementerian
Pembangunan Wanita dan Keluarga (KPWK)
• 27 Mac 2004 (selepas pilihan raya) - fungsi Pembangunan
Masyarakat dan Kementerian Perpaduan Negara dan
Pembangunan Masyarakat telah dibubarkan, dan telah
dipindahkan ke KPWK KPWK telah ditukar nama menjadi
Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan
Masyarakat (KPWKM).
• KPWKM dipimpin oleh Y.B. Dato' Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil
(2001 - Februari 2008) sebagai menteri yang
bertanggungjawab untuk meningkatkan kesedaran
masyarakat terhadap pentingnya peranan golongan wanita
dan institusi kekeluargaan
• 8 Mac 2008 (selepas pilihan raya ), pucuk pimpinan KPWKM
telah diambil alih oleh Dato' Seri Ng Yen Yen. Antara
perancangan awal beliau dalam memimpin KPWKM adalah
• Setelah Y.A.B Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mengambil
alih jawatan Perdana Menteri daripada
Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, KPWKM sekali lagi
diketuai oleh Senator Dato' Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.
• Pada 11 Mac 2012, Senator Dato' Sri Shahrizat Abdul
Jalil telah meletak jawatan dan menyerahkan KPWKM
kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
• Kemudiaannya (selepas pilihanraya) KPWKM diterajui
oleh Y.B. Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim. Manakala
Y.B. Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun dan Y.B. Senator Datin
Paduka Chew Mei Fun dilantik sebagai Timbalan
• Pada 21 Mei 2018, YAB Dato’ Seri Dr. Wan Azizah
Wan Ismail telah dilantik sebagai Timbalan Perdana
Menteri merangkap Menteri Pembangunan Wanita,
Keluarga dan Masyarakat dengan dibantu oleh
Timbalan, YB Hannah Yeoh Tseow Suan yang dilantik
pada 2 Julai 2018.
• Semalam (25hb. Februari 2020), YAB Dato’ Seri Dr. Wan Azizah
• Terdapat beberapa jabatan dan agensi
yang diletakkan di bawah kementerian
ini kini, iaitu...
• Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM)
• Jabatan Pembangunan Wanita (JPW)
• Lembaga Penduduk Dan Pembangunan
Keluarga Negara (LPPKN)
• Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM)
• Institut Pengupayaan Wanita Bagi Anggota
Pergerakan Negara-Negara Berkecuali
• Yayasan Kebajikan Negara (YKN)
Sejarah pendidikan kerja