CHAPTER 1 Lesson 2 The Social Sciences

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The Social Sciences:

Anthropology, and
Political Science
The Social as
“Driver of
The study of society can be accomplished in
the three different ways:
 by mapping the social forces impinging on
social actors as their lives intersect in society.
 by rehearsing the structures and
components of cultural practices and
 by exposing the asymmetrical power
distributions among members of social
communities and organizations.
it focuses on the ubiquity (or the everywhere-
ness) or social forces in unlikely forms: sex,
gender, religion, class, race, ethnicity, social
orientation and the like.
 the science of society, social institutions,
and social relationships; specifically : the
systematic study of the development,
structure, interaction, and collective behavior
of organized groups of human beings.
 the science or study of the origin,
development, organization, and
functioning of human society; the science
of the fundamental laws of social relations,
institutions, etc.
Social Forces
 considered remote and impersonal
because mostly people have no hand
in creating them, nor do they know
anyone who do or did.
 It is normally in the guise (written
and unwritten), norms, and
Social map
 it refers to a person’s specific
economic and political location.
 lock out any possibilities of social
Social Scientist
and their
August Comte (1798-1857)
 father of sociology
 used the scientific
method to identify
what holds society
together (positivism)
 he thought that the
study of society could
bring about social
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
 He produce the most
scathing critique of
capitalist exploitation
of the labor class for
 He used this critique
as the basis for his
conflict paradigm.
Emile Durkheim (1858-1977)
 He was exceptional
instrumental in the
formalization and later
recognition of
sociology as the new
science of the study
of society.
 Social fact is another
name for social
Max Weber (1864-192)
 it describes as a science seeking to
“uncover principles of behavior that apply to
all human communities.
 focuses on human diversity around the
 the study of various aspects of humans
within past and present societies. Social
anthropology and cultural anthropology study
the norms and values of societies.
 in political science, anthropology does not
have an equivalent term or concept as the
disciplines starting point is dovetailed on
the premises of cultural diversity.
 It is called “a child of colonization”
because discoverers of new territories were
always accompanied by missionary
The Social in the
Guise of Inequality
Social diversity
 is an ever-present and enduring feature of
all known cultures around the world, from
the most primitive to the most highly
 It means a range of different societies or
people of different origins, religions, and
traditions all living and interacting together.
 it refers to the gaps between people as
measured by the presence or absence of
certain society desirable traits.
 the bases are culturally dictated such as
skin color, language, and ethnicity. They
represent ways of life that are determines
by their respective geographies,
environments and ecologies.
Social Inequality
 social stratification
 It occurs when resources in a given
society are distributed unevenly, typically
through norms of allocation that engender
specific patterns along the lines of socially
defined the categories of persons.
Political Science
 is the systematic study of government and
 It assumes the asymmetrical power
relations of member of society but
problematizes the unjust and unfair effects
of such relations manifested in matters
related to governance.
 It is fascinated by the variety of of their
The Social as a
Tool of Change
Social Change
 It is used to indicate the changes that
take place in human interactions and
 It may be defined as the alteration of
mechanisms within the social structures,
characterized by changes in cultural
symbols, rules of behavior, social
organizations or value system.
Social Science Definition Main Historical How can the discipline
Discipline Concern Development provide explanation
and address social
inequality, cultural
diversity and social



Thanks and God bless! 

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