Counseling & Mentoring

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Counseling &


Abhishek Dogra
Roll No. : 3843
HRM 05
What is Counseling

 Counseling is usually a reactive intervention strategy to help people who are not

functioning at a desirable or productive level to get to that preferred level.
Counseling can be initiated by either the counselor or the person needing or
seeking counseling. So counseling always assumes some kind of deficit.
  Process of Counseling
 Opening: The opening process is perhaps, one of the most important parts of the
interaction with your client. It is your chance to get to know your client and for them
to get to know you.
 Exploring Client Understanding: The exploration process is where you will begin to
understand your client. You will explore their past and evaluate their current concerns.
 Understanding: Important in developing a strong relationship with your client, you
can demonstrate understanding by using verbal and nonverbal cues.
 Intervention: The intervention process is about choosing the appropriate counseling
techniques that will encourage growth within your client.
 Exploring Problems: Exploration is the process of learning more about your client
and why they have come to counseling.
 Empower to Create Own Solutions: Empowering your client is not about providing
them with all the answers. It is about empowering them, with your counseling skills,
to find their own solutions.
Counseling Skills
 Listening/Observing: Listening is one of the most valuable counseling skills in
the therapeutic relationship.
 Asking Questions: Questions are helpful in the therapeutic environment because
they allow you to learn more about your client. 
 Reflection: Reflections are used in the counseling process to accurately describe
the client’s state External link from their verbal or nonverbal cues.
 Genuineness: Begin genuine is creating congruence between yourself and your
Major Goals of Counseling
  Achievement of positive mental health : Promotion and development of
feelings of being liked, sharing with, and receiving and giving interaction rewards
from other human beings is the legitimate goal of counseling.
 Resolution of Problems : In behavioral terms three categories of behavioral goals
can be identified, namely, altering maladaptive behavior, learning the decision –
making process and preventing problems.
 Improving Personal Effectiveness : This is closely related to the preservation of
good mental health and securing desirable behavioral change.
 Counseling to Help Change : Another Goal of Counseling is to focus on the
mechanism of change and that the counselee should be helped in the process of
‘becoming’ – the change which pervades the period of adolescence through early
adulthood during which the individual is assisted to actualize his potential.
What is Mentoring

 A developmental process in which a more experienced person shares their

knowledge with a less experienced person in a specific context through a series of
conversations. Occasionally mentoring can also be a learning partnership between
Different Kinds of Mentoring

 Academic Mentoring.
 Job Skills Mentoring.
 Career Mentoring.
 Personal Mentoring.
 Cross-Cultural Mentoring.
A Model For Mentoring
 In the following mentoring model, the mentor leads and manages the session
around six stages :
1. Motivate by generating ideas and options and sharing own experience.
2. Explore ideas, solutions, roles and scenarios.
3. Notice the mentee’s response and degree of movement towards a solution.
4. Theorise as to possible impacts of the ideas and options generated.
5. Outline a plan of proposed action.
6. Review the session and usefulness of the intervention/
Mentee’s objectives
 To develop a leadership role to prepare for future growth.
 To gain a greater awareness of opportunities and activities that can expand the
 To further develop decision-making skills.
 To develop a sense of one’s strengths and weaknesses as a leader; planner;
advisor; business owner
Mentor’s objectives
 Assess mentee’s current level of expertise.
 Assist mentee in identifying objectives/goals.
 Advise and make recommendations on best practices
surrounding mentee’s objectives.
Thank You

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