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Establishment of Edn Institution

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Establishment of Edn

• For the nurse to be effective in the dynamic complex health care
system and to help client to achieve the outcome , nurses need to be
knowledgeable , resourceful and able to work well with other health
care practioners.

• This goal is achieved through nursing education.

Nursing educational institution provides scientific
to nursing personnel based
nursing educational on
institution thescientific
provides developing
education trends
to nursing
and national personnel
healthbased policies.
on the developing trends and national
health policies. The aim
The aim-prepare aeducation
of nursing person to function
is to prepare and
a person to function andassume
assume responsibility
responsibilityin the
the secondary
primary, secondary
and tertiary care of people asand
a tertiary
professional nurse
care of people as a professional nurse
• The quality of the educational programme depends to a large extend
on the organizational framework with in which it operates.

• A nursing educational institution, can operate effectively only if it is

properly organized and has the support of proper administration and
of an interested controlling authority.

Based On the identified health needs of country and nursing educational needs.
•Primary Health Care-Prevention of diseases,Promotion of health care,,Treatment of minor
ailment Rehabilitative ServicesSelf Care, Team Work,
•• Newer Emerging Expanded Role of Nurses,
•• Changing needs of society and advanced technology
•Nursing Educational Needs-Name and define the type of nurses and midwives needed. e.g.
General Nurse, General Nurse Midwife, Nurse Educator, Nurse Administrator.
•Community Health/Public Health Nurse/ Pediatric Nurse or Psychiatric Nurse etc"
•Estimate the number of each level to be prepared in a specified time period.
•Prepare plans for the preparation of each type of worker at the various level.
•Decide on objectives, administrative structure, number of students,
•curriculum, teaching staff, teaching facilities, boarding, Budget etc.
•Propose a programme of evaluation.
•Project a possible standards raising goal at the end of specified period
Eligibility to start College
a) Central Government/State Government/Local body;
b) Registered Private or Public Trust;
c) Organizations Registered under Societies Registration Act including Missionary
d) Companies incorporated under section 8
•own 100 bedded Parent Hospital exept for Tribal area – Scheduled notified area;
[Areas as the President of India may by order declare to be Scheduled Areas;] Hilly
area – North East States, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand
Obtain Essentiality Certificate / No objection Certificate from the concerned State
Government -
•Name of the Trust /Society [in Trust Deed or full address to be mentioned in No
Objection Certificate/Essentiality
•Recognition -concerned State Nursing Council (mandatory)
•Indian Nursing Council shall after receipt of the above documents / proposal would then conduct
Statutory Inspection
Infra structure
Building- near to parent hospital + space for expansion I
For annual admission capacity of 40-60 students, the constructed area -23720 square feet
Adequate hostel/residential accommodation for students and staff
Teaching Block
No. Teaching Block Area (Figures in Sq feet)
1Lecture Hall 4 @ 1080 = 4320
(i) Nursing foundation lab 1500
(ii) CHN 900
(iii) Nutrition 900
(iv) OBG and Paediatrics lab 900
(v) Pre-clinical science lab 900
(vi) Computer Lab 1500
Multipurpose Hall 3000
Common Room (Male & Female) 1100
Staff Room 1000
Infra structure

.Principal Room 300

Vice Principal Room 200
Library 2400
A.V. Aids Room 600
One room for each Head of Departments 800
Faculty Room 2400
Provisions for Toilets 1000
Total 23720 Sqr. Ft.
CON should be in Institutional area only and not in residential area.
*If the institute has non-nursing programme in the same building,
Nursing programme should have separate teaching block.
Shift-wise management with other educational institutions will not be
*Separate teaching block shall be available if it is in hospital premises.
* Proportionately the size of the built-up area will increase according
to the number of students admitted.
*School and College of nursing can share laboratories, but they should
have equipments and articles proportionate to the strength of
admission. And class rooms as per Indian Nursing Council of each
Essential of educational Institution
The Philosophy and objective of school.
Organization of school of nursing.
Staff of school of nursing.
Development of Curriculum
- Content of curriculum
- Selection and organization of learning experience
- Clinical Facilities
- Evaluation
Organizational framework/physical facilities
Financing and budgeting of school of nursing.
Students nursing administration.
Philosophy and objective of school
are written statement of beliefs and values, which are agreed upon as a group.
Guidelines :-• An educational philosophy states the values, which are believed to be right,
true and good by the persons responsible for the school.
• An educational polices will be unique to the particular society and individual
it serves.
• All teaching staff should participate in formulation of the school philosophy.
• used as screen to select those importaNT Objectives which the school endeavour to
achieve, and to eliminates that has little importance or not consistent with the
values stated in the philosophy.
• should be compatible with the philosophy of the Controlling institution and that of the
• should be re examined periodically to determine the Suitability in the light of changing
Organization of CON
Controlling Authority/Administrative Control
•Central and State Government through the Directorate of Medical
Health Services .
•• Private Organization, Voluntary and Religious: May be
Government, University (Syndicate) or Private Organization
(Board of Trustees) with representation from Nursing education
and Nursing Services
•• Academic Control: The academic control of school can be by Nurses registration council or by
the state council's boards.
•Indian Nursing Council-recognition of qualification and registration.
•Responsibilities of the Governing Body: primarily policY formulation, policies regarding
management, faculty, students and education programme like :-
• Determines the place of school in the total hospital organization.
• Obtains clearance from Legislative Assembly in case of establishing of the college.
• Delegates the responsibility along with authority to the head of school i.e. principal. The
Governing Body will do:-
Principal or Dean or Head of Department or Director of Nursing Education .
Duties and responsibilities
Qualifications and rules for appointment
M~thod of locating prospective candidates for the Principal
Selection Procedure
Appointment procedure
Makes Budgetary Appropriation.
Provides facilities - Building - equipment, library etc.
Provides posts of teaching staff.
Formulates rules for appointment of teachers.
Provides posts of ancillary staff.- Librarian and assist
librarian,Clerical :Stenographer, UDC and. LDC,Lab
attendant,Warden,House keeper, Class IV Employee.
Approves admission rules and regulation for students
• .Approves the type of fee to be charged - Tuition - Library :.-.
Laboratory - Hostel - Mess etc.
• Provides adequate clinical facilities
School Committee Organization
Advisory Committee ,- level of controlling Authority, The purposes of this committee are to:
act in an advisory capacity in matters relating to education of students of
Nursing, coordinate the activities of the school of nursing efficiently and effectively
in democratic ways by means of committee',
Standing Committee
It is formed from among the school staff which are as follows:
• The School Council-General Staff Committee, Curriculum Committee, Coordination committee,Library committe
Committee of students welfare
Mess Committee
Entertainment Committee
Health Committee
Student Discipline Committee
Student Library Committee
Sports Committee
Functions of Advisory Committee
• Studies the social and educational need of society and advice the school
• Support' the school staff in implementing the policies of school after
advising on them,
• Participates in the welfare activities of the staff and students,
Staff of the School of Nursing

Principal ---' one

• Vice Principal - one
• Tutors/Clinical Tutors - fifteen
Guidelines - Selection and
through the
committee.- Director of the institute and
the Head ofthe school (principal). The Committee establishes the criteria,
revises them when necessary and maintains standards for selection of
Notification of applicants should be done in writing and specify all the
condition of service
Reviewing the personal and professional references from reliable sources,
Reviewing of previous professional experiences reveals those applicant's
professional and potential qualities
Interview -information on the
applicant's inteJlectual alertness, social competence, standards of fairness
and integrity. emotional stability sense of responsibility.
Committee should make the recommendation after going through all the
record such as the medical report, the interview notes, references, and
records of experiences in nursing.
orientation programme for newly inducted
Qualifications & experience of teachers of college of Nursing S.
1. Principal cum Professor- 15 years experience with M.Sc.(N) out of which 12 years
should be teaching experience with minimum of 5 years in collegiate programme.
Ph.D.(N) is desirable
2. Vice- Principal cum Professor- 12 years experience with M.Sc.(N) out of which 10
years should be teaching experience with minimum of 5 years in collegiate
Ph.D.(N) is desirable
3. Professor- 10 years experience with M.Sc.(N) out of which 7 years should be
teaching experience.
Ph.D.(N) is desirable
4. Associate Professor- M.Sc. (N) with 8 years experience including 5 years teaching
Ph.D.(N) desirable
5. Assistant Professor- M.Sc. (N) with 3 years teaching experience
Ph.D.(N) desirable
6. Tutor- M.Sc.(N) Or B.Sc.(N)/P.B.B.Sc.(N) with 1 year experience
No. Designation B.Sc.(N) 40-60) B.Sc.(N) 61-100)
(Students intake (Students intake

1 Principal 1 1
2 Vice-Principal 1 1
3 Professor 0 1
4 Associate Professor 2 4
5 Assistant Professor 3 6
Tutor 10-18 19-28
6 Principal is excluded for 1:10 teacher student ratio norms (Teacher) Tutor student ratio will be 1:10
(For example for 40 students intake minimum number of teacher required is 17 including Principal.
No. Designation B.Sc.(N) M.Sc.(N)
40-60 10-25

1 Professor cum PRINCIPAL 1

2 Professor cum VICE- PRINCIPAL 1
3 Professor 0 1*
4 Associate Professor 2 1*
5 Assistant Professor 3 3*
6 Tutor 10-18
*1:10 teacher student ratio for M.Sc.(N) if B.Sc. (N) is also offered by the institution.
*Candidates having 3 years experience after M.Sc. (N) only will be considered for M.Sc. (N) programme
Part time Teachers / External Teachers**- post graduate qualification with teaching experience in
respective area)
(i) Microbiology
(ii) Bio – Chemistry
(iii) Sociology
(iv) Bio – Physics
(v) Psychology
(vi) Nutrition
(vii) English
(viii) Computer
(ix) Hindi / Any other language
(x) Any other – clinical disciplines
(xi) Physical Education.
No part time nursing faculty will be counted for calculating totalno. of faculty required for a college.
Irrespective of number of admissions, all faculty positions(Professor to Lecturer) must be filled.
For M.Sc.(N) programme appropriate number of M.Sc. faculty ineach speciality be appointed subject to
the condition that totalnumber of teaching faculty ceiling is maintained.
All nursing teachers must possess a basic university orequivalent qualification as laid down in the
schedules of theIndian Nursing Council Act, 1947. They shall be registered underthe State Nursing
Registration Act.
Nursing faculty in nursing college except tutor/clinicalinstructors must possess the requisite recognized
postgraduatequalification in nursing subjects.
All teachers of nursing other than Principal and Vice-Principalshould spend at least 4 hours in the
clinical area for clinicalteaching and/or supervision of care every day.
a)Administrative Officer-1

c)Office Superintendent-1
d)PA to Principa-l1
•Upper Division Clerk-2
•Lower Division Clerk-2
•Store Keeper1
a)Maintenance of stores-1
b)Classroom attendant-s2
c)Sanitary staff-As per the physical space
d)Security Staff-As per the requirement
•Peons/Office attendants-4

b)Library Attendants-As per the requirement

College Management Committee-


−Professor/Reader/Senior Lecturer-Member

−Chief Nursing Officer/ Nursing Superintendent- Member

−Representative of Medical Superintendent-Member

Admission /Selection Committee-

Principal(Chairperson), Vice-Principal,Professor,Chief Nursing Officer or Nursing superintendent
• Planning is the first function of administration and management,
undertaken to fulfill the purpose for which an organization is
established .
• It is a pivotal process in administration and management
involving conceptual skills, skills of analytical and
critical thinking and problem solving.
The prime function of administration is planning which provides
the very basis for the organizational function as a whole.
Planning projects into the future, address itself to the futuristic
needs and demands looking ahead to make provisions for future
development, for handling future events and situations.
Managers at all levels are involved with the planning function i.e.
it pervades all the levels – from the top to first levels of management .
Planning is involved with ongoing assessment and reassessment
of the organizational goals and objectives the direction the organization
is giving and thereby changing its levels as required.
Planning always takes into consideration the organizational goals
in their totality providing a common focus in planning of administrative
and managerial actions , and there by rendering unity of purpose and
direction in the process.
• Its master function is to provide framework for giving direction to the
different functions written the organization.
• It gives direction to work
• It is the integral part of other administrative function (POSDCORB)
• Ensures order and control.
• Determines appropriateness and feasibility of actions in terms of
cost effectiveness and quality control
• Eliminates chances of uncertainty.
1. Formulation of board of management
2. Formulation of philosophy of College Of Nursing
3. Obtaining permission from state government
4. Obtaining permission from INC
5. Obtaining permission from University
6. Preparing infrastructure and other facilities
7. Selection , recruitment , appointment of faculty
8. Selection, recruitment , appointment of students
9. Budget planning
10. Curriculum development and administration
11. Periodic credentialing and accreditation of the College
12. Extra curricular/ co curricular activities
13. Student organization
14. Maintenance of record and reports
8. Selection, recruitment ,
appointment of students
Admission policies:

• In relation to the Academic Qualifications

• In relation to personal and social


• Others
After policies for admission have been agreed upon , the next step is
to recruit the students.
Recruitment is a continuous activity which is carried out both for the
profession in general and for the individual schools of nursing.
• General recruitment for nursing
• Recruitment for individual institutions
• At this stage he/she will be influenced by her parents, teachers or
friends or by past experience of nursing care and by the image of
nursing she has build up.

• Some of the ways of general recruitment include

• Talks and plays in radio/TV/media
• Films on nursing
• By making available in public , school and club libraries biographies
and fiction on nursing subjects
• By publishing articles in the journals
Recruitment for individual institutions

After the student chooses the nursing profession , the next

decision to be made is where to go for necessary preparation, and this
is where the individual school will reap the benefit of having an active
recruitment programme.
Some of the methods which locally used are:
• Holding open days in the hospital and educational institution
• friends
• Arranging talk by the staff of the educational institution in local
schools, youth clubs and other community organizations
• Displaying suitable posters in the institution, in the hospital and other
appropriate place
• Publishing articles , notices, reports and pictures of the institutional
activities in the local press
• Publication of the institutional brochure

• The methods used for the selection of the students should be as

objective as possible and should have proved themselves to be value
and successful in identifying the kind of students wanted.

Some suggestions relating to selection procedures are:

• The institution should have clearly defined selection policies

• Application form

• Selection committee
Application form:

The information contained in the application form and the

reports received in connection with them should be systematically
tabulatedand filed.
Selection committee
The members of the selection committee should include:
• The head of the nursing institution
• The senior tutor
• A representative of the local controlling authority(hospital)
• Any or all of the following
• A representative from the nursing division of the state( if applicable)
• A physician
• A school teacher and possibly
• An educational psychologist
It is a concrete precise picture of the total operation of an
enterprise in monitory terms.

How to make a budget for the nursing institution

• Find out the actual budget for the previous year

• Estimate the financial budget for the next year

• Invested fund,
• Tuition fees based on number of student admission,
• Textbook
• Uniform, etc…
• Provision for general administration
• Duty expense
• Laundry expense
• Telephone expense etc
• Instructional
• Non -instructional
• Resident for the staff
• Recreational
• Clerical expense
• Salaries
• Maintenance and repair
• Purchase of uniform
• Health programmes supplies
• Library ( book acquisition, periodical subscription, textbook purchase,
other library equipments)
• Recreational equipments
• School equipments (class room and lab repairs)
• Supplies and equipments for library , lab, classroom,
• Scholarship for the students, professional development of the faculty
• Contingency fund for educational tours, professional activities
• Normally controlling body takes the full responsibility for
administering some of the item mentioned above , such as salary ,
stipend , equipment , linen, household supplies and transport.
• But there are others for which it is essential that the staff should be
directly responsible if the objectives is to be achieved.
• The library for the purchase of books , journals and daily
newspapers , for binding of journals, for stationary , such as index
card , label etc
• Incidental teaching equipment for teaching aids such as charts,
films or slides, posters, paints etc
• Office supplies for stationary , including stencils, registers,
typewriter ribbons , files etc
• External lecturers for the payment of fees in accordance with the
policy of the controlling body

Duties of Principal Tutor-

• Participation in all the planning by the controlling authority which relates to
the school of nursing.
• Preparation of school budget and making recommendations in these regards
to the controlling authority.
• Formulation and implementation of policies in relation to staff students and
• Determining the staff requirement and recruitment in accordance with the
policies of the institution keeping in mind the minimum requirement laid
down by INe.
• Recruitment and selection of students in accordance with the policies of
the institution.
• Writing annual confidential reports of the staff.
• Holding staff meeting/conferences with the office staff, students and with
different departments
• Organization and implementation of the curriculum as laid down by the
• Works out the syllabus and curriculum keeping with ffi the frame work as
laid down by INC.
• Arranges theory and practical work for each group, with the help of tutors
and clinical tutors so as to meet the laid dO~lI objectives.
• Active participation in the teaching programme.
• Supervises the clinical training of the students.
• Visit wards/departments regularly where practical training is being carried
• Maintains class schedule, rotation plan of clinical experience.
• Maintains records of student's examination, test and assignments.
• Periodic evaluation of the total programme

Discipline and Welfare

.• To ensure maintenance Of good order and discipline both in the school and
• She will be responsible 'for welfare of students and staff i.e.
Duties of Deputy Principal Tutor
Deputy Principal Tutor on the staff of School of Nursing and is directly
responsible to the Principal Tutor. Her duties include:
• To assist the Principal Tutor in the administration and management of the
school in the conduct of training.
• Will officiate in the absence of Principal Tutor.
• Will carry out any other duties assigned to her by the Principal Tutor
Duties of Tutor
Sister tutor is on the staff of School of Nursing and will be directly responsible
to the Principal Tutor. Her duties include:
• Implementation of the training programme as directed by the principal tutor.
• Prepare~ the lesson plans and teaching material which includes laboratory ,
demonstrations and work period.
• Organizing clinical experience for the students.
• Conducts the periodical tests to evaluate students.
• Will supervise, guide and counsel the students in their studies.
• Will assist the principal tutor in the management, maintenance of school
record and reports and accounts.
• Responsible for the gqod-Order and conduct of student nurses in the School
as well as in the mess. ~~ .
• Will carry out any, other-duties allotted to her by the principal tutor.
Duties of Clinical Instructor

responsible to the Principal
Her duties include: -
• Will carry out practical training programme of the student Nurses in the
clinical field.
Will' be responsible for clinical teachings, evaluation of students including
ward reports, ward round and case presentation (bedside).
Submission of various monthly reports and practical experience.
Will carry out any other duty assigned to her by the Principal Tutor in
clinical field.
10. Curriculum
development and

Is defined as the systematic arrangement of the sum total of

selected experiences planned by the school for a defined group of
students to attain the aims of a particular educational programme.
Steps in the development of the
a) The establishment of the educational purpose /objectives of the
b) The selection of the learning experiences which will achieve the
c) The effective organization of the selected learning experiences
d) Planned and continuing evaluation
a) The establishment of the
educational purpose / objectives of
the institution
Educational objectives are the desired change in behavior as a

result of specific teaching learning activity or specific teacher learner

It should be based on the following factors

• The statement of the schools philosophy

• The social and health needs of the people

• The kind of students that is expected to be recruited and her specific needs

• The level of the professional competence to be attained

• The role of the nurse to play in the society

• The statutory minimum requirements

• The teaching, physical and clinical resources available

Formulation of the
• The purposes are the overall goals of the total educational programme and

should be formulated as a broad statement of one to two sentences.

• The objectives which are derived from the purposes should be more

specific and should be stated in such a way that they will be a guide , in the

construction of curriculum and selection of the learning experiences.

b) Selection of the learning
experiences which will achieve the
The selection of the learning experience , broadly speaking ,
deciding on what will be the content of the curriculum.

A learning experience is something in which the student actively

participates and which result in a change in the behavior.

The kind of learning experience which the student require will

depend on the objectives of the curriculum.
c) The effective organization of the
selected learning experiences
The steps include
i. Grouping Learning experiences under subject heading
ii. Preparation of master plan for the curriculum
iii. Placement of learning experiences in the total curriculum
iv. Preparation of the correlation chart
v. Organization of clinical experiences
vi. Types of teaching system have to be followed
i. Grouping Learning experiences under subject heading

After selecting the learning experience one has to organize them

with an intention to provide optimum experience to the students.
ii. Preparation of master plan for the curriculum
Preparation of the master plan helps the teachers in the placement of
the subject matter and the clinical experience.
It should include:
• Total duration of the programme
• Explanation of the different courses
• Total allotted times in terms of theory and practice
• Teaching – learning method
• Scheme of evaluation
• Details of the student activities
iii. Placement of learning experiences in the total curriculum
• all elements of the curriculum should be related to one another
• the learning experience should follow principle of sequence ,
integration, and correlation
iv. Preparation of the correlation chart
• it will help to identify the extend of correlation achieved in the total
curriculum in relation to different courses of study and the various
subjects and clinical experience offered in the programme
v. Organization of clinical experiences
• Proper organization of the clinical experience will help to develop the
expertise in the field of nursing
vi. Types of teaching system have to be followed
• complete block or teaching block system
• partial block system and
• study day system
11) Periodic credentialing and
accreditation of the College
The quality of nurse education is controlled from within the
profession through state boards of nursing and national accrediting bodies.

These bodies ensure quality in practice by preparing nursing students

• The contemporary and anticipated needs of health care.
• An outcome based competency approach to fitness of practice.
• Sound assessment of practice and its integration with theory.
• The nature of and standards for the teaching of nursing.
• Positioning in relation to possible inter-professional approaches where necessary.
This is generally defined as the formal recognition of professional
or technical competence and attainment of minimum standards by a
person to:
a. Produce a quality product
b. Confer a unique identity
c. Protect provider and public
d. Control the profession
• This is one of the major quality assurance tool employed in nursing.
• It is a system of evaluating nurse academic programmes in line with
the minimum laid down standards.
• To ensure quality, the International Council of Nurses established
standards that are use by national bodies to inspect nursing
education programmes while the National Universities Commission
have their own standards for university-based education.
Objectives of the
• The accreditation process objectives are primarily to evaluate the
school or department’s physical structure, organizational structure,
funding, library as well as employer rating
• Ensure that at least minimum academic standards documents are
attained, enhanced and maintained.
• That employer as well as other community members is sure of the
level of competency attained by nursing graduates.
• Prove to the international community that nursing programmes
whether basic or university level measure up with international
standards of caregivers to service recipients.
Three levels of status Accreditation
• Full accreditation usually granted to nursing programmes that
satisfies the minimum period of three (3) years.
• Provisional accreditation is given to schools that have met the
minimum standards required but are left with a few more things to
• Denied accreditation is for those schools that do not meet the
minimum requirements to run a school of nursing.
Periodic Inspection by Indian Nursing Council
Indian Nursing Council conducts periodical (after 3 years)
inspection of the institution once the institution is found suitable by
Indian Nursing Council to monitor the standard of nursing education
and the adherence of the norms prescribed by INC. Institution are
required to pay annual affiliation fees every year. However, if the
institution does not comply to the norms prescribed by Indian Nursing
Council for teaching, clinical & physical facilities, the institution will be
declared unsuitable.






(Baccalaureate, Masters, PG Diploma (Diploma – ANM , GNM & DNEA)


12. Extra curricular/ co curricular
activities/ Student welfare
Student welfare is an important part of the total
educational programme.
• It broadly covers their physical , mental, and social well
• Such needs of the students will be met partly by the facilities
provided in the hostel and partly through an active and adequate
student health , guidance and counseling services , and opportunities
for recreation and for cultural and religious activities.
Extra curricular/ co curricular
activities/ Student welfare
Student health services
• Counseling
• Recreational and cultural activities
Student health services

• These are designed to permit the students to achieve the maximum

benefit from their school experience.

• To promote good health habits which will be lasting and which they
can apply in the practice of nursing , and to give them the required
care when they are sick.
The health services include:
• Medical examination on admission and routine
• Health records
• Student health clinic
• Health room in the hostel
• Sickroom for the students

To give the students the guidance and counsel in her daily living
personal problems , adjustment to group living , educational
programme and her professional responsibilities should be taken into
Recreational and cultural activities
• There are so many recreational programmes which can be pursued in
the nursing educational institutions such
as music , dance and drama, reading and creative writing , needle work
photography, nature study, gardening and social entertainments such as
giving parties , going for picnics and both indoor and outdoor games
• There should be adequate facilities for recreation like sitting room, reading
room, and recreation room and lawn, badminton and tennis courts and
space for other out door games
13. Student
• The involvement of the students as an organized group is an
important factor in the management of the school and in
meeting the objectives of the programme.
• The two principal ways by which this can be achieved are through
student government and by the formation of a unit of the
Student Nurses Association.
Student government
Government by the student usually requires the setting up of a
student association of the institution, to function as the officially
recognized organization of the students.
The council, which would be the executive organ of the student
association , should be composed of two or more elected
representatives from each class.
It should have a president , vice president and secretary and
should maintain record for its all meetings
The objectives of such student association may include:
• The promotion of student welfare
• The development of cooperation and unity
• To establish and maintain good interpersonal relationship with the
• To the development of a sense of responsibility for the success of the
hostel life
• The development of the ability of organizational technique and
committee procedures
• The promotion of the reputation of the institution
• The establishment of the line of communication and association with
the student group in the community and in the country as a whole
• The advancement of professional thinking and action
• These objectives can be met by the student council through the
following functions:-
• Initiating and supporting the student s’ social , cultural and
professional activities
• Assisting with the orientation of the new students
• Reviewing and requested , the school and hospital procedures and
policies and making recommendations in this respect
• The interpretation and enforcement , where appropriate , of school policies
• Taking disciplinary action when necessary in accordance with measures
agreed by the members
• The objectives of such student association may include:
• Receiving , investigating and , in some instances, disposing of
complaints relating to the hostel
• Establishing official channels of communication with the institutional
staff in relation to student council matters, and
• The appointment of representatives to serve on institutional committees,
eg: the curriculum and library committees
The Student Nurses Association is an associate organization of
the Trained Nurses Association of India, and has its objectives:
• To help students to uphold the dignity and ideals of the profession for
which they are qualifying
• To promote a cooperate spirit among students for a common good
• To furnish nurses in training with advise in their courses of study
leading up to professional qualification
• To encourage leadership ability and help students to gain a wide
knowledge of the nursing profession in all its different branches and
• To increase the students social contact and general knowledge in
order to help them take their place in the world when they are
finishing their training
• To encourage both professional and recreational meetings, games and
• To encourage both professional and recreational meetings, games and
• To provide a special section in the nursing journal of india for the
benefit of student
• To encourage students to compete for prices in the Student
Nurses Exhibitions and to attend national and regional conferences
14. Maintenance of record and
Types of records to be kept in the nursing institutions:

• Those concerning the students

• Those concerning the staff

• General school records

Records concerning the students
• Application forms and other reports called for at the time off
recruitment, selection and appointment
• A record of each student’s clinical experience
• progress report showing grades and any other forms of
pertinent information
• A final record giving summary of instruction, clinical experience ,
grades and other relevant material
• A health record
Records concerning school staff
• Application form
• Copy of letter of appointment and any subsequent letter showing the change
in the status
• Job description
• Record of staff members’ educational qualification, previous experiences, any
short term educational courses attended, membership in professional
societies, and professional activities such as contribution of articles to the
journal, holding office in associations or organizations, participation in
seminars, conferences etc
• Periodic evaluation or progress report
• Leave record( vacation, casual, special , or sick leave)
• Health record
General school record:
These should consist of;
• The philosophy, purpose and curriculum of the school
• Written policies of the school
• Statement of budget proposals and allotments
• Letter of agreement with affiliating agencies
• Minutes of staff meetings
• Copy of institutional brochure
• Inventories of stock
• The number and nature of reports will depend on what is required by the
controlling body and the nursing councils.
The type of information required in an annual report is as follows:
• Factual data concerning the students, staff , clinical facilities, physical
facilities , administration and the curriculum
• Developments in the school programme since last report
• Proposals and plans for future development
• Problems encountered
• Recommendations

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