Week 1 Lec 1 CC

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Lahore Garrison University

CSC373-Compiler Construction
Week-1 Lecture-1
Semester-#5 FALL 2019

Prepared by:

Eisha Tir Razia

Instructor Contact Details

 Instructor Name: Eisha Tir Razia

 Course : CSC373- Compiler Construction
 Credit Hours: 3
 Office Location: CS-Female Staff Room
 Email: [email protected]
 Visiting Hours: Tuesday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Lahore Garrison University

Course Objectives

 To introduce students to the concepts underlying the design and implementation of

language processors. More specifically, by the end of the course, students will be able to
answer these questions:
 What language processors are, and what functionality do they provide to their users?
 What core mechanisms are used for providing such functionality?
 How are these mechanisms implemented?
 Apart from providing a theoretical background, the course places a special emphasis in
practical issues in designing language processors. Through labs and the assessed project,
students will learn to:
 Design and implement language processors in C/C++
 Use tools to automate parts of the implementation process.

Lahore Garrison University

Learning Outcomes

 Master using lexical analyzer and parser generator tools.

 Master building symbol tables and generating intermediate code.
 Master generating assembly code for a RISC machine.
 Master programming in Java.
 Be familiar with compiler architecture.
 Be familiar with register allocation.
 Be exposed to compiler optimization.

Lahore Garrison University


 Text Book
 Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools By Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Contributor Jeffrey D. Ullman, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 2nd edition, 2006
 Reference Books
 Modern Compiler Design, by Dick Grune, Henri E. Bal, Ceriel J. H. Jacobs, Koen G. Langendoen,
John Wiley, 2000.
 Modern Compiler Implementation in C, by Andrew W. Appel, Maia Ginsburg, Contributor Maia
Ginsburg, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
 Modern Compiler Design by Dick Grune, Henri E. Bal, Ceriel J. H. Jacobs, Koen G. Langendoen,
2003, John Wiley & Sons.

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Course Prerequisites

 Theory of Automata

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Course Contents according to HEC

 Introduction to interpreter and compiler. Compiler

techniques and methodology; Organization of
compilers; Lexical and syntax analysis; Parsing
techniques. Types of parsers, top-down parsing,
bottom-up parsing, Type checking, Semantic
analyser, Object code generation and optimization,
detection and recovery from errors.

Lahore Garrison University

Course Contents

 Following contents will be covered throughout the semester in week wise lectures:
 Introduction to interpreter and compiler
 Compiler techniques and methodology
 Organization of compilers
 Lexical and syntax analysis
 Parsing techniques
 Types of parsers
 top-down parsing
 bottom-up parsing
 Type checking
 Semantic analyzer
 Object code generation and optimization, detection and recovery from errors.
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Software Use

 C, C++, C#

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Teaching Methodology:

 Lectures
 Written Assignments
 Semester Project
 Presentations

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Course Assessment:

 Sessional
 Home Assignments
 Quizzes
 Project
 Presentations

 Mid Exam
 Final Exam

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Evaluation and Awarding Marks

Grading Policy

25 Mid

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Compiler Construction

Lahore Garrison University

Preamble of lecture

 Compiler
 History of Compiler
 Why we study Compiler?

Lahore Garrison University

Lecture Outcomes

 Understanding related
 Compiler and its importance

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Compiler Construction

 Two important things

 What is compiler?
 How the process of compilation can be carried out?

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 Compilers are basically “translators”

 a program that translates an executable program in

one language into an executable program in another

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 “Compiler is a program which takes one language

(source program) as input and translates it into an
equivalent another language (target language)”
 A compiler translates (or compiles) a program written
in a high-level programming language that is suitable
for human programmers into the low-level machine
language that is required by computers.

Lahore Garrison University


 Source Language Program: Classical FORTRAN, C, to a modern

language such as JAVA, C++

 Target Program: Output of a compiler can also be a verity of a form

such as another programming language, re-locatable object program,
assembly language and machine language of a micro processor.

Lahore Garrison University


 Inside compiler; Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Theory, Systems and

Architecture (Pipeline management, hierarchy management, instruction
set use), mathematics, Data Structures all these things come together.
 Means writing a compiler requires an understanding of almost all of the
major computer science subfields which makes it an excellent

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Interesting Point

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Isn’t it a solved problem?

 Machines are constantly changing

 Changes in architecture changes in compilers
 new features pose new problems
 changing costs lead to different concerns
 old solutions need re-engineering
 Changes in compilers should prompt changes in architecture
 New languages and features

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Not exactly known the date but early 1950’s is assumed to be start
of appearance of compilers.
Mainly used for translating arithmetic formulas into machine
1952 (Linker/Loader) by Grace Hopper for A-0 Programming
1957 first FORTRAN compiler launched that is consider to be started
in 1954 by John Backus & team
1960--- COBOL compiler for multiple architecture
1962--- First self-hosting compiler for LISP

Lahore Garrison University

Why study Compiler Construction?

 Curiosity
 Better understanding of programming language concepts
 Wide applicability
 Transforming ‘data’ is very common.
 Very useful data structure and algorithms
 Practical Application of “Theory”

Lahore Garrison University



Lahore Garrison University


Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools By Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D.
Ullman, Contributor Jeffrey D. Ullman, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 2nd edition, 2006

Lahore Garrison University

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