Curve Fitting: Instructor: Dr. Aysar Yasin Dep. of Energy and Env. Engineering

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Curve Fitting

Instructor: Dr. Aysar Yasin

Dep. Of Energy and Env. Engineering

Curve Fitting
? What is Curve Fitting
!!!General Approaches of Curve Fittings
Least-squares Regression : derive a single .1
.curve to describe a general trend of the data
)data exhibit significant degree of errors(
Interpolation: Fitting a curve or series of .2
curves that pass directly through each of the
)Precise Data(
Curve Fitting
Non computer method for curve fitting, but this is dependent to-
.subjective viewpoint of the person sketching the curve

Curves are used to capture General upward trend

The meanderings suggested Of the data with a
By the data straight line
Curve Fitting
Least Square Regression
Linear Regression
:Mathematical expression of a straight line
y x
    a1- slope
    a0- intercept

e= y-a0-a1x
e- error, or residual, between the model and the
Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi
Best strategy is to minimize the sum of the •
squares of the residuals between the measured
:y and the y calculated with the linear model
n n n
S r   ei2   ( yi , measured  yi , model) 2   ( yi  a0  a1 xi ) 2
i 1 i 1 i 1

.Yields a unique line for a given set of data •

We need to study techniques to find the constants

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

/Least-Squares Fit of a Straight Line
To find the values of constants we need to differentiate Sr with respect to each coefficient

S r
 2 ( yi  ao  a1 xi )  0
S r
 2  ( yi  ao  a1 xi ) xi   0
0   yi   a 0   a1 xi
0   yi xi   a 0 xi   a1 xi2

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

/Least-Squares Fit of a Straight Line

a 0  na0 Normal equations, can be

na0    xi  a1   yi solved simultaneously

n xi yi   xi  yi
a1 
n x    xi 
2 2
i Mean values
a0  y  a1 x

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

Goodness” of our fit“
Total sum of the squares around the mean for the dependent •
  ( yi  y ) 2 variable, y, is St
Sum of the squares of residuals around the regression line is Sr •
St-Sr quantifies the improvement or error reduction due to •
describing data in terms of a straight line rather than as an
.average value
St  S r
r 

St r2-coefficient of determination
r– correlation coefficient

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

For a perfect fit •
Sr=0 and r=r2=1, signifying that the line explains
.100 percent of the variability of the data
For r=r2=0, Sr=St, the fit represents no •

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

Fit a straight line to the following values of x •
.and y
X y
1 0.5
2 2.5
3 2
4 4
5 3.5
6 6
7 5.5

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

x y X2 x*y

n xi yi   xi  yi
1 0.5 1 0.5
a1  2 2.5
n x    xi 
2 4 5
i 3 2 9 6
4 4
a0  y  a1 x 16 16
5 3.5 25 17.5
6 6 36 36
7 5.5 49 38.5
28 24 140 119.5
4 3.428

7(119.5)  28(24)
a1   0.8392
7(140)  (28) 2

a0  3.428  0.8392(4)  0.071428

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi
Calculate Sr
Calculate Sr for the previous example •
X y 2
1 0.5 0.168686
2 2.5 0.5625
3 2 0.347258
4 4 0.326531
5 3.5 0.589605
6 6 0.797194
7 5.5 0.199298

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

Calculate St

X y 2 )y-yavg(
1 0.5 8.576531
2 2.5 0.862245
3 2 2.040816
4 4 0.326531
5 3.5 0.005102
6 6 6.612245
7 5.5 4.290816
Avg(y)=3.428 22.71429

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

Calculate r2-coefficient of determination

St  S r
r 


22.71429  2.991071
r 
 0.868

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

Calculate the standard error of the estimate

Sy/x 

Sy/x   0.7735

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

use least square regression to fit a straight line
X 6 15 23 30 39
Y 29 14 7 13 3

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi


X 6 15 23 30 39 113
Y 29 14 7 13 3 66
X *Y
174 210 161 390 117 1052
36 225 529 900 1521 3211

5 *1052  113 * 66
a1   0.6689
5 * 3211  113 2

a0 = (66/5)-( -0.6689)*(113/5) = 28.3171

Eng. Muhannad Al-Jabi

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