Quartz Group
Quartz Group
Quartz Group
What is Quartz?
Quartz is a chemical compound consisting of one part silicon and two parts oxygen. It is
silicon dioxide (SiO2). It is the most abundant mineral found at Earth's surface, and its unique
properties make it one of the most useful natural substances.
Rock crystal quartz: Transparent "rock crystal" quartz. This Amethyst quartz: Purple crystalline quartz is known as
Quartz crystals: Herkimer "Diamond" specimen shows the conchoidal fracture (fracture that "amethyst." When transparent and of high quality, it is
quartz crystals. A clear, "rock crystal" produces curved surfaces) that is characteristic of the often cut as a gemstone. This specimen is about four
mineral. Specimen is about four inches (ten centimeters) inches (ten centimeters) across and is from Guanajuato,
variety of quartz. across and is from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Mexico.
Physical Properties of Quartz
Chemical Classification Silicate
Luster Vitreous
Mohs Hardness 7
Specific Gravity 2.6 to 2.7
Quartz sand has a high resistance to being crushed. In the petroleum industry, sand
slurries are forced down oil and gas wells under very high pressures in a process
known as hydraulic fracturing. This high pressure fractures the reservoir rocks, and
the sandy slurry injects into the fractures. The durable sand grains hold the fractures
open after the pressure is released. These open fractures facilitate the flow of
natural gas into the well bore.