Prepared By: Atty. Shiela Lyn M. Catacuatan Atty. Richard M. Catacutan Atty. Felicisimo M. Catacutan
Prepared By: Atty. Shiela Lyn M. Catacuatan Atty. Richard M. Catacutan Atty. Felicisimo M. Catacutan
Prepared By: Atty. Shiela Lyn M. Catacuatan Atty. Richard M. Catacutan Atty. Felicisimo M. Catacutan
Offended party
Parents or guardians
Ascendant or collateral relative within 3rd degree
of consanguinity
Social worker or representative of child-caring
Barangay chairman
At least 3 concerned citizens where violation
Physical contact
Verbal contact like suggestions, jokes,
threats, obscene comments
Written contact like letters, notes, text or
email messages
Visual contact like gestures, posting obscene
or offensive posters, cartoons, etc.
Where is sexual harassment
committed and by whom?
In the work or business environment, by an
employer, manager, supervisor, etc, who makes
the sexual favor a condition for employment,
wage increase, promotion or the like;
In the education or training environment, by a
teacher, instructor, professor, coach, or anyone
having authority or influence, who makes the
sexual favor a condition for a passing grade,
scholarship, etc.
Where is sexual harassment
committed and by whom?
In the work or business environment, by an
employer, manager, supervisor, etc, who makes
the sexual favor a condition for employment,
wage increase, promotion or the like;
In the education or training environment, by a
teacher, instructor, professor, coach, or anyone
having authority or influence, who makes the
sexual favor a condition for a passing grade,
scholarship, etc.
CSC Resolution No. 01-0940
“Administrative Disciplinary
Rules on Sexual Harassment
Sec.3 (a) Work related sexual harassment is
committed under the following circumstances:
1. submission to or rejection of the act or series of
acts is used as a basis for any employment decision
(including, but not limited to, matters related to
hiring, promotion, raise in salary, job security,
benefits and any other personnel action) affecting
the applicant/employee; or
2. the act or series of acts have the purpose or
effect or interfering with the complainant’s work
performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile or
offensive work environment;
3. the act or series of acts might reasonably be
expected to cause discrimination, insecurity,
discomfort, offense or humiliation to a complainant
who may be a co-employee, applicant, customer,
or word of the person camplained of.
Sec. 4. Duty of the Employer or Head of Office in a
Work-related, Education or Training Environment.-
It shall be the duty of the employer or Head of the
work-related, educational or training environment
or institution, to prevent or deter the commission of
acts of sexual harassment and to provide the
procedures for the resolution, settlement or
prosecution of acts of sexual harassment.
Republic Act 8353
Anti- Rape Law of 1997
Salient Features of R.A.
RAPE as a crime against PERSONS
- no longer a private crime
(formerly crime against chastity)
- MEN can be victims of rape
MARITAL RAPE – husband may be the offender
- Married women can be victims of rape
How rape is committed?
- to harm the victim or his/her family
Fraudulent machination
Grave abuse of authority
The victim is unconscious or demented
The victim is below twelve (12) years old
Rape by Sexual Assault
Illegal recruiters
Organized crime groups
Local pimps and procurers
“Talent” managers
Male buyers (local and foreign) of prostituted
women and children
Recruitment Threat Prostitution
Transportation Use of force Other forms of sexua
exploitation, includin
“cybersex” through
the internet
Transfer Deception Forced Labor or
Harboring Abduction Slavery or similar
(pagdagit) practices
Receipt Taking advantage Removal of organs
of the vulnerability
of others
Who may file a complaint
for trafficking in persons?
ANY PERSON who has personal
knowledge of the commission of
any offense
Trafficked person
His or her parents, spouse,
siblings, children or legal guardian
Anti- Violence Against
Women and
their Children Act of 2004
What is VAWC?
any act(s) committed by any person
against a woman or her child
the acts result in physical, sexual,
psychological harm or suffering,
economic abuse, threats of such acts,
battery, assault, coercion,
harassment, or deprivation of liberty
the acts are committed within or
outside the family residence
ABUSER vs. VICTIM in R.A. 9262
1. Criminal action
violation of R.A. 9262
2. Protection orders