Information Technology For Managers: Session 6 by Prof. Arun Mishra
Information Technology For Managers: Session 6 by Prof. Arun Mishra
Information Technology For Managers: Session 6 by Prof. Arun Mishra
for Managers
Session 6
Prof. Arun Mishra
Learning Objectives
Assembly Language
High-level Language
Object-oriented Language
Computer Language
• A language that is acceptable to a
computer system is called computer
language or programming language.
• A computer Language is used by a
programmer to instruct a computer
what he wants to do something.
Types of Computer Language
Machine Level Language
Assembly Language
High Level Language
Fourth level Language
Object oriented Language.
Machine Level Language
Machine language of a computer is
written as string of binary ‘1’ & ‘o’.
Example- 10001,101010
A computer can be programmed to
understand many different computer
languages, but there is only one
language understood by computer
without using a translation program.
This Language is called Machine Level
Language or language of computer.
Machine language instruction format
Machine dependent.
Difficult to program.
Error prone- tough to remember
Difficult to modify.
Assembly Language
A Language which allows instruction
and storage location to be
represented by letters and symbols,
instead of numbers is called
Assembly Language.
A program written in An assembly
language is called an assembly
language program.
Merits of Assembly Language over
Machine Language
It uses alpha numeric codes instead of
numeric codes for instructions. e.g.-
We use ADD instead of ‘1110’ for the
instruction to Add.
It allows Storage Location to be
represented in the form of
Alphanumeric address instead of
numeric address. e.g.- memory
location 1000,1001,1002 may be
represented as FIRST, SCND, ANSR.
Merits of Assembly Language over
Machine Language
It provides additional instructions,
called pseudo instructions in instruction
e.g.- pseudo instruction tell things like:-
START program AT 0000
START data AT 1000
SET ASIDE an address for FRST
SET ASIDE an address for SCND
An assembler is a system software which
translates an assembly language into its
equivalent machine language.
A computer can directly execute only
machine language program, which use
numbers for representing instructions and
storage locations.
So assembly language program must be
converted into its equivalent machine
language program.
This translation is done with the help of
Translator program known as ASSEMBLER.
Advantages of Assembly Language
Machine Dependent
Knowledge of hardware is required.
Machine level coding- all instruction
are still written at machine code
Writing machine code is still time
High Level Language
High level language were designed to
overcome the limitations of low level
languages (Machine language &
Assembly language).
High level enabled the use of
computers to solve problems even by
non experts.
Characteristic of High Level
It is machine independent.
It do not require the programmers to
know anything about the internal
structure of computer on which program
will be executed.
It do not deal with the machine Level
They deal with the high level coding
enabling the programmer to write
instruction using ENGLISH words and
familiar symbol & expression.
High level language must be
converted into its equivalent machine
language program, before it is
This translation is Done by translator
program known as COMPILER.
Compiler is program which translates
High level language into its
equivalent machine language
A compiler can translate only those
source programs which have been
written in the language for which the
compiler is meant. E.g.- FORTRAN
compiler is only capable of translating
source program written in FORTRAN.
So each computer requires separate
compiler for each high level language
it supports.
It is also used to translate High
Level language to Machine Level
But it takes one statement at a
time, translates its and immediately
executes the resulting machine
language instruction.
It translate 1 instruction at a time.
Advantage of HIGH level Language
Machine Independent
Easier to learn & Use.
Very less errors.
Low program preparation cost.
Saves time.
Better documentation.
Easy to maintain.
Disadvantages of High level