Dentinogenesis Ullaspr 090826101811 Phpapp01
Dentinogenesis Ullaspr 090826101811 Phpapp01
Dentinogenesis Ullaspr 090826101811 Phpapp01
The odotoblast cell bodies remain external to
dentin but their processes exist within tubules
in dentin. It is somewhat harder than bone but
softer than enamel. Dentin is somewhat harder
in its central part than near the pulp or in its
Dentin in cross section is composed of the
following distinct areas microscopically.
Dentinal tubule
Long tube
Running from DEJ or DCJ to the pulp
Filled with a cellular extension of
odontoblastic process
Cytoplasmic extension of odontoblasts
Processes are larger in diameter near the
pulp(3-4 micro meter) and taper to one
micrometer further into the dentin
Peritubular dentin
Interglobular dentin