A Presentation On CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility: Wisdom or Window Dressing?
A Presentation On CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility: Wisdom or Window Dressing?
A Presentation On CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility: Wisdom or Window Dressing?
Submitted by:
Antara Choudhury
Jagannath Swain
Harsh Bir Kaur
Papiya Das
Nilanjan Mukherjee
Amit Kumar Shaw
What is CSR ??
• Corporate Social Responsibility is defined as
operating a business that meets or exceeds
the ethical, legal, commercial and public
expectations that society has of business at a
given point of time.
• Most companies use CSR as a marketing tool to further spread the word about their business.
For instance, donation of a token amount to some cause on purchase of a particular product.
The fact that companies are hiring advertising agencies for their CSR further highlights this.
• Very few companies openly state the processes followed by them, the damage caused by
these processes, and the steps taken to minimize this damage.
• Very few companies state how much they spend on CSR. There is no mention of the amount
spent in any of their balance sheets or annual reports. Most companies just list and describe
their CSR activities and seem to be spending minimal amounts on CSR
• Generally speaking, most companies seem either unaware or don’t care about CSR. However,
all companies can be considered to be an upward learning curve with respect to CSR and it is
expected that the situation will improve.
• The concept of corporate social responsibility has gained
prominence from all avenues. Organizations must realize
that government alone will not be able to get success in
its endeavor to uplift the downtrodden of society. The
present societal marketing concept of companies is
constantly evolving and has given rise to a new concept-
Corporate Social Responsibility. Many of the leading
corporations across the world had realized the
importance of being associated with socially relevant
causes as a means of promoting their brands. It stems
from the desire to do good and get self satisfaction in
return as well as societal obligation of business.