Application of Bioinformatics in Various Fields: Ravi Kapopara
Application of Bioinformatics in Various Fields: Ravi Kapopara
Application of Bioinformatics in Various Fields: Ravi Kapopara
various fields
Ravi Kapopara
General Application
Application in Drug Discovery
Molecular medicine
The completion of the human genome means that we can
search for the genes directly associated with different
diseases and begin to understand the molecular basis of
these diseases more clearly.
This new knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of
disease will enable better treatments, cures and even
preventative tests to be developed.
Personalized medicine
Today, doctors have to use trial and error to find the
best drug to treat a particular patient as those with the
same clinical symptoms can show a wide range of
responses to the same treatment.
In the future, doctors will be able to analyse a patient's
genetic profile and prescribe the best available drug
therapy and dosage from the beginning.
Preventative medicine
With the specific details of the genetic mechanisms of
diseases being unravelled, the development of
diagnostic tests to measure a persons susceptibility to
different diseases may become a distinct reality.
Preventative actions such as change of lifestyle or
having treatment at the earliest possible stages when
they are more likely to be successful, could result in
huge advances in our struggle to conquer disease.
Gene therapy
In the not too distant future, the potential for using
genes themselves to treat disease may become a
Gene therapy is the approach used to treat, cure or
even prevent disease by changing the expression of
person’s genes.
Currently, this field is in its infantile stage with clinical
trials for many different types of cancer and other
diseases ongoing.
Drug development
At present all drugs on the market target only about
500 proteins.
With an improved understanding of disease
mechanisms and using computational tools to identify
and validate new drug targets, more specific medicines
that act on the cause, not merely the symptoms, of the
disease can be developed.
These highly specific drugs promise to have fewer side
effects than many of today's medicines.
Microbial genome applications
By studying the genetic material of these organisms,
scientists can begin to understand these microbes at a
very fundamental level and isolate the genes that give
them their unique abilities to survive under extreme
General Application
Climate change Studies
Alternative energy sources
Antibiotic resistance
Forensic analysis of microbes
Evolutionary studies
Crop improvement
Insect resistance
Improve nutritional quality
Vetinary Science
Comparative Studies
Bioinformatics Tools
The processes of designing a new drug using bioinformatics tools have open a new
area of research. However, computational techniques assist one in searching
drug target and in designing drug in silco, but it takes long time and money. In
order to design a new drug one need to follow the following path.
Identify target disease
Study Interesting Compounds
Detection the Molecular Bases for Disease
Rational Drug Design Techniques
Refinement of Compounds
Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSAR)
Solubility of Molecule
Drug Testing
Database Description
National Human Genome Research Institute Home of an international research effort to determine
( the DNA sequence of entire Genome. Contributes to
the Human Genome Project include the National
Institute of Health (NIH).
Bioinformatics tools for Genomics
SLAM : Gene finding, alignment, annotation (human-
mouse homology identification)
ACT (Artemis Comparison Tool) : comparative
Gene Finder (Tool for finding out the gene from
protein or nucleotide sequences)
3. With this information one can infer the evolutionary relationships of the
organisms, search for similar sequences in bioinformatic databases and
find related species to those under investigation.
4. There are many bioinformatic sequence analysis tools that can be used
to determine the level of sequence similarity.
Bioinformatics Supports CADD Research
Homology Modeling:-
2. Most drug targets are proteins, so it’s important to know their 3-D
structure in detail. It’s estimated that the human body has 500,000 to
1 million proteins.
1. Most drug candidates fail in Phase III clinical trials after many
years of research and millions of dollars have been spent on
them. And most fail because of toxicity or problems with