Intercultural Communication
Intercultural Communication
Intercultural Communication
Group 3
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Barriers to Intercultural Communication
1. Attitude 4. Interpretation
2. Perception 5. Culture Shock
3. Stereotype 6. Non-Verbal Behavior
Culture Learning
The process of cultural learning can be helped
along by experience, reflection and training.
Intercultural training not only provides
information but also develops skills, and
encourages attitudes to enable people to
progress along the cultural learning curve.
Dealing with Difference
The skill of dealing with differences has
become a vital skill. Whatever life you hope
to lead it is guaranteed that at some point
you will have to work out how to cope with
people who act and think in ways that
fundamentally different to your own.
Improving Intercultural
Herd mentality refers to a closed and one People can and do behave in culturally insensitive
dimensional approach. Such a way of ways. By attacking someone's person, you attack
thinking curbs creativity, innovation and their culture and therefore their dignity. This can
advancement as people are restricted in how only be divisive.
to think, approach and engage with people Effective communication depends on the informal
or challenges. understandings among the parties involved that are
Intercultural communication can only based on the trust developed between them. When
flourish and therefore contribute if people trust exists, there is implicit understanding within
are encouraged to think as individuals, bring communication, cultural differences may be
their cultural influences to the table and overlooked, and problems can be dealt with more
share ideas that may be outside the box. easily. The meaning of trust and how it is developed
and communicated vary across societies. Similarly,
some cultures have a greater propensity to be
trusting than others.