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Sap Fi GL Enduser Step by Step Material

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End User –GL Step by step


Jayanth Maydipalle
1. General ledger Accounting
1.1 Create General ledger master records (4-10)
1.2 G/L Master record changes (Centrally) (11-13)
1.3 Create a G/L Posting documents
-/nF-02 (Single Entry Posting) (14-20)
-/nFB50 (Multiple line items Posting)(21-23)
1.4 Park Documents
1.4.1 Create park documents(24-25)

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1.4.2 Change parked documents(26-27)
1.4.3 Display parked documents(28-29)
1.4.4 Display document changes of parked documents(30-31)
1.4.5 Post/Delete parked documents(32-34)
1.5 Reverse Document Entry
1.5.1 Individual / Mass Reversals (35-38)
1.5.2 Reversal of a Reversed Document (39)
1.6 Change Document (40-43)
1.7 Display Document Line Items (44-45)
1.8 Display changes in Document (46-47)
1.9 Display G/L Accounts balances (48-50)
1.10 Display/Change G/L Accounts items (51-54)
1.11 Clear G/L Account (55-59)
1.12 Reset Cleared Items (60-62)
1.13 Process Automatic Clearing (63-65) 2
1.14 Automatic Clearing with Clearing Currency Specified (66-67)
1.15 Recurring Entries
1.15.1 Recurring Entries (68-74)
1.15.2 Change Recurring Documents (75-78)
1.15.3 Display Recurring Documents (79)
1.15.4 Display changes in Recurring Documents (80-81)
1.15.5 Delete Reference Document(Recurring Entry) (82-83)
1.15.6 Evaluating Recurring entry Documents (84-85)

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1.15.7 Execute Recurring Entry (86-87)
1.15.8 Running Batch Input Session (88-89)
1.16 Closing Procedures
1.16.1 Reports (90)
1.16.2 Posting Keys (90)
1.17 Frequently Used Transaction Codes
1.17.1 General Ledger (91-94)
1.17.2 Accounts Payable (95-96)
1.17.3 Withholding Tax (TDS) (96)
1.17.4 Asset Accounting (97-98)


1.1 Create General ledger master records :

Business transactions are posted and managed in the general ledger via accounts .Each master record contains
settings that control the flow of financial transactions .The G/L accounts record the business transactions in line item
and totals form .In the standard system, all business transactions, which are posted to G/L accounts, are updated in
the general ledger .
1. Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP Easy Accounting >Financial Accounting > General Ledger >Master Records >G/L
Access Accounts > Individual Processing > Centrally

Jayanth Maydipalle
Transaction FS00

2. In the “Display G\L Account Centrally“ screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

3. Press “Create“ or “ With Template” after filling the G/L Account & Company Code.

4. On the “Type/Description “Tab, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below :

Jayanth Maydipalle
Note :On bellow table, in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional

Field Name Description R/O/ User

C Action &

Account Group Determines the fields for the entry screens if you create R
or change a master record in the company code .The
account group also determines which number interval
the account must be.
P+L statement Identified this account as an P+L statement account type C
account type

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Functional Area This functional area is required to pull in the Profit and O
Loss statement in Financial Accounting using the cost of
sale accounting method.

Balance sheet Identifies this account for use in the balance sheet C

Short text R
A short textual description of the G/L account

G/L acct long text The G/L account long text is used for online displays and O

5. On the “Control Data “Tab, make the following entries:

Jayanth Maydipalle
Input : (PTO)
Note :On bellow table, in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Values

Account Identifier of the currency in which the account R The default currency is the one
currency will be managed that is maintained in the
Company Code
Only Indicates that balance is updated only in local O
Balances in currency when users post items to this
Exchange Key for calculating exchange rate differences O

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Tax category Determines whether the account is tax O (-)Input tax
relevant. (+)Output tax
(*)all tax types
Posting w/o Check box O Allows posting to accounts
tax allowed without
indicating taxes
Recon An entry in this field identifies this GL account O Use the drop down menu to
.account for as a reconciliation account .A reconciliation indicate if this is an Assets,
account type account ensures the integration of a Sub- Customer, and Vendor.
ledger account into a GL account. Reconciliation account
Open item Set up accounts with open item management if O Check box if open items are
management offsetting entries are to be assigned to the managed for this account.
postings made to these accounts .Postings to
these accounts represent incomplete
Line item Do not set this indicator for accounts in which O Check box if line item display is
display the number of postings is so great that line possible for this account. 8
item display online would not be
advantageous, such as receivables and
payables accounts.
Sort key How line items are to be sorted based on the O
6. On the “Create\bank\interest“ Tab, make the following entries:

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Field Name Description R/O/ User Action & Values
Field status group Determines the screen layout for document R
Post automatically Indicates that this account can only be posted O Check box.
only to by the system using account determination
Planning level This field is used to control displays in Cash O
Management .
Relevant to cash O Check box if this
flow account is to be use in
the statement of Cash
House bank Indicator for the company bank . O
Account ID Identifies House Banks. O
Note :On above table, in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
7. Press “Save” button

8. Data was saved.

9. To perform any changes click the EDIT button ” ” then press SAVE “ “

10. To display the GL account click the DISPLAY button” ” then press BACK “ ”

Jayanth Maydipalle
11. To Block the GL account click on Block button “ ."

1.2 G/L Master record changes (Centrally) :

This transaction shows changes that were made in a G/L account master record.
1.Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface SAP GUI:

SAP Easy Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Master Records >G/L
Access Accounts > Display Changes > Centrally
Transaction FS04

Jayanth Maydipalle
2.On screen “Central G/L Account Changes :Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the
table below:

Input: (PTO) 11
Note :On bellow table, in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and
C Values

Account Enter the general ledger account number to R Enter account number
number view all changes made to that account. .
Company The company code. R Enter company code.
From The system only displays changes, which were O Enter Date.
Change Date made as from this date.

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Changed By Name of user. Enter name.

3. Click on the “Enter” button.

4. The output screen “G/L Account Changes :Changed Fields” will appear.

5. Click on the “All changes” button to view a listing of all changes .Double click on the line items to
view details:

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6. Date of changes, Time of change, User name who changed the master record and fields that were changed
with new and old content as well as a language used.
7. For more details select the field you would like to display changes of and press you will find the following:

8. Display the account changes and after that press the “Back” icon to go to the main menu.
1.3 Create a G/L Posting documents : /nF-02 (Single Entry Posting) :

Every document consists of a document header and two or more line items .The document header
contains information that is valid for the whole document, such as the document date and the
document number .It also includes controlling information such as the document type.
The line items only contain information on the particular item in question, for instance an account
number and amount. Whether any additional information is present depends on the business
transaction involved.
The system creates the document, updates the transaction figures for the accounts affected, and in

Jayanth Maydipalle
some cases, displays an internally assigned document number when the document is posted.

1.Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface SAP GUI :
SAP Easy Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger
Access >Posting>General Posting
Transaction F-02

2.On the screen “Enter GL Account Posting :Header Data”, enter the information in the fields as
specified in the table below:

Jayanth Maydipalle
Input: Note :On bellow table, in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Values Comments

Document Date of the document. R NOTE :The document date is Enter the date of
Date the date on which the the Document.
original document was
Type Document type. R Accept default of “SA‟ for Defaults from the
G/L Document Posting. system date. 15
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Values Comments

Company Company code of the first G/L account. R This field can have a Can make this a
Code value defaulted in from required field to
the User Parameters enhance business
settings. processing.
Posting Date Posting date of the document which R Default is system date.
will determine the period it posts to.
Currency/rate Currency that the amounts will be Enter either the local The system defaults
entered into the system under. currency or another in the local
currency defined in your currency.

Jayanth Maydipalle
Reference Field allocated to any extra numeric or C Can be used to contain User Has to provide
name identifiers . external document reference
reference numbers . This Name/Num for easy
is helpful as an additional entry tracking.
document search
Doc .Header Text that may be entered to apply to C Enter if necessary.
text the entire document via the header.
Post Key Key that will determine the type of R Enter key to identify this
account to be posted to and whether it line properly and to post
is a debit or credit. to the correct side of the
Account G/L account number to post the first R Enter the G/L account to
line of the invoice to. be posted to.
Special G/L The G/L indicator determines how to O Use system supplied or Configure the
handle special postings. customized indicators if Special G/L
necessary . Indicators to
determine which
alternative account
to post the 16
transaction to.
Trans type The transaction type controls various O Enter if appropriate.
system activities when business
3. Select the “Enter” icon
transactions are to proceed
4. On the Details “Enter G/L Account Document :Add G/L account item” screen enter the information in the
fields as specified in the table below:

Jayanth Maydipalle

5. Select the “Enter” icon to proceed

Note : There are many other fields which are to be used according to configuration rules, account dependencies, specific
posting transactions, and company procedures.

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Values

Amount in Doc The amount for the account entered on the R Enter proper amount.
Currency previous screen.
Cost Centre Provide Cost Center/Dept details, Cost R Select Dept Num.
Center accounting is used to identify the
costs incurred.
Internal Order Provide Internal order num/Project ID R Enter Order/Project Details.

Jayanth Maydipalle
Activity Activity types are used to describe the R Enter Activity Num.
various forms of activity that are performed
at a cost center.
Post Key Key that will determine the type of account R Enter key to identify this line
to be posted to and whether it is a debit or properly and to post to the
credit. correct side of the account.
Account G/L account number to post the subsequent R Enter the G/L account to be posted
lines of the invoice to. to.
6. Select the “Enter”. To be proceed to next screen.

Jayanth Maydipalle
7. Put ( *) in amount checkbox and put (+) Sign in Text checkbox that captures previous screenshot amount
figure and Text Description provided by the User.

8. Go to Document and Click On Simulate (Document > Simulate). You will get bellow mentioned

9. Make sure Debit equals to Credit and balance should be zero as mentioned bellow.

10.To save the data, select the “Save” icon, select Document > Post, or press F11.

Jayanth Maydipalle
1.3 Create a G/L Posting documents: /nFB50 (Mass Posting):
1.Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface SAP GUI :
SAP Easy Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger >Posting>Enter
Access G/L A/c Document
Transaction FB50

The first time you access this function, a pop-up box requesting the company code will be displayed

Jayanth Maydipalle
.After your first entry, the system will retain and display select field information, such as Company Code
and Currency .Complete the company code information and hit the green check mark or press
“Enter” .

2. On the screen “Enter G/L Account Document: Company Code 3300”, enter the information in the
fields as specified in the table below:

Note :On bellow table, in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Document Date Date of the document. R Enter the date of the Document.

Posting Date Effective date of posting. R Defaults from the system date.

Reference Field used to enter user desired text R Can make this a required field to
enhance business processing
Doc. Header Mention description of the document. C

3. On the Details screen enter the information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Jayanth Maydipalle
Input : (PTO)

Note :On bellow table, in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

General The number of the G/L account to which the transaction will R
Ledger be posted.
D/C Debit or credit indicator. R
Amount in The amount for this line. R
Doc Currency

Cost Centre Provide Cost Center/Dept details, Cost Center accounting is R Select Dept Num.
used to identify the costs incurred.

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Internal Provide Internal order num/Project ID details. R Enter Order/Project
Order Details.
Activity Activity types are used to describe the various forms of R Enter Activity Num.
activity that are performed at a cost center.
4. Select the icon.
5. Simulating the Posting
Select the “Simulate” Button .This optional step will create any automatically generated document
lines such as inter-company entries and allow you to view them before posting . Green arrow back to
make any necessary changes to the lines (click ok at “Automatically created line items will be deleted‟)
or click the Save icon to post the document if satisfied .
6. To save the data, select the “Save” icon, select Document>Post, or press F11.

1.4 Park Documents
1.4.1 Create park documents (F-65):
Document parking can be used to enter and store (park )incomplete documents in the SAP System,
without carrying out extensive entry checks .Parked documents can be completed, checked and then
posted at a later date.
1.Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface SAP GUI :
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Posting⇒ General
Document Parking
Transaction code F-65

Jayanth Maydipalle
2. On the “ Park Document :Document Header” screen, enter information in the fields as
specified in the table below:

3. Select the “Enter” icon to proceed.

Jayanth Maydipalle
4. Enter “amount , Cost centre, Order &Text “, Select the “Enter” Icon to proceed next screenshot.

5. Put (*) in amount checkbox and (+) sign in text checkbox for capturing the previous amount check box and text
6. Go to Document ⇒ Park Document.
1.4.2 Change parked documents:
A parked document can be changed and gradually completed. A large number of header and item fields can
be changed during this process, including the amounts. Certain of the values you cannot change are the
currency and the company code.
You can make changes to :
• Individual documents
• Individual items
• Several documents simultaneously via a list
• Other values via the line items
T-code: FBV2

Jayanth Maydipalle
1.On the “Change Parked Document :Initial Screen” screen, enter information in the fields as specified in
the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Values

Company Code 4 character identifier of an organizational unit Enter company code.

within external accounting. R
Document Identifier for an accounting document. R Enter the parked document
number number.
Fiscal Year The year to which the park document was R Enter the fiscal year. 26
2. Press “Enter” or click on to proceed.
3. Click on “Execute” .
4. Double click the Line Item you want to Change.

5. On the screen “Change Parked Document :Overview”. Make the changes

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6. Once all changes are complete, press “Park Document” icon to post the changes.

1.4.3 Display parked documents:
Document parking can be used to enter and store (park )incomplete documents in the SAP System, without
carrying out extensive entry checks .Parked documents can be completed, checked and then posted at a
later date.
Parked documents may be display individually or via a list.
T-code: FBV3
1.On the “Display Parked Document :Initial Screen” screen, enter information in the fields as specified in
the table below:

Jayanth Maydipalle
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Values
Company Code 4 character identifier of an organizational unit Enter company code.
within external accounting. R
Document Identifier for an accounting document. R Enter the parked document
number number.
Fiscal Year The year to which the park document was R Enter the fiscal year.

2. Press “Enter” or click on to proceed.

3. Click on “Execute” . 28
4. Double click the Line Item you want to Change.
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5. Display the document and after that press the “Back” icon to go to the main menu.

1.4.4 Display document changes of parked documents:
This transaction will allow the user to view the changes in a parked document.

T-Code: FBV5
1.On the “Parked Document Changes :Initial Screen” screen, enter information in the fields as
specified in the table below:

Jayanth Maydipalle
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Values

Company Code 4 character identifier of an organizational unit Enter company code.

within external accounting. R
Document number Identifier for an accounting document. R Enter the parked document
Fiscal Year The year to which the park document was R Enter the fiscal year.
From Change Date Date/time from which changes should be listed. R Enter a date/time – the system will
/time only display changes as from this

2. Then Press “Enter” to proceed.

 As standard when you enter the transaction, the last posted document made by any user appears
 Otherwise, you have to enter the document number that you need to view its changes in the “Document
Number” field.

3. On screen “Parked Document :Changed Fields”, a list of changed fields should be displayed .Double-click
on an entry to view the change date and old and new values of the field .From here, click if you want to
identify the user and time of the changes.

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4. Press the “All changes” icon to display all the changed fields.


5.Display the document changes and after that press the “Exit” icon to go to the main menu.
1.4.5 Post/Delete parked documents:
This transaction will allow the user to Post/Delete a parked document.
1.Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface SAP GUI :
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Document⇒
Parked Document ⇒ Post/Delete
Transaction code FBV0

2. On the “Post Parked Document :Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

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Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Values

Company Code 4 character identifier of an organizational unit Enter company code.

within external accounting. R
Document Identifier for an accounting document. R Enter the parked document
number number.
Fiscal Year The year to which the park document was R Enter the fiscal year.
 As standard when you enter the transaction, the last posted document made by any user appears
automatically . 32
 If you know the document number that you need to change type the number direct in the “Document
Number” field.
 If you do not know the Document number press the following screen appears:
Jayanth Maydipalle
3. From the above screen you can select documents by fields like, “Posting date”, “Document date”,”
Document Type” etc and then press the “Execute” icon , a list of documents appear if found as
below screen.

4. Double click the Parked Document you want to Post or Delete or press , the following screen appears:

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5. Press “Document” in the menu bar and choose “Delete” to delete the document or Press the “Post”
icon to post the document.
1.5 Reverse a Document Entry
1.5.1 Individual / Mass Reversals.
If you have entered an incorrect document, you can reverse it .Note that R/3 can reverse a document
only if the following conditions are met:
o Contains no cleared items
o Contains only vendor, customer, or G/L line items
o Was posted within the FI system
o Contains only valid values, such as business areas, cost centers, and tax codes
Ordinarily, you post a reversing document in the same period you posted the original document . The

Jayanth Maydipalle
period of the original document must be open to post a reversing document .If the period is not
open, you can overwrite the posting date field with a date in an open period, such as the current
1.Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface SAP GUI :
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Document⇒
Reverse ⇒ Individual Reversal
Transaction code FB08

Please Note: For Individual Reversal use :FB08 , for mass reversals use : F.80


2. On the “Reverse Document :Header Data” screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the
table below:

Jayanth Maydipalle
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Comments
The document number of the
document to be reversed.
R Enter the document

Company code The company code identifier for the R Enter the proper You can select the drop down arrow to view a
document to be reversed company code. list of available choices.

Fiscal year The fiscal year that the document was R Enter the fiscal year.
created in.

Reversal Reason Reason for reversing a document. R Enter the desired reversal Select the drop down arrow to view a list of
reason. available choices . You can use the standard
reason codes or enter new codes in

Posting date If the reverse document cannot be O Leave blank to accept the You can select the drop down arrow to view a
posted to the same period as the original document’s calendar.
original document, enter the posting posting date or enter the
date and the posting period of the desired posting date.
Reversing document. 36
Posting period Effective period of reversal posting O Enter if different than the
original document’s
Note :On bellow table, in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
3.Click on to view the Document before reversal or press F5.
 As standard when you enter the transaction, the last posted document made by any user appears
automatically .
 If you know the document number that you need to change type the number direct in the “Document
Number” field.
 If you do not know the Document number press the following screen appears:

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Note: Give the Document number that you want to reverse, follow the screen appears bellow.

4. Then press the “Execute” icon , Double click on bellow mentioned Document number line item. 37
5. After double clicking on Document number line item you will get the bellow mentioned screenshot.

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6. Post the reversing document by selecting Document ⇒ Post or press the “Save” icon.

Note: For Mass Reversal please use F.80 & Follow the same procedure.

1.5.2 Reversal of a Reversed Document:
Suppose, if we reversed an entry with wrong account num or data, we can use this option to reverse a reversed
Note: Please note that we use this option to reverse the only reversed document.
T.Code: FBR2

Jayanth Maydipalle
1. Enter proper Document Number of a reversal entry.
2. Enter Company code .
3. Fiscal Year.
4. Select “Generate reverse posting” check box
5. Click on
6. Document
7. Press “Enter”
8. Goto Document ⇒ Post or click on Icon.
1.6 Change Document:
The system prevents the data in certain fields of a posted document from being changed . Examples are - the
posting amount, account number, posting key, fiscal year and tax amount . Because account information
fields and balances are updated on posting, these fields cannot be changed .Changing the data in these
fields would entail a manipulation of the figures, with the result being it would no longer be possible to
reconcile the documents and accounts .Some fields are changeable in a posted document .Whether or not
data can be change in changeable fields depend on the following factors:
 The document changing rules defined by your system administrator
 Which other SAP applications, such as CO or MM, you have installed
 How the application is configured

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The change document functionality may also be used to release down payments for payment by changing the
“Payment Block” field .By cancelling the block indicator, down payments will automatically be released and
cleared each time the payment program is run .The paying program clears by subtracting the down
payment amount from the corresponding invoice amounts and paying the difference.
1.Access the transaction on SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI ) :
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Document⇒ Change

Transaction code FB02

2. On the “Change Document :Initial Screen” screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the
table below:


Input: (PTO)
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Values Comments

Document The system requires the number of R Enter the document The system proposes the
Number the document you wish to display. number you wish to document number from the
change. last processed document.
Company Code Company code which the document R Document numbers are The system proposes the
was posted under. company code specific. company code that was used
in the previous function.
Fiscal Year If the number range that the R Enter the appropriate If you do not enter a fiscal
document type uses is year fiscal year that the year and the number range
dependent, you may use this field document was posted in. used is year dependent, an
to be more specific. additional window will
appear if the document

Jayanth Maydipalle
number exists in various
Note :On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
 As standard when you enter the transaction, the last posted document made by any user appears
automatically .
 If you know the document number that you need to change type the number direct in the “Document
Number” field.
 If you do not know the Document number press the following screen appears:

3. From this screen you can select documents by fields like “Document type”, “Posting date”, “Entry
date”, etc and then press the “Execute” icon, a list of documents appear if found.

Jayanth Maydipalle
4. Select the Document then press “Choose’ ( F9) .Or Double click the Document you want to
change, the following screen appears:

5. On the screen “Document :Overview”, select a line item by double-clicking on it or click once then
selecting the Change Row icon .Only the fields which are not grayed out may be changed .If the line
selected corresponds to a vendor posting and the Payment Block field is configured as “changeable” in
the FI Configuration Document Change Rules, you may change the value of this field to release the vendor
for payment .You may proceed to the other line items by using the up and down black arrows or the
Save and +Next/Previous push buttons .You may also click on the Document Header icon to change
selected fields in the document header.

Jayanth Maydipalle
6.Make the changes you need and press the “Back” button then press the “Save” button . or
press F11
 You cannot change the Document Header (Posting date, Document date, and Document type.)
 You cannot change Amount and Cost Centre or Order.
 You can change Text, Assignment, and Payment Method only .
7.To view the user details or for more details click on .
8. To go back to Data entry view click on .
1.7 Display Document Line Items:
This process will display a previously created accounting document .To display a specific document, enter
document number, company code and fiscal year.
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Document⇒ Display

Transaction code FB03

1.On the “Display Document :Initial Screen” screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the table

Jayanth Maydipalle
Field Name Description R/O/ User Action & Values Comments

Document The system requires the number R Enter the document The system proposes the
Number of the document you wish to number you wish to document number from the
display. change. last processed document.
Company Company code which the R Document numbers are The system proposes the
Code document was posted under. company code specific. company code that was
used in the previous
Fiscal Year If the number range that the R Enter the appropriate If you do not enter a fiscal
document type uses is year fiscal year that the year and the number range 44
dependent, you may use this field document was posted used is year dependent, an
to be more specific. in. additional window will
appear if the document
number exists in various
If you do not know the specific document number you wish to display, click on the List button, enter the
parameters that you do know, and run the search in order to find the proper document .Then double- click
on the desired document to display it.
2. Press “Enter” to proceed.
3. On the screen “Document Overview”, you will see all line items for the document .If you wish to see more
details for a specific line item, double click on it .You can also click on the Document Header icon or hit
F5 to see the header information for the document .If you desire to make changes to the document, click
the Display / Change icon or hit Shift +F1 . In order to return to the “Document Overview” screen,
click on the Overview icon or click on the Back .

Jayanth Maydipalle
4.To return to the “Display Document :Initial Screen” , press the “Back” icon or press F3.

1.8 Display changes in Document:
To view the last changes that have been made to a certain document and the fields that has been changed.

SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Document⇒ Display
Transaction code FB04
1.On the “Document Changes :Initial Screen”, make the following entries:

Jayanth Maydipalle
Field name Description R/O/C

Company Code Enter Company Code you want to display its Doc R
Document The Number of the document you want to display its R
changes .
Fiscal Year The year you are working in. R
Period of Name of the User who Made the Change. O
Changed by
2. Then Press “Enter”, the following screen appears: (PTO),
3. Double click the line you need to display the changes made in it or press , or press the “All
changes” icon, the following screen appears:

Jayanth Maydipalle
Field Description

Date Creation date of the document.

Field The Field that has been changed.

New The New value of the field.

Old The Old value of the field.

4. Display the document changes and after that press the “Back” icon to go to the main menu 47
1.9 Display G/L Accounts balances:
The system displays the debit and credit balances of the individual posting periods as well as the
cumulative balances of the G/L account
The account balance displays the following:
 The opening balance (the balance carried forward from the previous year )
 The total of all transactions for each posting period, broken down into debit and credit postings
(transaction figures).
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Account⇒ Display

Jayanth Maydipalle
Transaction code FS10N

1.On the “G/L Account Balance Display” screen, enter the information in the fields as specified in the
table below:

Field name Description R/O/C Comment


Account Number G/L account number that identifies it in the Chart R One G/L acct .or Range
of Accounts.
Company Code Enter Company Code you need to display the R One Company Code or
account balance in it. range
Fiscal Year The year you are working in. R
 You can display more than one account in the same time by pressing the Multiple selection button
beside the Account Number field the following window opens:

Jayanth Maydipalle
Tab Description

Select Single You can select single values

Values (1)
Select Intervals You can select ranges
Exclude Single You can remove single value
Exclude Intervals You can remove ranges

2. Press the “Execute” icon. The Following screen appears.

Jayanth Maydipalle
 The balances for every period in the year are displayed .If you need more details of the totals double
click on the required period to see its details.
 To show the single document entries of a period, select the balance field of the period you want to
display by double-clicking.
 To show all the documents of the year, select the total balance field by double-clicking.
3. Select the line item you want to change by clicking the box at the start of the row and choose the “Edit”
icon, if you want to display it choose the “Display” icon .
Note :
 Certain fields can be changed for each type of account.
 Fields to be changed differs whether the Line Item was posted, open or cleared.

4. Display the account balances and press the “Back” icon to go to the previous screen.
1.10 Display/Change G/L Accounts items:
 You can display the line items for one or more accounts.
 Line items are document items that were posted to a specific account .In contrast to a document item, a
line item only contains the information from the document that is relevant from the account view.
 In order to display the line items for an account, the account must be managed with line item display .This
means that you have set the indicator Line item display in the master data of the account.
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Account⇒ Display/Change

Jayanth Maydipalle
line items
Transaction code FBL3N

1.On the “G/L Account Line Item Display” screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the table

Field name Description R/O/C Comment

G/L account G/L account number that identifies it in the R One G/L acct .or Range
Chart of Accounts.

Company Code Enter Company Code you need to display the R One Company Code or range
account balance in it.
2. For the “Selection using search help”:


Field name Description R/O/C User action & values

Search help ID Key that describes the search criteria o <G/L account description in
chart of accounts>
Search String o

Jayanth Maydipalle
3. For the items to be Displayed or Changed:

You have 3 options to display line items:
 Open items: you can display open items to a specific date (open items means items that not yet
cleared) .
 Cleared items: you can display cleared items from a date to a specific date (cleared items means as
example invoices paid) 52
 All items: you can display all items (open and cleared )from a date to a specific date.
4. For the Line Items selection:

You have 3 options:
 Normal items: Invoices, payments and credit memos.
 Noted items: Not used.

Jayanth Maydipalle
 Parked items: documents not yet posted.

5. Press the “Execute” icon, a list of Line Items is displayed.


6. First you will find descriptions for some symbols in the screen:
Icon Description Icon Description
Means this item is still open. Means this document is not yet
Means this item is cleared. Means this document was posted.

7. Second you have some icons in the toolbar:

Icon Description Icon Description
Display Document Sum icon to make sum to specific column.

Jayanth Maydipalle
Change Document Subtotal icon make subtotals to specific
Display check information Change layout icon used to change the
columns displayed.
Account Master Data Select layout icon used to change the
layout by another saved layout.
Filter icon to filter by any category available. Save layout icon used to save specific
Sort ascending Sort in Descending Order

8. To Display the Line Item click on the check box then press the “Display” icon .
9. To Change the Line Item click on the check box then Press the “Change” icon .
Note :
 Certain fields can be changed for each type of account.
 Fields to be changed differs whether the Line Item was posted, open or cleared.
1.11 Clear G/L Account:
Running the clearing program can clear open items on a G/L account .This program uses predefined criteria to
group together open items per account .If the balance of the group of open items equals zero in local, foreign,
and where applicable, the parallel currency, the items are marked as cleared.
Procedures :

SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Account⇒Clear

Transaction code F-03

1.On the “Clear G/L Account :Header Data” screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Jayanth Maydipalle

Field name Description R/O/C User action &values Comment
Account The number of the G/L account to R Enter in the G/L account You may only clear
have items cleared. number. items from one account
at a time.
Company code Up to 4-digit code in which the R Can default from settings
customer exists. in User Parameters. The
system requires that you
select valid customer-
company code
Clearing date Date of clearing transaction. R Defaults in as today’s Even if you change the
date. clearing date to a date
in the past, it will assign
the default date as the

Jayanth Maydipalle
clearing date.
Currency The currency of the amounts involved R Default to USD - Can
in the transaction. default by setting editing
Period 2 char identifier used indicate the R Defaults to current
period in which the posting will be period, based on the
placed. clearing date.
Normal OI Area Indicates that only standard open R Default is set so that only
items are to be taken into normal open items will be
consideration during clearing. taken into consideration
for clearing.
Additional selections A series of other document selection R The default selection is
Area criteria. „None‟.
Click on any single
Note :On Above table in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, option to limit
“C” =Conditional
the open item list
2. Press “Enter” or the “Process open items” icon. to continue

(PTO) 56
3. On screen “Clear G/L Account :Process open items”, double-click on the dollar amount field of the
item(s )to be cleared.

Jayanth Maydipalle
4. As you select each item from the list of open items (double-click), the total amount will appear in the
“Assigned” field .For an acceptable clearing transaction situation, this field must equal zero before you
post the transaction.
5. Press the “Post” icon to or press (Ctrl-S)post the payment 57
6. A system message will appear indicating that the clearing document has been created and a system-
generated number will be attributed to that document.
7. You have four types of open items clearing :
a. Standard Clearing:
Standard Clearing means the payment amount is equal to the open item amount without any differences.
b. Partial Payment
A partial payment is a payment that is posted to an account without any open items being cleared .You assign this
partial payment to an open item .When you post the partial payment, the system marks the document number of the
original open item in the line item for the partial payment .The original open item and the partial payment remain open.
c. Residual items
A residual item results when a payment is made for less than the actual amount outstanding .You clear the original
open item, and the system posts a new open item . This new open item is for the same amount as the original open item
minus the amount paid.

Jayanth Maydipalle
d. Withholding tax
8. On the” Clear G/L Account :Process open items” screen, the “Standard” tab, make the following:
9. After entering the screen “Clear G/L Account Process open items “, by default all items activated .To deactivate all
items first choose “Select all” and then “Deactivate items” .Afterwards you can choose Select and
then “Activate items”, in order to select the appropriate items, which you want to clear.
10. The activated items (represented in blue writing )can become afterwards cleared, if in the field “ Not assigned”
contains an amount of 0, 00 or the difference does not exceed the tolerance limit for users.

11. On the “Editing Status”, the following data appears:

Field name Description Comment
Number of items Number of items displayed in the list.
Display from item First item to be displayed on the page.
Display in clearing Shows the Display Status. <Document
currency Currency/Local
Amount entered Amount to be cleared. <0>
Assigned Total of the active items displayed. <0>
Not assigned Shows the difference between the amount to be Must be =ZERO 58
cleared and the net total of the active open items
selected for clearing.
12. In the table below there are some other options

Icon Description Icon Description

Document Overview Field Content Search

Clearing Text Find Amount

Distribute difference Display Gross/Net Amount

Charge off difference Display Currency

Select Activate Cash Discount

Jayanth Maydipalle
Select Block Deactivate Cash Discount

13. Press the “Document Overview” Icon to display the document.

Note :The Clearing Document may have no line items.

14. Press the “Post” icon to post the clearing.

15. The following message appears where “100000059” is the clearing document number

16. Write down the document number for your reference.

1.12 Reset Cleared Items:
You can reset clearing procedures for individual documents .When resetting clearing postings, the
clearing data is removed from the line items (and the reversal data, where it existed, is removed from the
document header .)The document changes are logged and can be displayed in the change documents
.Payment history and credit limit will be corrected, when needed, after resetting cleared items in Accounts
Receivable .This process will be utilized for opening misapplied payments and for reversing and reissuing
credit refunds .
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒Accounts Payable ⇒ Document ⇒ Reset Clear
Transaction code FBRA

Jayanth Maydipalle
1.On the “Reset Cleared Items” screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field name Description R/O/C User action &values Comment

Clearing document Number of the document with which R Enter in the 10-digit system- Make sure that you have
the line item was cleared. assigned number .This is the the information of what
clearing document or the payment or offset is to be
payment number, or offset reset.
Company Code Four-character identifier of the R Enter in the company code. Can be set as default
company code. parameter.
Fiscal year Defines a period, 12 months as a
rule, for which the company is to
R Enter year that the cleared
item was posted.
Make sure you enter the
current year, otherwise it
create its inventory and balance will affect the G/L
sheet. reporting and upper
management reports
 Click on the “Accounts” button to view customer account number and company code.
 Click on the “Items” button to view the documents you are about to reset .Place the cursor at the
displayed line items and click on to view details.
 Click on “Accompanying Correspondence” button to view correspondences.

2. If there is any correspondence that is currently in the queue to be printed, the system will ask you if you
want to deactivate any open correspondence .You should click the „Yes‟ option.
3. Press “Reset Cleared Items” to reset the document(s.)
4. A dialog box will pop-up with 2 options :“Resetting” and “Resetting and Reverse”

Jayanth Maydipalle
5. Select “Only resetting” by double clicking on the selection box .This cancels and reopens documents
cleared by payment allocation or other cleared items.
6. Select “Resetting and reverse” by double-clicking on the selection box .This will cancel credit refunds
and reissue.

 If the document is involved with another clearing document, the system will generate an error message
that the document is not purely a clearing document.
This error message will display the following:
Diagnosis :the system will display what other items are involved and notify you that the document will
not be reset. 61
System response: notification that the payment cannot be reset.
Procedure :the system will give you instructions to check your data and correct your entry .It will
instruct you to reset the other items to be able to reset this one.
 If the items are archived, the system will check the archives and if the document is found it will be
reset .Otherwise, the A/R control clerk will have to perform the following procedure:
o If the payment is to be reset and cleared again, the clerk should utilize „Post with clearing‟.
o If the payment is to be reset and left open, the control clerk should utilize „Post without clearing‟ .The
open items would then be resolved by the Credit department.
7. When selecting “Resetting and Reverse”, on the “Reversal data” box, enter the information from the
table below:
Field name Description R/O/C User action &values
Reversal reason Reason for reversing a document. R Enter the proper reason code
based on the process you will
Posting date Date when a document is reversed. R Enter current date .This has to

Jayanth Maydipalle
be today’s date for auditing
Fiscal year Defines a period, 12 months as a R Enter year that the cleared
rule, for which the company is to item was posted.
create its inventory and balance

Note :On Above table in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional

8. Select the in the “Reversal data” box.

9. Select the in the “Information” box to post the document.
10. Select the in the next “Information” box to complete the reset of cleared items.
11. If selecting “Only resetting” on the “Reversal of clearing document” box:
12. Click on the “Only resetting” button to reset the cleared item.
13. If resetting cleared documents that were cleared without posting, after entering the information on the “Reset
cleared items” screen and selecting the “Save” button, a message will appear that the cleared
documents were reversed.

1.13 Process Automatic Clearing:
You can use the clearing program to clear open items from customer, vendor, and G/L accounts .This
program uses predefined criteria to group together open items per account .If the balance of the group
of open items equals zero in local, foreign, and where applicable, the parallel currency, the items are
marked as cleared.
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger⇒ Periodic Process ⇒
Automatic Clearing ⇒Without Specification of Clearing Currency
Transaction code F.13

Jayanth Maydipalle
1. On “the Automatic Clearing” screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the below table
GENERAL SELECTIONS area criteria can be specified as to which items to clear .
 For example, you can select various company codes, fiscal years, document numbers or posting
dates .If you leave these selections blank, the system will select everything .

Field name Description R/O/C User action & values

Company Code Enter the company you need to make the clearing in it. R <3300>

Fiscal Year Enter the Fiscal year of the transactions you need to clear. R <2012>

Document number if you want to clear certain documents, select the numbers. O <Doc .No.>

Select G/L accounts Indicator.

Assignment Enter assignment if you need to clear special assignments
(regularly not used).
Posting date Enter posting date if you need to clear special posting dates
(regularly not used).
Assign this flag if you need to clear customers automatically. R/C

Jayanth Maydipalle
Assign this flag if you need to clear a special customers
transactions automatically.
Special G/L Indicator- Enter special GL code.
Customer accounts Enter customers codes you need to clear.
Assign this flag if you need to clear vendors automatically. R/C
Assign this flag if you need to clear a special vendors
transactions automatically.
Special G/L Indicator- Enter special GL code.
Vendors accounts Enter vendors codes you need to clear.

Assign this flag if you need to clear GL accounts automatically. R/C <Set indicator>

G/L accounts Enter GL accounts codes you need to clear

Assign this flag if you clear GR/IR account


Note :On Above table in column “R/O/C”, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
3. Under the POSTING PARAMETERS area

Field name Description R/O/C User action &values Comment

Clearing The date the clearing will be R/C Enter the relative period: Defaults to the current

Jayanth Maydipalle
Date effective. i.e .End of Month-EOM. date.
Test Run The “Test Mode” option is O Run the clearing program in “Test
defaulted on the Parameter Mode” to review the data prior to a
screen. production run.

4. Under the OUTPUT CONTROL area

Field name Description R/O/C Comment

Detail list with Allows for user to review R Defaults by the

error log accounts not cleared. system.

5. Choose Execute or press (F8).

6. Choose Back or press (F3).
7. Deselect the field “test run”, all further entries remain unchanged.
8. Choose Execute or press( F8) .You will perform the real run the system displays the warning :“This program 65
run is a production run”.

9. Choose Enter to confirm the warning and to start the run.

1.14 Automatic Clearing with Clearing Currency Specified:
You can use the clearing program to clear open items from customer, vendor, and G/L accounts .This
program uses predefined criteria to group together open items per account .If the balance of the group of
open items equals zero in local, foreign, and where applicable, the parallel currency, the items are marked
as cleared.
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger⇒ Periodic Process ⇒
Automatic Clearing ⇒With Specification of Clearing Currency
Transaction code F13E

Jayanth Maydipalle
1.On the “Automatic Clearing” screen, the same steps as transaction “F.13”, except for the “Posting
parameters” make the following entries:

Field name Description R/O/C User action &values Comment

Clearing date The date the clearing will be Enter the relative period: i.e .End of Defaults to the current
effective. Month-EOM date.

Clearing Currency Currency for the clearing

Clearing curr . You can specify clearing

From assignment currency from assignment or
enter a clearing currency
The “Test Mode” option is Run the clearing program in “Test
defaulted on the Parameter Mode” to review the data prior to a
screen. production run.
3. Under the OUTPUT CONTROL area.

Field name Description R/O/C Comment

Detail list with Allows for user to review R Defaults by the

error log accounts not cleared. system.

4. Choose Execute or press (F8).

5. Choose Back or press (F3).

Jayanth Maydipalle
6. Deselect the field “test run”, all further entries remain unchanged.
7. Choose Execute or press( F8) .You will perform the real run the system displays the warning :“This program
run is a production run”.

8. Choose Enter to confirm the warning and to start the run.

A log of the program run is provided .Per General Ledger account all groups of open items are arranged, which
show the same clearing amount in the debit and credit .If the clearing criteria agree a clearing date as well as a
clearing document number is indicated, under that the clearing took place.

1.15 Recurring Entries:
1.15.1 Recurring Documents:
 Some business transactions are repeated regularly every period or quarter such as rent and insurance
.SAP gives the Recurring Entry option to make this entry one time and run it every period and have the
same financial effect.
 The following data never change in the Recurring Entry :Posting Key – Account – Line item Amounts.
 You enter the recurring data in a Recurring Entry original document and then run the Recurring Entry
Program .
SAP Easy Access
Procedure: Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger⇒ Posting⇒ Reference
Documents ⇒ Recurring Document

Jayanth Maydipalle
Transaction code FBD1

1.On the screen “Enter Recurring Entry :Header data”, enter information in the fields as specified in the
table below:

Field name Description R/O/ User action &values Comment
Company code Four-character identifier of the R Select the drop down arrow to
company code. select from the available
First run on The first day that documents should be R Select the drop down arrow to
posted. see a calendar.
Last run on The last day that documents should be R Select the drop down arrow to
posted. see a calendar.
Interval in The number of months between the R/C Select the drop down arrow to Either the “Interval in
months postings (run frequency). select from the available months” or the “Run date“
choices. must be selected.
Run date The day of the month that the R/C Select the drop down arrow to Either the “Interval in
accounting documents should be see a calendar. months” or the “Run date“

Jayanth Maydipalle
posted. must be selected.
Run schedule Plan which contains the required run R/C Select the drop down arrow to
dates for recurring entry original select from the available
documents. choices.
Transfer When generating accounting documents O Select if appropriate. This indicator may also be useful
amounts in from recurring entry original documents in for postings made in local
local currency foreign currencies, usually only the currency currency, if more than one local
fields are adopted .The local currency is currency is recorded or
calculated then according to the valid additional currencies are used in
exchange rate at that time .If you want to the special purpose ledger .If
generate documents using the historical this indicator exists in local
rate, you need to set the corresponding currency documents, the system
indicator . This ensures that even local transfers the value date in the
currency amounts will be adopted in the document header . This means
new accounting documents. that additional currencies are
translated at historical rates.

Transfer tax Generally, only the currency fields are O Select if appropriate. When setting this indicator, also
amounts in transferred when creating accounting note the customizing of the
local currency documents from recurring entry original company code in which this
documents in foreign currency, and the local document is to be created .It can
currency is predetermined according to the make sense, for example, to
rate valid then .If, however, you want to transfer the local currency
transfer the tax amounts with the "historical amounts of the normal line items
rate", then you should set this indicator. from the recurring entry original
document, yet not the tax
amounts, in the case of company
codes which propose a separate
date for the translation of the
tax amounts .These are then
always translated according to
the current rate from the
exchange rate table .If a manual
rate is to be entered for the tax
Field name Description R/O/C User action &values Comment
Copy texts By selecting this parameter the O Enter if desired
recurring entry document long texts
(in the document header and line
items ) are transferred to the actual
Document type Two-character identifier of the R Select the drop down arrow to
document type. select from the available
Currency/rate Two-character identifier of the R Select the drop down arrow to
currency used for the posting. select from the available
Translation date Translation date for determining the R Enter if appropriate You do not need to enter a
exchange rate that is to be used for date unless the date in
translation . The exchange rates are question is not the same as

Jayanth Maydipalle
stored in the system. the document entry date.
Document The document header text contains O Enter if desired
header text explanations or notes that apply to
the document as a whole, that is, not
only for certain line items.
Trading partner This field contains the business area O Enter if appropriate This relationship enables
BA of the trading partner .Together with the elimination of IC sales at
the business area to which the business area level within
posting is made, there is a business area consolidation.
sender/receiver relationship in each
line item.
Posting key Two-digit numeric key that controls R Select the drop down arrow to
the entry of document line items. select from the available
Account Account (vendor )which is to be R Select the drop down arrow to
posted. select from the available
In column “R/O/C” of above table, “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
Sp .G/L Identifies a special G/L transaction O Select the drop down arrow to
(i.e., down payments & bills of select from the available
exchange ). choices.
2. Select the Enter icon to proceed.

3. On screen “Enter Recurring Entry :Add G/L or Vendor item”, enter information in the fields as specified in the
table below
Note :This view change depending on the account entered (expense account differs from current asset account…

Jayanth Maydipalle
Field Description R/O/C User action Comment
name &values
Amount Amount of the posting to apply to the R Enter the amount
account entered on the previous screen.
Calculate Automatically calculates tax during C Check if applicable
tax simulation or posting.
Tax code C Enter if necessary. Conditional based on account.

Payment Key for defining payment terms composed of C Select the drop down Master records have separate areas for
terms cash discount percentages and payment arrow to select from Financial Accounting, Sales, and
periods. the available choices
if entering for a
Purchasing .You can specify different
terms of payment keys in each of these
vendor or customer areas .When you then enter a business
account. transaction, the application in question
will use the key specified in its area of the
master record.
Field name Description R/O/C User action &values Comment
Bline date Date to which the periods for the cash discount C Accept proposed date or If the cash discount rates
deadline and the due date for net payment refer enter a different date. (and days )have not been
.This is the case for line items in open item entered, the baseline date
accounts. for payment is the same as
For line items in G/L accounts, the item is due the due date.
immediately on this date because there are no
cash discount specifications.
Days% Period within which a payment must be made in C Accept proposed values or
order to take advantage of the first cash enter new values if
discount terms. applicable.
Text Contains an explanatory text on the line item. R Enter a text manually or Texts with an asterisk at the
transfer a standard text .To first position are transferred
transfer a standard text into the line item list for the
you enter the correspondence, for

Jayanth Maydipalle
corresponding text example, in dunning letters
variable with a prefixed or payment confirmations .It
equals sign =(XXXX.) is a requirement, that the
field "Segment text "is
present in the form for the
Posting key Two-digit numeric key that controls the entry of R Select the drop down Only enter if this is not the
the next document line item .Use an arrow to select from the previous account was not
appropriate key to reflect if the next entry will available choices. the last.
be a debit or a credit and if it will be a vendor,
customer or G/L account.
Account enter the balancing G/L account (s )which is to R Select the drop down Only enter if this is not the
be posted for the next line item. arrow to select from the previous account was not
available choices. the last.
Sp .G/L Identifies a special G/L transaction (i.e., down O Select the drop down
payments & bills of exchange ). arrow to select from the
available choices.
Trans .Type The transaction type in Asset Accounting O Select the drop down
classifies the business transaction. arrow to select from the
available choices.
4. Then Press “Enter”.
5. Next screen for the Second Line Item:
(PTO) 72
Jayanth Maydipalle
Field name Description R/O/C User action Comment
Amount R * The *represent the same amount of the First
Line Item.
Value Date Used in Bank Accounts R
6. Press “Overview” icon to view the document.

7. On the “Enter Recurring Entry Display Overview” screen, you can see the document that is to be posted
8. When satisfied with the results, select Document ⇒ Post or Press the “Post” icon to save the recurring
entry and record the posted document’s number .
9. The following message appears where “100000059” is the document number

10. Write down the Recurring Document number for your reference.

Jayanth Maydipalle
1.15.2 Change Recurring Documents:
Changing a recurring document is similar to changing other FI documents except that all the line items in recurring
documents are open for change .The document header information on the other hand is still very restrictive for
changes .Recurring document may also be access in the General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Accounts
Receivable .This BPP will demonstrate on how to change a recurring document in Accounts Payable .The procedures
though are very similar in Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and General Ledger.
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger⇒ Document ⇒ Reference
Documents ⇒ Recurring Entry Document ⇒ Change
Transaction code FBD2

Jayanth Maydipalle
1.On screen “Change Recurring Document :Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the below

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action & Values

Company Code Identifier of the company code to which the Enter company code.
document was posted R
Document Number that uniquely identifies the document R
number that was created for the recurring entry
original document.
Fiscal Year Fiscal year in which the document was posted R Enter the fiscal year.


 As standard when you enter the transaction, the last posted document made by any user appears automatically .
 If you know the document number that you need to change type the number direct in the “Document Number”
 If you do not know the Document number press the following screen appears:

Jayanth Maydipalle
2. From this screen you can select documents by fields like “Document type”, “Posting date”, “Entry date”, etc and
then press the “Execute” icon, a list of documents appear if found.
3. Double click the Document you want to change or press the “Choose” icon
4. Press to continue.

5. On screen “Document :Overview”, edit one or more line items by double-clicking the line item and changing the data
contained in it.
 To edit the document header information, select Go to ⇒ Doc .Header .You can then add or change the Reference
Number and Text fields in the document header. 76
 To edit the recurring entries data, such as the run schedule go into the Change Document overview screen and then
select Goto ⇒ Recurring entry data .You may change the Next Run Date, Last Run Date, Interval in months, Run date,
Run schedule, Number of runs and Delete Code fields
6. Double click the Line Item you want to change, for example the first line item.

Jayanth Maydipalle
7. In order to change Recurring Entry Data select from the Menu Bar “Goto ⇒ Recurring Entry Data”

Note :In case you need to delete the Recurring Document for any reason set the “Deletion Indicator” Field
8. Make the changes you need and press the “Back” button then press the “Save” button, the message
 You cannot change the Document Header (Posting date, Document date, and Document type.)
 You cannot change Amount and Cost Centre or Order.
 You can change Text, Assignment, Terms of Payment, Base Line date, Payment Method only.

Jayanth Maydipalle
1.15.3 Display Recurring Documents:
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger⇒ Document ⇒ Reference
Documents ⇒ Recurring Entry Document ⇒ Display
Transaction code FBD3

1. Perform the same steps like the previous transaction, but only for displaying not changing the Document.
2. Double click the Recurring Document you want to Display
3. Display the document and after that press the “Back” icon to go to the main menu.
4. In case you want to Display the Recurring Entry data, From “Goto ⇒ Recurring Data Entry” the

Jayanth Maydipalle
following screen appear:

5. Press to exit this screen.

1.15.4 Display changes in Recurring Documents:
To view the last changes that have been made to a certain document and the fields that has been changed.
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger⇒ Document ⇒ Reference
Documents ⇒ Recurring Entry Document ⇒ Display Changes
Transaction code FBD4

1.On the “Recurring Document Changes :Initial Screen”, make the following entries:

Jayanth Maydipalle
Field name Description R/O/C User action &values
Company Code Enter Company Code you R
need to display its recurring
document changes in it.
Document Number The Number of the R
document you want to
display its changes
Fiscal Year The year you are working R

2. Then Press “Enter”, the following screen appears:

3. Double click the line you need to display the changes made in it, or press the “All changes”

Jayanth Maydipalle
4. Display the document changes and after that press the “Back” icon to go to the main.

1.15.5 Delete Reference Document(Recurring Entry):
 You can only delete recurring entry documents that are flagged for deletion .The recurring entry program
automatically flags recurring entry documents for deletion if the next run date determined by the program
is after the last scheduled run date .The system thereby indicates that the recurring entry document is
not to be used again .You can also set the deletion flag yourself in the recurring entry document.
 When you use a run schedule, the program flags a recurring document for deletion if there is no run date
in the schedule which is later than the current run date .In this case the program tells you which recurring
document has been flagged for deletion .You can remove this flag if, for example, you have not yet
entered all run dates .Make sure you then complete the run schedule.
 The recurring entry program no longer uses recurring documents, which are marked for deletion.

Jayanth Maydipalle
 Recurring documents can only be deleted if they have a delete flag in the document header.
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger⇒ Document ⇒ Reference
Documents ⇒ Recurring Entry Document ⇒Delete
Transaction code F.56

1.On the screen “Delete Reference Documents”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table

Note :On bellow table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” =Required, “O” =Optional, “C” =Conditional
Field name Description R/O/C User action Comment
Company code(s) The company code(s )that contains the R This field is optional . However
recurring document to be deleted. you should enter a company
code to avoid inadvertently
deleting documents in other
company codes.
Document The document number(s )of the recurring R
number(s) document that is to be deleted.

Fiscal year(s) The fiscal year(s ), which contains the R

recurring document that, is to be deleted.
Reference document The document type of the recurring R Input Document type D = Recurring documents

Jayanth Maydipalle
type document that is to be deleted. as defined. i .e .D or M = Sample posting
M documents
Test run Select the test run field to generate a list of O
the recurring documents that are to be
2. For the indicator “Test Run”,
deleted beforecheck if you
the actual wantoftothe
deletion run this program in a test mode, where no changes are made.
documents occurs.
3. Then Press the “Execute” icon .
4. List of the reference documents that can be deleted is displayed.
5. Take a note with the Document Number you want to delete.
6. Press the “Back” icon and remove the “Test run” indicator.
7. Write the “Document Number” in the “Document numbers” filed and Press the “Execute” icon.
8. This following warning appears, Press “Yes” if you want to delete the document or “No” or “Cancel” if you don’t
want to delete it.


9. This message appears that means “The document has been deleted”.
1.15.6 Evaluating Recurring entry Documents:
 You can evaluate recurring entries according to the following criteria:
 Time period :To do this, enter a start and/or an end date .These dates refer to the specifications made as
to the first and last run date stored in the recurring entry document.
 Documents not executed
 Documents to be considered in the future :To consider these documents for the next run of the recurring
entry program, enter the required settlement period.
 If required, you can restrict this evaluation to certain accounts.

Jayanth Maydipalle
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Periodic Processing ⇒
Recurring Entries ⇒ Lists
Transaction code F.15

1. On the “Recurring Entry Documents” screen, make the following entries:

Field name Description R/O/C User action Comment
Company Code Enter Company Code you need to view its R Mandatory
recurring documents.
Document Number The Number of the document you want to O
display its recurring entry on it.
Fiscal Year The year you are working in. R

Further Selection
Created by The Name of the user who created the recurring
Non-filled documents If you want the recurring documents which have Set indicator If needed
not yet been executed are also displayed.

Jayanth Maydipalle
Customer Accounts To display customer accounts that has recurring Set indicator If needed
Vendor Accounts To display Vendor accounts that has recurring Set indicator If needed
Display G/L Accounts To display G/L accounts that has recurring Set indicator If needed

2. Press the “Execute” icon

3. The system displays a list of the existing recurring entry original documents .You can select documents that
are still to be executed, and/or documents that will not be executed until the next time the recurring entry
program is run.
4. The list displays the date of the next posting run.

1.15.7 Execute Recurring Entry:
 In this step you create posting documents from the recurring documents.
 To create accounting documents from recurring entry original documents, you have to either run the
recurring entry program or schedule it to be run .The run dates you enter in the original recurring entry
documents are not sufficient to create accounting documents .You must run the recurring entry program
at the appropriate intervals and specify, by entering a settlement period, which recurring entry original
documents are to be included in the run.
 The recurring entry program generates a batch input session .This contains the accounting documents
that are to be created .After running the recurring entry program, process this batch input session to
carry out the postings.

Jayanth Maydipalle
 Recurring documents have to be posted.
SAP Easy Access Accounting ⇒ Financial Accounting ⇒General Ledger ⇒ Periodic Processing ⇒
Procedure: Recurring Entries ⇒ Execute
Transaction code F.14

2. On the “Create Posting Documents from Recurring Documents” screen, make the following entries:

Field name Description R/O/C User action &values Comment
Company Code Enter Company Code you need to make R Mandatory
the run the posting in it.
Document Number The Number of the document you want to O
run the recurring entry on it.
Fiscal Year The year you are working in. R
Settlement period Enter the date of the period you run (form Default but can be change
day 1 to day 31)
Batch input session Enter Batch Name which you have
name authority on.

Jayanth Maydipalle
 You will run the batch input session to affect the financial statement

2. Press the “Execute” icon, a message should appear to you “Session … was created” .
This batch input session has to be processed so the actual documents
are posted.
 If this message does not appear, one of the following has happened:
 The recurring entry original document was not created correctly.
 Your selection for the recurring entry program was incorrect.
 Another person has generated your recurring entry.

 Process only the session that you created by yourself.

1.15.8 Running Batch Input Session:
 This activity runs the batch input session .
 A batch input session must exist or be created.
SAP Easy Access System⇒ Services ⇒Batch Input ⇒ Sessions

Transaction code SM35

Jayanth Maydipalle
1.On the Batch Input :Session Overview screen, select a session to process and choose Process
Session ( F8).

2. On the Process Session Create screen, select a mode (Display errors only is preferred, but Process/foreground and
Background also work.)

Jayanth Maydipalle
3. Then choose Process or Enter.

 Process/foreground :All the screens are displayed and must be confirmed with Enter
 Display Errors Only :The documents are not posted in the foreground; only documents with errors are displayed,
which you can correct .
 Background :The documents are not posted in the foreground .Documents with errors remain in the session and
can then be processed and corrected in the foreground.
 Check manually whether all documents of a session were posted .You can see this in the session overview .If a
session was processed in the foreground, the selection screen Session Successfully Processed displays after the
posting .Confirm the selection screen with Enter.
 Correct any errors that show during processing.
 Accounting documents are posted and recurring documents are updated with processing data (next run on and
number of runs .)To display a posted document, use transaction code FBL1N.

1.15 Closing Procedures:

1.15.1 Reports

Repor ts Posting K EY S
Posting Debit\Cre Account
keys Name dit Types
General Ledger 40 Debit Entry Debit G\L Account
Balance sheet and Profit & Loss F.01
account S_ALR_87012284 50 Credit Entry Credit G\L Account
Trail Balance S_ALR_87012310 8 Payment Clearing Debit G\L Account
Ledger S_ALR_87100205 10 G\L postings Debit G\L Account

Jayanth Maydipalle
G/L Account Balances S_ALR_87012277 81 Cost Debit G\L Account
Cash Flow Statement S_ALR_87012253 86 GR\IR Debit Debit G\L Account
Document Journal at summary level 96 GR\IR Credit Credit G\L Account
Document Journal at line item level
GL Account List S_ALR_87012328 14 Other Payables Credit Vendor
Display Changes to GL Accounts S_ALR_87012308 21 Credit Memo Debit Vendor
Check Number Ranges S_P99_41000102 22 Reverse Invoice Debit Vendor
Chart of Accounts S_ALR_87012326 24 Other Receivables Debit Vendor
VAT Return
Open / Close Accounting S_ALR_87012357 25 Outgoing payment Debit Vendor
Periods S_ALR_87013642 26 Payment Difference Debit Vendor
27 Clearing Debit Vendor
Accounts Payable 28 Payment Clearing Debit Vendor
Vendor List S_ALR_87012086 29 SPL G\L Debit Debit Vendor
Vendor Wise Purchases S_ALR_87012093 31 Invoice Credit Vendor
Vendor Outstanding List S_ALR_87012083 32 Reverse Credit Memo Credit Vendor
Age wise Analysis of Vendors S_ALR_87012085 34 Other Payables Credit Vendor
Advance Report S_ALR_87012105 35 Incoming payment Credit Vendor
Vendor's Ledger S_ALR_87012103 36 Payment Difference Credit Vendor
37 Other Clearing Credit Vendor
Asset 39 SPL G\L Credit Credit Vendor
Asset History Wise S_ALR_87011965
Asset History By Asset Wise S_ALR_87012075 70 Debit Asset Debit Asset
Depreciation Run AFAB 75 Credit Asset Credit Asset
Depreciation Forecast S_ALR_87012936 3 Bank Charges Debit Asset
1.17 Frequently Used Transaction Codes:
SL Particulars Transacti
No on Code
General Ledger
I Document Posting

G/L Document Posting F-02

Post Outgoing Payment for G/L Accounts F-07

G/L Account Posting - Enjoy Transaction FB50

Posting a Document with reference to another FBR2

Jayanth Maydipalle

Display Document FB03

Change Document

Display G/L Account Balances FS10N

Display G/L Account Balances for Open Item FBL3N

Managed A/c’s
Block GL Account FS00

Unblock GL Account FS00

II Document Parking

Creation of Parked Document F-65

Send System Message SO00

Display Parked Documents FBV0 91

SL No Particulars Transactio
n Code
III Recurring Documents

Creation of Recurring Document FBD1

Change Recurring Document FBD2

Display of Recurring Document FBD3

Display changes in Recurring Document FBD4

Jayanth Maydipalle
Define Document Change Rules OB32

Delete Reference Document F.56

Execute Recurring Entry F.14

Evaluating Recurring entry Documents F.15

Running Batch Input Session SM35

IV Reversals

Individual Reversal FB08

Mass Reversal F.80

Reversal of a Reversed Document FBR2

Reversal of a Cleared Item FBRA 92

Accrual/Deferral Reversal F.81
SL No Particulars Transactio
n Code

V Accrual/Deferral Documents
Creation of Reversal Reason

Creation of Accrual/Deferral Document FBS1

Reversal of Accrual/Deferral Document F.81

VI Sample Documents

Jayanth Maydipalle
Creation of Sample Document F-01

Display Sample Documents FBM3

Posting of a Document with reference to FBR2

Sample Document (or) F-02 : From the Menu
Document Post with Reference

VII Foreign Currencies Balances

Define Valuation Methods OB59

Creation of G/L Accounts FS00

Prepare Automatic Postings OBA1

Term Loan Receipt in Foreign Currency F-02

Enter Exchange Rates OB08

Foreign Currency Balances Revaluation (Forex F.05

Run) 93
SL No Particulars Transactio
n Code

VIII Tax on Sales/Purchases

Define Tax Procedures OBQ3

Assign Country to Calculation Procedures OBBG

Define Tax Codes FTXP

Assign Tax Codes for Non-Taxable OBCL


Jayanth Maydipalle
Creation of "VAT Pool A/c" G/L Account

Define Tax Accounts OB40

Assign Tax Codes in G/L Accounts FS00

Posting of Sale or Purchase Invoice to Check F-22/F-43

Input and Output Taxes

IX Other Transactions

Define Posting Keys OB41

Define Fast Entry Screens O7E6

Display Intercompany Document FBU3

SL No Particulars Transactio
n Code

I Transactions Accounts Payable

Posting of Vendor Invoice F-43

Posting Outgoing Payment F-53

Posting Vendor Invoice - Enjoy Transaction FB60

To View Vendor Account FBL1N

Vendor Credit Memo F-41

Jayanth Maydipalle
Vendor Credit Memo - Enjoy Transaction FB65

II Banks (House Banks)

Creation of Check Lots FCHI

Manual Check Updates FCH5

Display Check Register FCHN

Change Check Issue Date/Check FCH6

Encashment Date Updating
Creation of Void Reason Code FCHV

Void Check/Unissued Check FCH3

Remove Check Encashment Date Data FCHG

Issued Check Cancellation FCH8

SL No Particulars Transactio
n Code

III Advance Payments or Down

Down Payment Request (Noted Item) F-47
Down Payment Made F-48
Purchase Invoice Posting F-43

Transfer of Advance from Special G/L to F-54

Normal by clearing Special G/L a/c

Clearing of Normal Item - Account Clear F-44

Jayanth Maydipalle
IV Automatic Payment Program
Assign Payment Method in Vendor Master XK02
Creation of Check Lots FCHI
Payment Run F110

v Extended Withholding Tax

Assign PAN & TAN Numbers OBY6

Assign Extended Withholding Tax Codes in XK02

Vendor Master

Purchase Invoice Posting F-43

Create Remittance Challan

Enter Bank Challan J1INBANK

Creation of TDS Certificate J1INCERT
Creation of Annual Return J1INAR
SL No Particulars Transactio Asset Accounting
n Code

I Transactions
Creation of Asset Master AS01
Creation of Sub-Asset Master AS11
Main Asset Purchase Posting F-90
Sub-Asset Purchase Posting F-90
Asset Explorer AW01N

Jayanth Maydipalle
Asset History Sheet S_ALR_870
Depreciation Run AFAB

II Settlement of Capital Work-in-

Creation of Capital Work-in-Progress AS01
Asset Master
Posting of Transactions (Commissioning F-90
Creation of Main Asset Master to which AS01
Asset Under Construction is to be
Settlement of Capital Work-in-Progress AIAB

SL No Particulars Transactio
n Code

III Other Transactions

Transfer of APC Asset Values - Periodic Asset ASKB

Reconciliation of Assets with General Ledger ABST2

Sale of Asset F-92

Jayanth Maydipalle
Sale of Asset Without Customer ABAON

Transfer of Asset ABUMN

Transfer of Asset - Inter company ABT1N

Scrapping of Asset ABAVN

Post Capitalization of Asset ABNAN

Manual Depreciation ABMA

Unplanned Depreciation ABAA

Depreciation Forecast S_ALR_87012

Fixation of the Schedule as per the Indian AR02
Company's Act (or) Asset History Sheet

Jayanth Maydipalle
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